' Chapter 23 '

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The bear continued passively, choosing to dodge and flee. As difficult as it was, he would rather do that then risk harming Bonnie. As the bunny kept chasing him, Freddy had tried speaking and calling out to him, hoping Bonnie could hear him, though he was growing less and less sure as the threat never ceased.

Freddy had somehow made it to the catwalks of Monty's Gator Golf, as he was just running in any direction he came across. At this point, Gregory was getting more annoyed.

"Freddy, stop him! You can't just keep running!" Gregory yelled. Freddy wiped off his eyes, attempting to get into a defensive stance.

After one glace at the weakened bunny, his defenses immediately dropped again.

"Freddy, it's not Bonnie right now! You're not hurting Bonnie, you're hurting him!" Gregory tried convincing. Freddy trembled, but nodded in understanding.

The bunny ran forward again, lifting his bass to prepare to attack. Freddy shifted to the side to avoid the strike. The moment the bunny was distracted, Freddy hooked his arm around his gut. He spun the bunny to the other side and shoved him backwards, managing to knock him off his feet. The bunny took a hard fall and was down for a few seconds. Freddy almost jogged over to check on him until he stumbled up with the bass again. There was a yell omitted from Bonnie before he rushed forward again. The bunny managed to get a good hit on the side of Freddy's head, nearly knocking his ear off. The bear grabbed one of his legs roughly and threw him over his head. The bunny flew back and landed on his right arm.

This time the bunny stayed down even longer. Now, Freddy grew worried and approached him swiftly. He knelt down and placed a gentle hand on the bunny's shoulder. Bonnie, in turn, kicked his middle suddenly, causing him to fall back. The bear landed on his back and winced.

Before he could react again, Bonnie pinned him. He felt the bunny's hands reach into his eyes and mouth under the plating, attempting to rip them off. In a panic, Freddy sat up and head butted him as hard as he could. To his surprise the bunny fell back more violently, covering his face. It was as if he was screaming but nothing came out.

"Bonnie, I-!" Freddy cut himself off. Over half of the bunny's faceplate was knocked on the ground. The bunny spun around to face him, revealing his almost missing face. The violet eyes glowed brighter and he gripped his bass tighter as he forced himself up again.

"FREDDY, MOVE!" Gregory yelled. Freddy snapped out of his shock at the sight of the guitar about to come down on him. He rolled out of the way and it hit the catwalk floor with a loud bang. The bear scooted away as the bunny approached him again. He had hurt Bonnie severely and he no longer had the heart to deliver another hit. His only option left was to talk.

"Bonnie...y-you do not have to do this! You can fight him, Bonnie!" Freddy cried. The bunny did not flinch. What was left of his face was still empty. He lifted the bass up again to deliver a final hit. Gregory covered and braced for impact while Freddy merely wiped his eyes, trying to keep his voice steady.

"B-Bonnie...please..." He muttered helplessly. When the bunny still did not budge, he shut his eyes, silently accepting his fate.

It didn't matter to him anymore either way...he had nothing left to live for.

Freddy opened an eye in confusion as nothing hit him.

The bunny was still standing over him, gripping the damaged guitar with the base up. The bunny, however, was frozen in place. His hands were shaking around the bass.

"Keep MOVING, YOU STUPID MACHINE!" The familiar deep voice echoed from with him. The bunny simply adjusted his hands on the bass. Gregory squinted in confusion before recoiling in surprise. The bunny lowered the bass suddenly. Because he adjusted the position of his hands, the sharp and thinner end of the guitar impaled the bunny's gut. Bonnie stumbled backwards as the man screamed out in surprise. He gripped his head tightly to hopefully block out the man's piercing voice.

"Bonnie, look out-!" Freddy shouted. But it was too late, Bonnie had stumbled backwards off the catwalks. Freddy rushed to the edge and watched in horror as Bonnie collided with the ground harshly, the guitar now falling out of his gut.

"...no...no, NO-!" Freddy cried, racing down the catwalks as fast he could.

He made it the ground and sprinted over to the bunny's trembling body. He fell to his knees and lifted Bonnie's torso up, placing a hand to cradle the back of his head gently. He assessed the damage while gently stroking the injury with his thumb in hopes of soothing it.

When the bunny kept trembling and spazzing, Freddy lifted his hand to cup what was left of his cheek and gently hushed him.

"Bonnie, please...it is ok...stop fighting." He comforted. The bunny's trembling began subsiding, his ears shifting forward slightly. Freddy wiped the new oil pouring from his eyes and leaned down to placed a few gentle kisses to the bunny's head

"Y-You've done enough, Bonnie...please, rest. You have s-spent years protecting me...you can rest now...I will...take care of the rest..." He said, trying to contain his trembling voice.

"I...will never b-be able to repay y-you...but I will do everything I can to make it up to you, please...just rest." He begged. After a few more seconds, the bunny's shaking finally stopped.

Freddy sat silently, still gently holding the bunny. He lifted Bonnie's head up to nuzzle his cheek, ignoring his own tears now staining Bonnie's body. Gregory remained in the stomach hatch silently, trying to process exactly what just happened. Freddy remained unmoving until sirens went off from outside the building.


The police had collected Gregory, much to Freddy's dismay, but, the boy would be safer with them. Bonnie's body was also removed from the scene and the other animatronics had arrived to the commotion as well.

Chica stepped up first to place a gentle hand on Freddy's shoulder while the others approached to offer comfort as well, and they too needed reassurance as they watched their best friend once again get taken away from them. Freddy did not even face the others, he remained deep in thought.

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