' Chapter 18 '

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Freddy paced his room aimlessly, his chest tightening and churning as the others stood around in equal thought. Meanwhile, Gregory watched helplessly as Freddy processed this. Luckily it seems no one bothered the boy, the shock of what happened must have made everyone forget about him.

Gregory's gaze lowered to think. Surely Bonnie did not seem so bad, how could this happen? They're just animatronics, the boy always told himself. They're incapable of conducting such a malicious plan on their own. Though, Gregory was beginning to question his own logic having witnessed the animatronics interacting together while he hid.

The boy jumped as Freddy's door opened. The bear also lifted his head to the intruder. It was none other than Foxy, who appeared very disappointed. Freddy sighed.

"Foxy, you will not believe what just happened-" he approached the shorter fox to rest his hand on his shoulder. The fox backed up, rejecting Freddy's comfort.

"I know exactly what happened, lad! What is wrong with ya', cap'n?!" He growled. Freddy blinked incredulously. The others turned to Foxy in equal confusion.

"What are ya' talkin' about, Foxy??" Monty asked. The fox groaned, audibly face-palming.

"How on Earth did ya' think Bonnie would do such a thing?! The boy doesn't have it in 'em!" He complained. Now it was Freddy's turn to step away.

"B-but Foxy, he admitted to it! Did you talk to him-?" The bear asked in disbelief.

"No, an' I don't need to! I know me' crewmate would never do that!" The fox began.

Foxy then approached Freddy who was now backing away more to leave space between them. He pointed an accusing finger at the bear's chest.

"As usual, cap'n, yer' jumping to conclusions an' thinking for yer'self! And all Bonnie ever did was support ye'!" He accused.

Freddy blinked back in shock. If this were any other animatronic, besides Bonnie, Freddy would have snapped back and reclaimed authority immediately. But Foxy, he was always so honest. Too honest. Freddy was no stranger to Foxy's lectures. Although occasionally frustrating, the fox was very level-headed and empathetic, and he was quick to correct the others if they did wrong. He was all just tough love.

Truthfully, before his band was half full of new animatronics, he and his old crew were definitely more equal. There was far less of a power dynamic and each of them had a say in everything, despite Freddy usually calling the shots at the end. Because of this, he could not bring himself to stop or control Foxy right now. The fox continued.

"Are ye' forgetting who's REALLY in charge around here, cap'n?! Who's the reason we've hurt all these kiddies?! Why would Bonnie just randomly hurt a child?? The poor lad doesn't 'ave it in 'im!" Foxy snapped. Before Freddy could retort he froze as a horrifying realization hit him.

Bonnie must have been under control! Just like the past, just like the others when they tried to hurt Gregory. The bear turned to the boy who shared equal realization. The bear then trembled as he realized something else. He had left Bonnie alone in Bonnie Bowl after they had established it was not safe.

Without waiting for other's approval the bear rushed towards the door.

"All of you wait here, it's not safe!" He ordered. Foxy as usual, didn't listen and followed him anyway.


When they finally made it to the bowling alley, they sprinted through the locker room only slowed down by the main lanes.

"Bonnie?! Bonnie!" Freddy called desperately.

"Where are ye, lad?!" Foxy jogged towards the far right side to search. Freddy rushed towards the ice cream bar and sprinted to the stage.

"Bonnie-?!" He called one last time before ripping open the curtains. To his horror, the stage was empty.

Freddy stumbled off the stage, holding a stiff and trembling hand over the left side of his face.

"He's not...he's not in here-!" Freddy cried desperately, temporarily dropping his formality. Foxy's ears shot up, his good eye widening in concern.

"What have I done...? What have I done?!" The bear whispered, his eyes tearing up as he realized the weight of his negligence.

Foxy was right, all Bonnie has ever did was help people. He had always worn his heart on his sleeve and a bright smile on his face since the very beginning. Bonnie knew everything about him and always did whatever he could to make Freddy happy. But Freddy had never cared to look deeper, never cared to learn more about the bunny. He only ever thought about himself.

He felt Foxy's gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Come now, lad'- we've got no time for that! We 'ave to find 'im!" The fox urged the bear up on his feet.

Freddy felt his entire gut and chest flip and oil spill down his cheeks. He felt intense guilt and worry for his lover. That's when Freddy's hand flew over to his mouth as more shock hit him. He had told Bonnie they're done!

Freddy growled and shut his eyes in self loathing for being so impulsive. He promised himself he would spend the rest of his animatronic life making it up to Bonnie if they found him again. Foxy silently and hurriedly guided him to the exit to meet the others again, all the while Foxy was searching through the walls nearby hoping the bunny was there. Unfortunately, he was not. Foxy could feel his own concern for his friend grow. He wouldn't have wandered off on his own like that, something must be wrong.

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