' Chapter 3 '

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Gregory and Freddy sat in comfortable silence at the coffee table in the bear's room. Freddy watched Gregory scarf the pizza down fairly quickly. It was then he noticed how visibly smaller and dirtier the kid looked since the first time they met. Concern spiked in the bear's system.

"Gregory...when was the last time you ate-?" He finally asked, dreading the answer. Gregory diverted his gaze from the bear.

"...are you mad? That I came back...?" The boy changed the subject.

Gregory's grip on a pizza slice he picked up had visibly tightened.

"...are you gonna' kick me out again-?" He asked nervously. Freddy could feel whatever heart he had break at hearing that.

"Gregory, I...did not mean to kick you out, I just...it was not safe!" The bear said.

"I thought you had a home to go back to...that you had just snuck in for the fun of it! Had I known you would be on the streets I would not have made you leave-" he finished.

Gregory finally made eye contact with Freddy and the leader visibly softened.

"If you wish to stay...I will protect you." He promised. The boy smiled back gratefully and began eating the pizza slice he was holding.

Freddy's ears perked up at the familiar sound of construction. It appeared Gregory heard too as his head head shot up towards the noise.

"What're they building, Freddy?" Gregory asked. Freddy kept his gaze on the clear wall but shrugged.

"I will check it out later, for now I need to stay with you." Freddy reassured. With that, Gregory nodded and continued eating his pizza.


The boy was finally tucked in on Freddy's sofa, but the bear was still wide awake. The sounds of construction were still going on outside and his curiosity was killing him. Making sure Gregory would not wake up, he jogged over to the clear walls and closed the curtains before quietly leaving through the front door.

It appeared his friends were still not back from the arcade, so he followed the construction sounds alone. They led him to the Kid's Cove that was now covered in a big drape. Freddy was shocked, but a sudden wave of fear hit him at the thought they may be taking down their old friend's legacy.

Ignoring the rules he pulled the curtain up and slipped into the area. He had to squeeze through the tight pathways of construction designed only for humans to pass. He moved fast as though he could stop this.

When he made it past the narrow walkways he did a double take. They weren't tearing down the Kid's Cove...they were expanding and upgrading it.

Freddy glanced to the side as a particular poster caught his eye. The picture claimed a new animatronic was coming soon, but the bear could recognize the silhouette from anywhere.

It was Foxy.

Freddy had to stare at the poster for a few seconds, unable to process this. Foxy's Glamrock Prototype was a failure, they said he'd never return. Freddy and the others had long given up on his return, and now here he was. Debuting once again with his own attraction. Freddy could feel himself getting emotional. He was trembling and overheating and could feel oil building up in his eyes.

He had to keep his composure though. There was still no way for sure their friend was returning. Freddy had learned never to get his hopes up when it came to the higher ups. They had said they'd have no problem finding Bonnie and fixing him, yet he still remained missing.

Freddy pushed that thought out of his mind quickly, focusing back on his old fox friend. He then realized he was standing in plain sight in a restricted area, and Gregory was still alone in his green room. He spared one last glance at the poster before hurriedly slipping down the walkway and back behind the tarp.

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