' Chapter 20 '

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"What's wrong with Bonnie?? Is he ok?!" Chica asked frantically, kneeling down to Sun's level.

"Y-you guys won't believe me! He was...there's a man inside of him!" Sun cried. Montgomery blinked incredulously, stepping away.

"What the- how is that even possible?!" He asked. Sun buried their face in their hands. "I don't know!" They sobbed.

Foxy turned to Freddy for guidance. The bear stood frozen in his spot.

An odd feeling of Deja-Vu hit the bear but he could not put his finger on it. But regardless, Bonnie was in trouble.

"Is he ok though??" Freddy finally stood up. Sun lifted their head again and sadly shook their head.

"N-no...he's hurt! He's hurt real' bad!"

Freddy cursed under his breath.

"I have to find him." He said. Roxanne glanced at him, horror written on her face.

"Are you serious?! Did you not just hear Sun?? It's dangerous! Call security!" She growled.

Chica shook her head.

"I-I cannot access Vanessa, the calls will not go through!" She added. Roxanne tried to call as well, and as Chica said, nothing.

"Where the hell is Vanessa right now?!" Monty growled, storming over to the curtains to look out. Foxy groaned.

"All of ye' calm down, now's not the time for panicking!" Foxy yelled. When everyone went silent, the fox continued.

"We need a plan, right now yer' all sitting ducks while there's a threat in the buildin'!" The fox ordered. He then turned to Freddy.

"Cap'n, I am willing to go with ye' to identify the threat." The fox said.

"And we all just have to wait here??" Roxanne asked. Foxy turned to her.

"At least two of us needs to stay in case somethin' goes wrong!" He said.

Montgomery turned to the others.

"Chica and Sun should stay. Ya'll ain't exactly the fighting type." Monty huffed. During this fighting, Gregory silently got up from his spot on the couch. The boy tapped Freddy's side and gestured to let him into the stomach hatch. Freddy hesitated but allowed him in anyway.

Eventually everyone agreed on a plan. Chica would stay behind with Sun while the others went to find Bonnie. Before they could leave however, they were interrupted by commotion on Rockstar Row.

The sound of glass shattering S.T.A.F.F. bot alarms went off. Everyone froze in alarm, glancing towards the curtains.

Roxanne looked through the wall. "Guys...it's an animatronic out there." She whispered.

"It must be Bonnie!" Freddy whispered slightly louder. The bear rushed to the door and the others followed his tail. He glanced to make sure they were ready before he unlocked it and peeked out.

Seeing the coast was clear, he gestured for the others to sneak out as well. The group silently made their way towards the now deathly quiet Rockstar Row, besides the alarms still going off. It looked relatively empty.

Freddy felt someone tap his shoulder violently, to which he turned and saw it was Monty.

"Freddy, look..." He whispered, pointing towards a certain glass casing towards the end of the hall. The bear jogged towards it in disbelief. When he finally made it he froze as his suspicion was correct.

Bonnie's encased bass was broken into and now missing. Monty stared in equal shock and Roxanne's hand rose to cover her mouth in disbelief.

"Where'd it go-??" She whispered. All of them nearly jumped at the sound of human laughter nearby.

"Vanny! That's Vanny!" Gregory whispered from inside of Freddy. The bear growled.

"We're in trouble." Freddy warned the others. Foxy turned to him.

"It just be a human intruder, how much trouble can she be??" Foxy asked. Freddy shook his head.

"She is not an ordinary human, she is dangerous and can control S.T.A.F.F. bots. We cannot run into her!" He whispered.

"So we should split up?" Roxanne asked. Freddy nodded.

"If we are all together, we are all in danger!" The bear said.

"Besides, I feel it is me and the boy she is looking for. None of you are safe around me right now." He said. The others nodded.

"But will ya' be alright, cap'n?" Foxy asked worriedly. Freddy nodded to reassure him.

"All of you must separate. If you are in any danger, call each other on the servers." He said. The others jogged in different directions, all but Monty who placed a rough hand on Freddy's shoulder.

"Don't do nothin' stupid, Freddy." He warned. Freddy smiled sadly at him.

"I will not. That is your job, Montgomery." He said. The gator scoffed at the tease but smiled back anyway before following the others.

Freddy sighed. "Are you ready, Gregory? You can still wait with Chica and Sun." The bear offered hopefully.

"And let you guys do all the fighting?? Hell no!" Gregory complained. Freddy scolded him for his language before choosing a direction to follow.


The bear had finally made it towards the lobby before he could hear the heavy metal footsteps of before.

Mangled and ruined S.T.A.F.F. bots littered the ground. Despite his fear and uncertainty, Freddy spoke up.

"Whoever is out there, show yourself now!" He growled. There was silence before the footsteps sped up towards him. Freddy got in a defensive stance as he tried to identify where the steps were coming from. Finally he heard a loud crash towards his right. The bear spun around and had to do a double take when he saw what was responsible for the noise.

One of the electronic screens were broken, the source of the destruction stood by it. The trembling and beaten figure of Bonnie faced his direction. His eyes were blacked out just as Sun had claimed and he was now armed with his old bass.

"...B-Bonnie...?" The bear whispered in disbelief. The bunny's eyes lit up a deep violet color before he lunged towards the bear.

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