Banda x reader

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Requested by: Ihateworld6


Y/n's POV

I was in my school waiting for my exam score im not really worried i already know that i will passed the test

"Y/n L/n you got 100 perfect score i am really amazed at you y/n your so smart" My teacher praise me and my classmates began whispering

"She's super smart"

"Yeah and pretty too"

"How can she fucking passed the exam without a incorrect answer man"

"Bro stop furrowing your eyebrow you didn't even review"

While they were talking and praising me the school bell suddenly ring

I pick up my bag and walked out first im really tired even though i didn't study hard

Finally i arrive home i drop my bag on the floor and jump at my bed i was about to sleep when my door bell ring

I groan and lazily walk towards the door i check who is it

It's a random hot guy i open the door and he smiles at me

"Hello my name is Sunato Banda i wanna be friends" He cheerfully said

I observe him he look like a clingy type of person but i can feel that he is hiding something

"Not sure" I replied to his offer well im not really sure if im going to accept it he somewhat look so clingy for me but i like it

"It's okay y/n" He smiled

"Wait how do you know my name i didn't even tell you name yet?" I look at him suspiciously

"I'm your new neighbor and our other neighbors talk about how smart and pretty you are so i decide to pay you a visit" He explained

"So you wanna be friends with me because im smart and pretty" I said in a sarcasm

"Of course not you look pretty cool that's why i decide to befriend you!" He said nervously

I don't know why i accepted this silly friendship i didn't even had a friends even at school because i want to be alone

As the days pass by i always follow him around and takes picture of him in my camera until my room wall is now full of his photos

But one day i was following him he began walking faster im not that stupid to notice that he already know i was following him

Oh no what if his now thinking of me as a creepy person so that means he would stay away from me from now on




I will not allow that to happen no matter what!

i lost him in my sight and tries to find him again

Banda's POV

While walking i saw my dear y/n following me i really enjoyed the way she would follow me everywhere it makes me happy but i can't let her see what i am going to do right now

I was going to meet my 5th girl victim right now i really want to kill her right now

"Sunato!" I smiled trying not to show my annoyance did she just call me on my name

I only want y/n's beautiful voice to call me on my own name only her

I touch the knife on my jacket and was about to let my 5th victim see it but i notice a figure hiding behind a trashcan

Wtf i thought i lost her why the fuck is she here?

I decide not to release the knife on my pocket and talk to my 5th victim

"Aiya!" I shout her name and put a fake smile on my face

I can feel y/n is staring holes at aiya's head like she wants to kill her right now

Hmm someone's jealous

Me and Aiya ended up dating i can't believe this

This was supposed to be the day i would kill her

After that date she said that i was going to deliver her home to be safe

I scoffed what i am a dog? I didn't even have a romantic feelings to her

I then left her with her mouth open looking at me unbelievably

But i notice y/n wasn't following she was following aiya

I followed her too afraid that she might get hurt it's pretty late she was supposed to sleep right now

Y/n's POV

I can't believe banda has a girlfriend he didn't even mention it to me

I was looking at the girl angrily because of jealousy she looks so pretty tonight

After they're date i think they both have a fight intead of following banda walking home i followed the girl

Should i kill her right now?

I look at everywhere there is no people and cctv around guess im so lucky tonight

I walk towards her and stabbed a knife in her back and stabbed her again many time

How dare she try to take banda away from me?

"Y/n" I froze and turn around it was banda he was now looking at his girlfriend's body

I look at him nervously he walked closer to me i thought he was going to slap or punch me or something but to my surprise he hug me

"I love you y/n~" He sweetly whispered in my ear

I look at him shocked he loved me too i smiled at him but my smile quickly faded

"Are you going to report me because i killed your girlfriend?" I nervously said while looking at him

I was scared to get caught and put behind bars

"Darling~ girlfriend? She's not my girlfriend and why would i do that to you" He pouted

"So she is not your girlfriend?" I ask again and he nodded i immediately smile at him

I look at Aiya's dead body not feeling any guilt for killing her well she deserves it

"Well im going to clean this murder scene and dispose her body right now darling i don't want you to get caught by the police"

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