' Chapter 24 '

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Gregory silently sat in the station, clutching his journal tightly in fear. Apparently, his mother had filed a report and she was now coming to get him.

Although he had his notes of what happened, he worried about showing his mother. What if it still was not enough? What if she still was not happy?

Gregory turned as the familiar woman stepped into view, freezing in her spot in disbelief. Gregory hesitantly stood up.

"M-mom...I...I'm sorry! I left to get s-some information of what happened to him, b-but things went south, and..." Gregory frantically wiped his eyes before continuing.

He stepped forward and handed the journal to the confused woman who hesitantly took it.

"I-I found out what happened! I got all the notes...i-is it ok...??" Gregory asked worriedly. The woman slid the journal underneath her arm and knelt down to get a better view of the boy. She shot forward and trapped him in a tight hug. The woman wept into his shoulder and clung to him tightly. It took Gregory a minute to accept this, since he couldn't even remember the last time his mother gave him a hug like this. He felt his own eyes tearing up as well and hugged her back just as tightly.


"Are you...sure you want to do this, Freddy...?" Chica asked hopefully. Freddy nodded.

"I am very sure." He confirmed. Chica sighed and opened up the manual she had taken from parts and service. Freddy had come looking for Bonnie in the trash chute again and finally came across him. He had thankfully saved the bunny's face plate, and brought it to his now ruined body. The bunny was missing his left arm and half of his right leg. He was also missing plating on his mid section, as well as being rendered completely eyeless.

Chica had followed the manual and assisted Freddy with his plan. She removed Freddy's arm and connected it to Bonnie, as well as half of his leg. Freddy was silently charging Bonnie and gently petting his head for comfort. Chica had successfully removed the other half of Freddy's leg as well as a part of his own midsection to give to Bonnie. Finally, as Freddy had also requested, she removed one of his eyes to give to the bunny.

When he was finally patched up, the bear removed the cable and whispered to the bunny.

"Bon, wake up..." He said, a part of him worrying the bunny would not wake up. After a few more seconds, Bonnie blinked open his new eye and sat up abruptly. His gaze scanned the room frantically and landed on his new arm and leg. He patted his new plating in utter shock. He finally looked up and saw the bear.

"F-Freddy...you-" Bonnie muttered in disbelief. The bear chuckled sadly and scooted closer to him.

"It was the least I could do, Bonnie..." He began.

"I...cannot return back to the band...not without you, Starshine. If you are going to be stuck down here...I will too." He smiled. Bonnie teared up in joy. The bear's face fell and his gaze lowered.

"That is...if you will let me..." He teared up.

"...if you can ever forgive me...?" He muttered, glancing up at Bonnie hopefully. The bunny only giggled and lunged forward, cupping his cheeks with both hands. He pressed soft kisses onto the side of the now relieved bear's head. Freddy chuckled at that and leaned forward to wrap his arms around the bunny. Both of them turned to Chica, who only smiled sadly at them. Bonnie offered his arms out to which Chica finally broke.

She choked out a loud sob and rushed forward, joining the three of them in a group hug.

"I love you, idiots!" She laughed into the hug. The others cracked up as well. When they pulled away she swiftly wiped her eyes.

"I'm gonna' miss you two...I'll visit whenever I can!" She cried. Bonnie only smiled fondly at her, reaching out to lift her beak to face him.

"Reach for the stars, lil' Chick." He whispered, leaning forward to kiss her forehead affectionately. She laughed brokenly and wiped her eyes again, finally standing up and glancing at them again.

"...are you sure you two will be ok...?" She asked. Freddy was now reclined on a pile of trash, appearing exhausted. He turned to Bonnie who leaned back with him. The bunny wrapped one arm around his chest and kissed his shoulder. Freddy chuckled and turned back to Chica.

"Yes, we will be ok." He smiled. Chica spared them one last look before jogging off. Bonnie waited for her to leave before he sighed and sat up again, glancing ahead.

"Do you...think she knows there's no charging stations for us down here?" He asked. Freddy shook his head.

"She wouldn't have left." He said. He then turned to Bonnie again.

"Might as well get comfortable here..."

The bunny smiled somberly in response and cuddled up on the right side of the bear's chest again. The bear wrapped an arm around Bonnie's back and pulled him closer.

"Y'know Fred...we may not...get a second chance." He said, noting the final low battery warning on his screen. The bear turned to him attentively.

"There's no garentee we're ever coming back..." He said. Freddy nodded slowly, his own battery was draining fast, since he had used his minimal power on Bonnie. "Probably not."

He then pulled the bunny even closer and lightly kissed his forehead.

"It's about time..." He said. Bonnie nuzzled into the bear's neck, his eyelids growing heavy.

"...goodnight, honey-bear." He cooed, kissing Freddy's shoulder one last time before going still. The bear turned to kiss his forehead again, his own final warning appearing.

"Goodnight, starshine..." He trailed off.


Foxy groaned at the obnoxious giggling of Sun as they spoke to DJ. After losing most of his family, the fox was not very chipper right now. He did appreciate the other secondary cast members trying to include him. The daycare attendants were heartbroken from the news, as was DJ, so they too were particularly down, although not as hurt as Foxy.

"So Foxy, you have any pirate stories you like sharing??" Sun asked. Foxy turned to Sun in confusion.

"Ye'...want to hear me' stories-?" He asked in disbelief. Sun nodded quickly and DJ turned to him in new found interest.

No one has ever asked for Foxy's stories!

The fox's mood visibly lightened as he chuckled, standing up to gloat about his 'former pirate adventures'.


Monty clutched the microphone in his hand, glancing at Freddy's now closed greenroom, about to be boarded off completely. Just like Bonnie, the bear could be erased from the company completely. He gave a side glance at Roxanne and Chica on his right who shared equal contemplative faces towards it. They were beginning to recover but...it was slow.

Chica had told the others Freddy had taken his own life, mostly so Foxy wouldn't go searching for him.

Roxanne gripped Chica's hand tightly, her own slightly shaking.

"I-I don't think I can do this-" Monty's voice shook.

"Monty, this is what you always wanted! Make the most of it-" Roxanne reassured. Chica stepped forward and held the gator's hand.

"Both of them would be very proud of you, Monty." She said. Monty stared at the ground for a minute.

He cursed under his breath and slipped a hand under Bonnie's glasses, wiping his eyes frantically. Chica and Roxanne huddled in to give him a reassuring hug.

Today was a new start for their smaller band, and they would make it work.

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