Jealous Chishiya x reader

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Y/n's POV

"Kuina do you really think chishiya will like me i don't think so" I said softly

"Y/n im 100% sure i notice the way he look at you" She said trying to cheer me

"What if he doesn't see me that way" I said sadly

"You know what let's just make him jealous" She said while grinning

"How?" She lean at my ear and whisper something

After we talk i knock at niragi's door i know he is a militant and i am supposed to be scared of him but i can take him down on my own if he do something stupid on me i will kill him

"Oi what are you doing here" He ask while he furrowed his eyebrow

"Help me get chishiya jealous" I said with a smile plastered in my face

"Why would i" He said while raising his eyebrow

"Of you don't i will just find someone else" I said and walk away

"Wait" He stopped me

"I wanna make that blondy getting angry because of jealousy" He said while smirking

"Okay" I said and just shrugged


I'm at the bar drinking with kuina the plan is now starting we saw niragi walking towards us she winked at me and left

"Hi princess are you alone?" He seductively ask

"Yes" I answered and drink my beer

"Let's dance" He offered which i accept

Chishiya POV

Kuina begged me to come with her at the bar i know that she won't stop so i don't have a choice to go with her

"Chishiya wait here im just going to get our drink" She said

"I don't drink" I boredly said at her

"Oh i mean my drink" She said and grinned at me after that she run towards the bartender

I was looking around and saw y/n with niragi dancing together that piece of shit why is he with my y/n

I can feel myself burning in jealousy i should be the one to touch her like that only me

I will make sure to kill that idiot if i would have a chance to

Then i saw them laughing together i can't stop myself anymore and walk towards them i quickly grabbed y/n out of the bar

Y/n's POV

I saw chishiya walked in with kuina after kuina left he scan the bar and saw me and niragi i didn't make it obvious that i was looking at him

"I can feel someone staring daggers at me and wants to murder me rightnow" He smirk

"Yeah i know" I said and we laughed together

I can feel someone quickly grabbed me i look at the person to my surprise it was chishiya i didn't expect him to dragged me out of the bar

"Why are you with niragi?" He ask at me angrily

"Because i want to and why do you care" I said while trying to hide my smile

"I don't care" He said and glared at me

"Wait are you jealous?" I teasingly said at him

"Yes" He said that caught me off guard well i didn't expect him to say yes i felt my self blushing

"Look y/n i said to my self that i will never fall inlove in borderlands because that is just so stupid but everything change when i met you" He confessed and hold my hand

"I'm trying to stop my self from falling to you but when i saw you with niragi i realize that ive already fallen on you and i can't live with you y/n i love you so much" He said while looking at me full of love

"I love you too chishiya"



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