' Chapter 21 '

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Chica sighed as she hugged her knees closer to her chest, her worry for her friends growing. Sun sat by her awkwardly.

She felt bad she could not come, but she did not exactly have a choice. The others insisted she stayed with Sun, especially Roxanne who felt it was safest for her. She loves Roxanne but the wolf seems to underestimate her. Then again, she knows her intentions are good. She turned to Sun who was staring blankly ahead.

"Sun...? Hey, Sun??" She asked, waving a hand in their face when they did not respond. They snapped out of their daze and turned to her.

"Yeah?" They asked.

She tried remaining calm, she had just managed to get Sun to relax and did not wish to panic them more.

"Do you ever get lonely in the Daycare? How's it like?" She asked, hoping to ease tension. Sun shrugged.

"Sometimes...but you get used to it. At least I have Moon to talk to." They poked their head to emphasis. Chica nodded in understanding.

"And...do you ever get jealous of us like Monty did?" She asked. Sun sighed.

"Sometimes. We just...wish we got a bit more respect around here..." They said. Chica placed a hand on their shoulder.

"I'm...sorry if I did anything to disrespect you, Sun. You have the hardest job of all of us!" She smiled. Sun chuckled.

"Thanks, Chica. That means a lot." They smiled back at her. Just then there was a bang on the the clear wall. Chica jumped in alarm but proceeded to quietly jog to the wall to peek out slightly. She jumped back and let out a high pitch scream, catching Sun's attention as they covered their 'ears' at the deafening noise. A hoard of S.T.A.F.F. bots were banging on the glass trying to get in.

Chica got up and backed away slowly, flinching as she heard banging on the front door as well.

"We're trapped!" Sun exclaimed, shooting up from their seat and rushing to Chica's side.

"Can you call anyone?!" They asked Chica worriedly. The bird shut her eyes, trying to connect to the servers. She groaned in frustration as nothing came through.

"No connection, I can't!" She cried. She felt Sun tap her shoulder. When she looked down towards them they gestured towards the backdoor. Chica shook her head.

"Sun, they'll find us! Where will we hide??" She asked. Sun shrugged frantically.

"I don't know, do you want to take your chances in here?!" They asked. Chica turned to the front door, that she now noticed was not going to hold much longer. She sighed but nodded to Sun. They grabbed her hand as the two of them jogged towards parts and service.


Roxanne sighed as she searched blankly. Nothing interesting had come up and she was beginning to get bored. She froze at the sound of a scream towards Rockstar Row. Roxanne stared towards that direction, trying to asses what it was. When she realized who it was however, she sprinted forward without a second thought, feeling her entire body shaking and growing cold.

She quickly called Monty on the server.

"Everythin' alright??" He asked on the other side.

"N-no! Chica's in trouble, head to Rockstsr Row, fast!" She begged. Monty quickly ended the call, she only hoped that meant he was hurrying.

She had made it there before him. She stared in horror at the crowd of S.T.A.F.F. bots breaking into Freddy's greenroom where she was. The wolf used her impressive vision to search the walls. Seeing Chica and Sun were no longer in the room, she felt both relief and worry. At the very least, it looks like they escaped. Now the wolf had another problem, though. The hoard quickly turned on her.

Her ears lowered in fear but she quickly got in a defensive stance to hopefully deter them.


Monty sprinted towards Rockstar Row. Thankfully he could make good speed with his longer legs. In the middle of his run however, he was pushed back as he ran into something hard on the way there.

He looked down to see Foxy, who had silently cursed and shook himself off.

"Yargh...watch where ye' goin', gator!" The fox scowled. Montgomery groaned.

"Now's not the time, Foxy! Chica's in trouble!" He warned. Foxy's mood quickly changed from annoyance to intense worry.

"Where is she?!" He asked. Monty gestured towards Rockstar row. The fox nodded as the two of them sprinted that direction together.


Chica held Sun's hand close as they silently stalked through parts and service. At the sound of laughter in the distance, Chica froze in her spot. Sun, on the other hand, sprung into action and yanked Chica forward to hide behind a pile of boxes. Sun lowered their rays and gestured for Chica to be silent.

"I have an idea, but I need ya' to listen." They whispered. Chica turned and gave them her full attention.

"You're going to go out and distract her, I need to find the light switch in here." Sun said. Chica shook her head frantically.

"Are you serious?! We don't need a light switch right now, you're trying to kill me!" She whisper-screamed. Sun sighed.

"Will you just trust me?? I know what I'm doing, it won't take long! Just let me get the lights off." They whispered back. Chica groaned silently, but nodded and peeked out as the footsteps got closer.

The bird froze at the sound of quiet footsteps filled the room. When she looked closer she noticed it was a woman in a bunny suit. Chica squinted in confusion but could not dwell on it long as Sun gestured for her to hurry before crawling away.

Chica quickly thought of an idea. Everyone was going to be pissed at her, but it might just work. Chica sighed before closing her eyes and letting out an earth -shattering yell. Her powerful voice worked to stun the figure, as the odd bunny woman's hands flew over her hears. Chica kept her screams going while the woman struggled to keep balance and look for the noise.

Finally, after almost a minute, the lights shut off. The bunny's head shot in all directions at the sudden change. Just as she did, Chica got up and yelled again to distract her one last time before the bunny was pinned down by the more intimidating daycare attendant, Moon. They snatched a remote they noticed she was holding and climbed forward onto the protective cylinder. They did not know what this remote was for, but they felt it could be used against her. They waved the remote in front of her to taunt her, grinning widely as they watched her back away with hesitation.

"Do you need this trinket here...?" Moon asked with a tilt of their head. They only laughed menacingly at the lack of response from the bunny.

"If you want this thing back, you are going to have to take it." They hissed, lunging towards a nearby surface and beginning their quick climbing. Apparently, the bunny did need this remote, as she hurriedly tried to follow Moon. Moon had successfully led her out of the room, allowing Chica to step out of hiding. The bird flinched at the sound of metal and roaring from Freddy's greenroom.

It appeared Moon had the situation covered, so Chica hurried to find her friends.

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