' Chapter 15 '

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Morning would approach soon, Bonnie had spent all night looking around the Pizza Plex and catching up with everyone.

Freddy was now silently walking Bonnie back to Bonnie Bowl. Bonnie insisted he was fine to walk alone, but with the supposed figure Foxy and Roxanne had identified earlier, Freddy had a sneaking suspicion he knew who it was. Because of this, he did not want Bonnie wandering the Pizza Plex alone right now. Besides that, he was also hoping to have that talk with him.

Freddy was deep in thought, planning how to approach this. He did not want to add anymore distress and anxiety on the bunny's shoulders. But admittedly, Freddy could lose his temper and grow quite emotional in these talks. He had tried to keep it under control, his new engineering definitely helped him remain calm, (as well as the controlled shocks,) but still, he did not want to risk lashing out on Bonnie. He had to approach this very carefully.

He was taken out of his thoughts as he caught sight of Bonnie's hand waving in his face.

"Hey, you good honey-bear? You didn't respond to what I said." He asked. Freddy glanced down sheepishly.

"I am sorry, Bon. What did you say?" He inquired again, locking arms with the bunny before continuing their stroll.

Bonnie brushed it off. "I was just saying this place has changed a bit." He said. Freddy nodded.

They had at last made it Bonnie Bowl. Freddy walked Bonnie to the stage quietly. The bunny turned to face him and placed his hands on his shoulders.

"Thanks for walking me here, Fredbear." He smiled and leaned up to peck the bear's cheek affectionately.

"'Night, honey-bear!" He waved and started climbing his stage again.

"...w-wait-!" Freddy finally spoke up.

The bunny turned around in surprise. Freddy sighed.

"I need to talk to you." He finally admitted. Bonnie's ears lowered, whatever this was, it was not going to be good. Bonnie quietly sat on the edge of the stage and faced the bear. He gestured for Freddy to take a seat as well. Freddy pulled up a chair from one of the small tables and sat it in front of the bunny. He spared a glance at Bonnie's eyes before breaking contact again nervously.

"It is...about what Foxy said earlier...he was right, you know. You are not one to forget to charge or anything..." He continued.

"But then...when Foxy and Roxanne saw a figure behind the wall, you grew very... emotional. We had talked about you potentially hiding something from me before you...were decommissioned, but you never told me." He said.

He finally looked Bonnie in the eye again and he began doubting his decision to have this talk now. Bonnie looked mortified he had caught on to his odd behavior.

"I...look, look, it's...it's nothing! I had a bug, that's all-"

"You are lying again." Freddy interrupted.

"You have gotten away with lying for a long time...because I was neglectful of your feelings. Now I am paying attention, and now I can see you are lying to me." He said. Bonnie gazed at the ground for a bit, thinking. He finally scowled and stood up on stage.

"There's no point, what are you gonna' do with the information?! You never have the time to actually help or care anyway!" Bonnie blurted out, his voice slightly shaking.

Now, Freddy was in panic mode. He shook his head. "Bonnie, I am trying to help you, but I cannot do that if you will not let me!" He argued.

Bonnie just turned away, his brows furrowed in anger.

"You don't get it, you always got the better end of everything! You were just the 'perfect Freddy Fazbear', you get all of the love and recognition without any work, you get to live all peacefully without any burdens or nothing! I was the face of this company too, and I have to break my back constantly and get my hands dirty just to keep both of us standing BECAUSE OF THAT MURDEROUS BASTARD THAT BROUGHT US INTO EXISTENCE IN THE FIRST PLACE!" He spat. Freddy heated up in anger, stepping closer to the bunny.

"What are you even on about?! We went through the same thing!" Freddy argued. Bonnie stomped his foot loudly.

"Of course you would think that, you don't bother considering anyone but yourself!" The bunny snapped.

"Bonnie, will you just listen to me?! You are always running your mouth and being so stubborn, just be quiet and let me speak for a minute!" He snapped. Bonnie raised both his hands up, turning back and opening the curtains of his stage quickly.

"Well no need, this conversation is over! Goodnight, Fredrick." Bonnie said abruptly. Freddy stepped forward and tried to speak again before Bonnie quickly shut the curtains on him.

"Goodnight!" He repeated. Freddy groaned in frustration and began storming off. He stopped in his tracks as he heard distant sobbing from behind the curtains. Freddy's ears dropped in worry for the bunny and his initial anger disappeared and was replaced with shame. He should have just saved it for another day, he should have kept his cool. Freddy sighed and walked back to his greenroom somberly, thinking of how to make it up to the bunny later.


Foxy groaned as lifted the heavy pile of toys left around in the cove. Kids are constantly leaving belongings behind in his playground, to which the fox cleans up and takes to the lost and found. Tonight however, it felt as though the kids went out of their way to make as big of a mess of the place as they could, and Foxy despised filth or untidiness.

His right ear twitched as movement sounded by the cove. He turned towards the source of the noise and noticed the feminine figure again. She appeared to be skipping behind the wall of the cove. Foxy's fur stood on end and he quietly set down the toys and trash and rushed behind a ship play structure to hide.

He froze in alarm as he heard the figure walking in the cove cautiously. He peeked through one of the cracks of the ship curiously to catch a glimpse of the figure.

To his surprise, she was a bunny...? She had a stitched costume on with vibrant and narrowed red eyes.

When he noticed the figure walk out of sight he felt a small sense of relief. His relief was unfortunately cut short as a bright red eye was peeking back at him from behind the structure.

He jumped back in surprise, falling backwards and scrambling to get up again. The bunny giggled menacingly and turned to the toys Foxy had set down. The fox mentally slapped himself for leaving a pile of toys in front of his hiding spot. The bunny approached it and bent over to pick one of the toys up. She clutched the seemingly toy sword and stood up again, chuckling at how pathetic the toy was before turning back to the terrified fox.

"Sometimes the smallest weapons can inflict the most pain..." She said.

Foxy did not want to stick around and see what she meant. Before he even thought of a plan he was sprinting out of the cove. He was a remarkable runner already, and this new body only made it easier, he had just hoped he could outrun her.



Howdy! I know I said I would be consistent, but I had gotten caught up on art for my next story (which you will see at the end of this book).

I hope you are enjoying the story thus far if you have any requests or suggestions let me know!

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