King of spades x reader

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A/N: You and the king of spades are lovers in the real world

Requested by: maryanmrs


Y/n's POV

I was with arisu, usagi, kuina, and chishiya standing in front of the large sign announcing the 'NEXT STAGE'

'Since I arrive in borderland I can't remember anything i only remember my name and it's getting me frustrated' my thoughts we're cut of when i heard something

We saw a car, many cars its people from the beach arriving in time

"There alive beach people" Kuina said.

They all parked around us as they moved out on their cars

"What are you doing here?" Arisu asked, walking towards a man i didn't know the name of

"We saw the blimps show up" he answered

"There are rumors that the next stage is starting" a girl with short hair said

"Right, here's the thing-" right as arisu spoke the man fell dead, with a loud explosion, bits of his body is flying everywhere

I look at him shock my heart is starting to beat faster

More and more people are shot down

"Get moving!" Chishiya tells us firmly and we start running

"That thing's an anti tank riffle" he flinched when a gunshot sounded beside him, hitting the car next to him

"hiding behind a car is useless"

We try to follow Arisu and Usagi as soon as possible, but it's hard, seeing people around us fall to the ground

"Run! RUN!" Arisu yells in panic, and we continue sprinting the street, not really knowing where to go

We quickly hid behind a small building and arisu looks around the corner

"Does that mean the game's started" I ask in panic

"I don't know" Chishiya replied to me

"Did they give us any rules?" Usagi asks

"Without rules this is just a massacre" Arisu yells

We moved while scrouched down to see the street "that riffle can kill from a kilometer away" Chishiya said

A different gun started going off, the king of spades changed his weapon

"Just how many guns do the king of spades have" i mumble

"I recognize the sound of that one"

"Now we've got an assault riffle"

"We have no idea how many shooters there are, but other players start to group together!" Usagi tells us

"I had no idea how many players are still alive" Kuina said

"Shit! We have to go!" Arisu tells us and we start running

We ran through the streets trying to avoid the bullets, while other people get shot

"We need to split up!" Chishiya yelled

I ran in a random direction running for my life i look back and fell on the ground

"Shit!" I curse under my breath

the king of spade are now in front of me, he lowered his gun and said

"Princess is that you"

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