' Chapter 9 '

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Foxy unfortunately had to spend an entire hour helping Bonnie walk as he tried to find an exit. Even with his impressive night vision, the piles of trashed seemed to go on forever. That and, escaping back through the vent was not an option for Bonnie.

Foxy was beginning to get frustrated as no exit was being found. But whenever Bonnie would stumble, whimper, or tremble, it motivated the fox to get him to safety. Even if it took all night, the fox was not ready to give up yet.

Finally, Foxy managed to find a small withered door in the wall. He forced the rusted metal handle down and managed to pull the door open, being mindful of Bonnie's condition.

Behind the door was a long poorly lit hallway with stairs at the end of the hall. Foxy sighed in annoyance, helping Bonnie up the stairs was going to be difficult. He gave the bunny a concerned side glance.

"Are ye' gonna' be alright goin' up the stairs, lad?" He asked.

Bonnie's eyes blinked open and his face loosened.

"I-I ha-ha-have to-to g-g-get back-back! ...to th-th-them-" he stuttered. Foxy nodded in understanding. He proceeded to help balance and pull Bonnie up the stairs. Bonnie was trying to help but was having a hard time. Thankfully, it was not a long flight of stairs and it led to a door.

Foxy opened the door and peeked out suspiciously. He sighed in relief as they were back in the tunnels. He continued to help the bunny through the maze of hallways. They had almost made it out of the tunnels when Bonnie complained he got a warning for low battery. The fox was concerned about his own battery as well and left to find a charging station.


Freddy closed the door to his room quietly. When he turned, he saw Gregory asleep on his sofa. He rubbed the back of his neck as he dragged himself to his vanity. He plopped down ungracefully onto his chair and buried his face in his hands. Foxy was back, Gregory was back, Freddy had thought that would be enough. He was elated they returned of course, but it did not feel complete. He did not feel satisfied.

That's what Bonnie had told him. He was never satisfied with anything, and Freddy was now beginning to see what he meant. The bear felt guilt, he felt shame, and he felt frustration with himself that he could not just be happy.

Gregory stirred in his sleep from behind the bear.

"Freddy...?" He groggily asked. Freddy's ears perked up as he turned to the boy.

"Gregory! I am sorry if I have startled you-" he rambled. Gregory grumbled and waved him off, using his other hand to rub his eyes.

"It's fine, Freddy. I wasn't sleeping good anyway." He mumbled. Freddy got up and glanced at him in concern.

"Is there anything I can do to assist?" He asked. Gregory shrugged.

"I guess I just need some quiet." He said. Freddy nodded and approached him carefully. He pulled the blanket over Gregory as he layed down again.

"I will be as quiet as I can to help you sle-"

Gregory jumped as Freddy was abruptly cut off by banging on his door. Gregory gestured for Freddy to get rid of them. The bear groaned.

"Who is it??" He called out.

"It's me, cap'n!" Foxy yelled from the other side. Freddy wiped a hand over his face.

"Can it wait a bit, Foxy?! I am busy!" Freddy gestured for Gregory to hide in his stomach hatch, to which the boy obliged.

"No, it's serious! Open up now!!" He fretted. Freddy scowled and fitted Gregory in his hatch before closing it again. He quickly tried making his greenroom more presentable.

"Can it wait a second, Foxy?! I am almost ready!" Freddy called.

"It's Bonnie! You need to open up!" Foxy yelled in frustration. That made Freddy pause.

"W-what??" He asked.

"Open the door, quick! I can't hold him no more-!" He begged. Freddy rushed to the door and pressed the button to open it. He stumbled backwards at the sight.

Foxy had Bonnie's arm draped around his shoulders and had been dragging his legs.

"He can't walk no more and I can't carry him, take 'im!" Foxy said frantically. Freddy snapped out of his shock and rushed to pick the bunny up to cradle comfortably in his arms. He then jogged to the couch to place him down and get a better look at him.

He had looked torn and crippled completely, though Freddy has seen him looking worse.

"I-is he...?" Freddy felt a heavy weight building in his chest and fear stirring within him. Foxy stumbled over to him.

"N-no, he ain't. Just wake 'im up." The tired fox sat down on the sofa and leaned back exhaustedly.

Freddy reached a shaky hand out, unsure if this was a dream or not. He placed a gentle hand on the bunny's cheek and leaned over him.

"...Bonnie? Bonnie, wake up-" he spoke quietly, worried of scaring or hurting him. Bonnie remained unresponsive for a few moments before his good eye blinked open. It landed and focused on the bear but his head had trouble moving.

"F-f-Fred-Freddy...?" He stuttered out.

Finally, Freddy's eyes began tearing up and he lifted a trembling hand over his mouth as he processed what was happening was real. He choked out an ugly sob.

"Starshine-?!" He cried. Bonnie began tearing up at that as well, weakly reaching his good arm up. Freddy leaned forward and caught him in a gentle but affectionate hug, crying into his shoulder weakly.

Bonnie rubbed comforting circles on the back of his head. He gently kissed the side of Freddy's cheek he could reach in the hug. The bear, in response, showered his face in kisses.

"I missed you so much-!" He wept. He leaned forward to give the bunny a longer more intimate kiss, to which he returned to the best of his ability. When the realization settled they calmed down and laughed gently about it.

"H-heh...s-sorry f-for-for n-n-not t-tellin' you, Fo-Foxy." Bonnie giggled. The Fox lifted his hand and hook up and offered a small smile.

"I'm glad ye' two are happy." He said. Freddy chuckled at that as well before turning and looking Bonnie in the eye.

He gave a lovestruck sigh. "You are still so beautiful..." He said.



Ahh I am sorry again for inconsistency :((

A lot has been happening in my personal life and my drawing style/ideas changed so I was working on newer drawings/designs of each character (bc they all were changed after Monty got improved).

Those will be posted in the next part thank you for your patience my loves! :)

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