' Chapter 5 '

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The animatronic's one eye blinked open tiredly. His vision was hardly adjusting to the lights of the attraction he had woken up in. He audibly winced and lifted the patch from his right eye to adjust to the blinding colors bouncing back at him.

When his vision cleared up he found himself in a lit up show room of sorts. A large play area with a blue painted sky for walls. A large lighthouse and ship play structure caught his attention as he stared in awe at this location. Every step he took he was amazed by the size of this place.

Was this attraction all his?

This was bigger than any cove he's ever seen. Usually after closing he would leave his small area, but this? This place looked liveable!

He lovingly ran his good hand over the ship play structure, a warm smile tugging at his lips. It was then he noticed his hook. It was gold and glimmering! He had never had something so shiney. Excitement was building up within him as he let out a loud cheer and continued admiring his area. The cut outs and posters depicting him! And him alone! It was like he was finally being appreciated at the Pizzeria, and not pushed aside for his friends.

His friends! How could he forget. Where were they? If this was his attraction he could hardly imagine how big this Pizzeria was! He quickly began looking for an exit, thanking no one in particular his new form was a bit taller than he remembered. Maybe he was even taller than Bonnie now! He'd get a crack out of that. He wondered how the lass was doing, if she had grew into her best self, and Freddy, how was their leader doing?? He missed those guys more than he had thought. He finally found an exit and sped out of it, freezing in alarm.

This Pizzeria was massive. It was like a whole kingdom! How was he supposed to find his way around this place??

He cautiously chose a direction and followed it. The place was completely empty. The lights felt even brighter now and irritated him, but his adrenaline and excitement eased the discomfort. Right now he had to find his friends.

He caught sight of a large poster depicting the band and quickly jogged over to it. He stared in awe at Freddy and Chica in the poster. They looked like completely different animatronics! His gaze lowered to a wolf animatronic. He shrugged it off as another member of the band, they could use more than three animatronics anyway.

He felt his robotic heart drop as he saw Bonnie was not on the poster. A new alligator animatronic was there.

Was Bonnie not in the band anymore...?

He shook that thought out of his head. Of course he was, they wouldn't just replace him like that. He now moved with more hurry to find his friends.


After getting lost in the massive maze of this Pizzeria he realized maybe he should've stayed in his cove. But where was his cove now? He really wished he was better with directions.

As much as it hurt his pride, he decided to call for help.

"Security! Freddy?? Anyone?!" He hollered, gazing around frantically. When he got no answer he called out even louder in desperation.

Before he could give up and move on he heard heavy metal steps rushing in the distance. They were getting progressively louder and closer.

He felt rather intimidated but decided to stand his ground. It could just be one of his friends! Or a very aggressive security guard, maybe...

His thoughts were cut off as a familiar deep voice spoke up from behind him.


The fox whipped around to the source of the noise. It was Freddy! Just like the posters. He was so much bigger and brighter now it caught the pirate off guard.

But as the initial shock wore off he felt relief and exultation at the sight of his old friend. He could feel himself grow slightly emotional as he grinned widely at the bear.

"Freddy! I'zat really you?! Yer' so different now-!" He was interrupted as Freddy dived in for a teary hug.

Foxy would never admit it, but...he did miss his bear hugs.

"Oh Foxy, you're here! You're finally-" he dropped his formal speech as his voice broke in sobs. Foxy felt himself tearing up as well but tried holding together. He returned the hug just as tightly.

When they finally broke out of the hug Freddy was quick to take his hand and guide him around the new place to meet his friends. It was odd, the bear was a massive softie, of course, but he's never been this emotional before. He had seen this bear go through dismemberment, isolation, burning, and not react nearly as emotionally. Freddy looked like he's the happiest he's been in a while. The fox wanted to ask him but did not wish to ruin the moment. He was going to meet his friends again, he wanted this to be an exhilarating experience.

He brought to three smaller animatronics talking together. He could only recognize one of them being Chica. He also noticed Bonnie was still not around. He couldn't think too much into it as Chica's loud voice yelled out to him and he was tackled into yet another big hug. The teary-eyed chicken sobbed violently into his shoulder.

His protective instincts to his family kicked in. Chica was also noticeably more...sad. What happened to them?

He realized it must have been trauma. After everything they went through together, he's surprised he's not as messed up them.

When Chica left the hug Foxy noticed she was now a bit taller than him as well. So were the two new animatronics he politely shook hands with to meet.

But his best friend still wasn't here. He hasn't heard one sarcastic or stupid remark yet and it was starting to get to him. Finally, he asked.

"Where's Bonnie?! I thought he'd be excited to see me!" He laughed. Chica noticeably winced at that comment and Freddy shifted unfortunately behind him. The two new animatronics also looked somber and awkward. Before he could ask again, Chica spoke up.

"Bonnie...is not here anymore...an accident happened and..." Chica stuttered. She glanced down and muttered the last part.

"...they never found him again..." She said shakily. Foxy froze in his place. Had he heard correctly? Judging by the look on her face...she definitely wasn't kidding. Still, he denied it.

"T-this be some sort of sick prank?! C'mon, where is he??" He asked desperately. Roxanne stepped in now.

"Montgomery is now filling his part as the bass player...it's true."

As the fox stared at the two new animatronics Monty shifted uncomfortably, but offered an awkward and forced smile.

Foxy didn't return it and looked to Freddy instead. Freddy said nothing but nodded to him genuinely.

Freddy never lied or played jokes. If Freddy says it's real, it's real.

Foxy suddenly felt sick.

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