' Chapter 17 '

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Freddy jumped, nearly knocking down his vanity as the three other band mates and Foxy barged in. Chica rushed to Freddy.

"Freddy! Something really bad is happening, the S.T.A.F.F. bots are watching and following me!" She cried. Foxy ran forward too.

"Argh-! A lady in a bunny suit chased me out of me' cove with a weapon!" He claimed. Freddy looked at both of them frantically.

"Both of you, please, calm down! Explain what's going on??" Freddy tried.

"What the-?!" Roxanne yelled, pointing to the couch. The others turned.

"Freddy, what's a kid doin' in your room?!" Monty asked. Gregory huddled to the end of the couch, preparing to escape if he needed to. Freddy got up quickly and stood between them and the couch protectively.

"Do not worry, everyone! He is simply lost...he does not have a home to return to, so I am helping him!"

The others turned back to the kid confusedly.

"Is this the kid you mentioned to me??" Chica asked. Freddy nodded quickly.

Thankfully the others just gave the kid weird looks before turning back to Freddy.

"Now, can everyone please explain what's going on here??" He finally asked.

Roxanne stepped forward.

"Freddy, Foxy was chased by some...weird girl in a bunny costume-! And the S.T.A.F.F. bots have been stalking Chica all day! It's freaking us out-" she explained. Freddy turned to Gregory who gave him the same knowing look.

"I...I think I know who you may be talking about...so you are saying some lady in a bunny suit chased you??" Freddy asked. The others nodded frantically.

Freddy thought for a moment.

"She is coming after us...and Bonnie is-" Freddy froze as a look of horror flashed across his face.

"Bonnie! Bonnie is alone in Bonnie Bowl!" He cried. The others caught on to what he meant immediately.

"Ye' have to go check on 'im!"  Foxy exclaimed. The others nodded and hurried out. Freddy quickly gestured for Gregory to hop in to his stomach hatch to which he nodded and climbed in. Gregory made sure he brought his notes, he had a feeling he could use them.
When he was secured in, Freddy quickly followed the others.


Bonnie spun around at the sound of his name being called. He had been playing a solo game alone since he and Freddy were still fighting. To his surprise the whole band came running to him.

"Are you ok, Bonnie?!" Chica asked. Bonnie's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Yeah...why wouldn't I be-?" He asked.

"Weird crap has been goin' on around here!" Montgomery added.

Freddy felt gentle knocking in his stomach hatch. He opened it to allow Gregory to climb out, clutching the paper.

Bonnie finally got a good look at Gregory since his vision and sensors were very poor last time he had seen him. When Bonnie saw him his heart dropped, recognizing the boy immediately.

Freddy caught sight of the paper and groaned. "Gregory! I told you not to bother with that! There are more important things going on!" He scolded. Gregory shook his head.

"No, it's a good thing I brought this! I think Bonnie knows more about this then he's letting on." Gregory glared at the bunny who shifted uncomfortably.

Before Freddy could interrupt again, Gregory cleared his throat.

"My brother went missing in the Pizza Plex around four years ago, on March 5th, 20XX. He went missing after Bonnie had brought him to Mazercise." He said. Chica searched through her memories of that day.

"Bonnie, you never went to Mazercise that day-?" Chica said.

"You're right, he didn't. In fact, I snuck into security and happened to get the logues of his location that day. He left with my brother at around 2:30, and at 2:45 he was in the maintenance tunnels." Gregory turned to Freddy.

"Do you remember that day?" Gregory asked. Freddy thought for a moment.

"Uhm...y-yes, Bonnie had a breakdown in the tunnels, I had to assist him..." Freddy said.

"So, he took my brother to the maintenance tunnels, and around fifteen minutes later, he has a breakdown and needs assistance." Gregory continued.

"And, the rabbit lady that chased Foxy, Vanny. Is there any coincidence she is also a bunny?" Gregory turned to Bonnie. The bunny diverted his gaze nervously.

"Yeah...that figure that we saw in the wall...it must've been her!" Roxy realized.

"Then how did Bonnie know she was there-?" Chica asked the wolf.

"Wait. Are you trying to say Bonnie killed your brother??" Roxanne accused. Gregory shook his head.

"No. But I think Bonnie helped with the killing. Bonnie is working with Vanny!" He claimed.

"That's enough!" Freddy ordered, approaching Gregory quickly.

"What you are saying is absurd!" The bear scolded. Gregory turned to Bonnie.

"Ask him, Freddy. He wouldn't lie to you, right??" Gregory asked. Freddy turned to the nervous bunny.

"...Bonnie...is this true...?" Chica asked. Bonnie looked between each of them nervously, backing away in disbelief as his worst nightmare was becoming a reality.

"I-I..." Bonnie started.

"I-I did it to protect you guys! I had to do it, or you guys would've! I promise I had to do it!" He admitted. Everyone stood dead still.

"So that's what you've been hiding-? You've been workin' with the enemy?!" Roxy asked in disbelief. Bonnie turned to Freddy who had a look of horror on his face.

"Wh- no! Guys, I-!" Bonnie turned to Gregory.

"I'm so sorry! I can't say it enough, I'm sorry!" He cried. Gregory backed away cautiously. Bonnie looked up to the others who shared equal reactions. Roxanne held Chica closer protectively and backed away.

"Guys, it's still me! Please, I had to do it! I did it for you!" Bonnie cried. Montgomery turned to the others.

"Let's just go tell security. We're not safe here." He muttered. Roxanne nodded and brought Chica out, Montgomery stood by to wrap a comforting arm around the bird as well, leaving Freddy, Bonnie, and Gregory.

Bonnie turned to Freddy who was still dead silent.

"...Freddy...Honey, please-" he reached an arm out for the bear. The bear rejected and backed away, staring down somberly.

"I-I...we need some time apart...to think..." Freddy muttered, turning back to Gregory and opening his stomach hatch.

Gregory turned back to Bonnie, and then Freddy.

"Wait, Freddy, bu-" Gregory was cut off.

"Please. Gregory, we need to go!" His deep voice shook. The boy hesitantly crawled in. Freddy shut it and looked back to Bonnie one more time before walking.

"No, Freddy! Don't leave here, please!" He sobbed. The bear's ears pinned and his eyes leaked with oil, yet he forced himself to keep moving and bring the boy to safety.



Hello folks, so.

We are approaching the end in the next few chapters. Not just the end of this story but the end of this series. (There will still be security breach stories after this but they will be random one shot/stand alone stories)

I have two endings in mind for this, one is good and one is bad.

I would love if you guys decided that way I can make as many people happy as possible so,

If you are enjoying my series thus far I would greatly appreciate you commenting your vote on how the ending should go before I release the next chapters.

Thank you for reading, I love you all little folks! <3

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