' Chapter 2 '

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Freddy woke up feeling sluggish. He couldn't think of anything to look forward to tonight. He's overjoyed Monty is ok and they didn't lose another friend, but despite that, the Pizza Plex still felt empty to him. Which was technically true, it was past closing after all.

The bear forced himself out of his charging station and lumbered towards his vanity with his shoulders slouched. He sat down by the mirror and just stared at his reflection. Same bear he's always been. He heard knocking on his clear wall and turned in his chair to his fellow bandmates behind the wall looking concerned. Chica had knocked on his wall to get his attention.

The bear sighed in mild annoyance but stood up and approached the wall.

"We were gonna' head to the East Arcade, did you want to come-?" She asked hesitantly. Freddy's ears lowered.

"I am sorry, I am still...tired from work. I will come next time." He lied. It wasn't completely a lie though, lately he has just felt very sluggish and unmotivated, not like he used to be. Chica nervously spoke up.

"But you say that everytime, Freddy. Please, you have to get out of your greenroom sometimes!" She pleaded. Freddy almost wanted to go just to be polite, but he didn't want to be a bummer the whole time while they had fun. He sadly shook his head.

"I mean it, next time I will go." He put on a polite and strained smile. Chica sighed but finally relented, gesturing for them to leave. Monty offered an awkward but concerned smile and wave before following them. Freddy returned the wave before proceeding to close his curtains.

He turned to his bowling ball carelessly thrown on the ground. He walked over and knelt down to pick it up and brush it off respectfully again. He gently placed it on his sofa and collapsed by it. Before he could mope around he heard frantic knocking at the back door of his room. At first he assumed it was one of his friends but the knocking was too soft to be an animatronic.

He glanced at the door confusedly, doubting someone would be knocking. Afterall, security and employees have passes to enter and wouldn't need to knock. When he heard the noise again he hurriedly got up and jogged to his door to open it. At seeing who it was he froze where he was standing.

"G-Gregory-?" He looked down in disbelief.

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