' Chapter 8 '

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Monty punched in his dressing room mirror in frustration. In turn, the glass shattered. They repaired everything of Monty except his temper. He shook the glass from his hand and groaned, collapsing in a sitting position. It was then he heard knocking on his door.

"Monty, it is Freddy!" The voice said. This caught the gator off guard, the bear never left his room after hours. The gator quickly stood up and brushed himself off. "Yeah...come in!" He said. The bear walked through the automatic door and glanced disapprovingly at the mess in his room. Monty rolled his eyes.

"If you're here to lecture me about my room, I ain't gonna' listen." He said. Freddy huffed and shook his head.

"I suppose I am not one to judge...I have had problems keeping my own room clean..." He chuckled. Monty crossed his arms and laughed back politely.

"So...why are ya' outta' your greenroom, Fred?" He said. Freddy quickly turned his attention back to Monty.

"Yes, uhm...I was wondering if you could keep the noise level down in here-?" He asked awkwardly. Monty blinked.

"But you never...are you just complaining cause Roxy asked you to?" He asked knowingly. Freddy sheepishly nodded.

Monty rolled his eyes and sat in his vanity chair again. His legs spread out and his back haunched over in an uncomfortable position. Freddy fidgeted with his claws nervously.

"Is...there something troubling you, Monty-?" He asked. Monty shifted in his seat which made Freddy recoil.

"I understand we did not get along before...but, I do not mean to star-" Freddy was interrupted.

"Nono! Dude you're fine, it's not that...I actually trust you a lot...it's just-" the gator leaned back in the chair and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"I guess...I'm worried. Y'know, I ain't exactly as big as Bonnie was...and now Foxy is gettin' all the attention and...I don't know-" he trailed off.

"...what if they decide he's better for the band than me...?" He asked. Freddy sighed.

"You do not need to compare yourself to me, or chica, or Bonnie or Foxy...we have years of experience in this field." He said, approaching the gator. He knelt down to be eye level with him at the chair.

"It takes time to build devoted fans...but you are doing great with children thus far, you have nothing to worry about, Monty."

"But what if they like Foxy more?!" Monty countered, taking off his star glasses and groaning in frustration. Freddy gently took the glasses from his hands and placed it back on his face.

"They love all of us for different reasons...just because they also love Foxy, does not mean you are not a star to them." He placed s comforting hand on Monty's shoulder.

The gator sighed and ran a hand through his mohawk.

"But...back when I was almost broken beyond repair, I-I was scared. Scared I'd be decommissioned next! Sure they fixed me...only 'cause they had no other options! What if somethin' happened to me again, now that he's here they won't bother fixin' me!" He complained. Freddy flinched at the unexpected outburst, but tried remaining calm.

"Monty, even if they did want Foxy to join the band...Foxy has zero interest. He has never wanted to be in the band. He is content where he is, and he definitely would not just take your place like that." Freddy smiled. Monty heated up in embarrassment as his own smile started forming.

"...thanks, Fred." He simply said. Freddy chuckled and stood up before bending down to give him a tight bear hug.

"Hang in there, Monty." He said. At that he left to return to his greenroom again.


Chica cuddled closer Roxanne's side and giggled as the wolf wrapped a gentle arm around her. They were currently lounging in Chica's greenroom.

"What's so funny?" Roxanne raised a brow, an amused expression on her face.

"Nothing, nothing...I'm just still in shock! FOXY'S BACK!" She cheered as she stood up on her knees and got close to the wolf's face. Roxanne winced and her ears dropped at the volume. At seeing this Chica recoiled and sat back down, instantly lowering her voice.

"Sorry! Sorry...I was excited-" she looked down shamefully. Roxanne chuckled. "No, I don't mind! I just haven't heard you talk so loud in a long time!"

Chica heated up in embarrassment and turned away. At this Roxanne laughed again and pulled her closer to hug her tight. The wolf affectionately muzzled her cheek.

"I'm glad to see you so happy again..." She said genuinely. Chica smiled brightly again and relaxed against the wolf.

"So how did you like him? When you met him??" She asked. Roxanne shrugged.

"He seems cool, I like him." She said. Chica clapped in joy and hugged Roxanne closer to her. The wolf let out a yelp in surprise as she held her tight and kicked her legs in giddiness. "I'm so happy! I knew you would like him!" She claimed. Roxanne laughed and gazed down. She caught sight of the old ring she gave Chica and lifted her hand to get a closer look.

"You still have this, angel?" She asked. Chica nodded.

"You gave it to me! Of course I kept it." She said. Chica chuckled as Roxanne lifted her palm to her face and kissed the ring on her finger. She then brought the hand to her cheek to rub against it.

"Now we just need to give you a matching one!" She giggled. Roxanne rolled her eyes good-heartedly.

"I'm sure I can snag another one from a claw machine or something." She brushed it off.

"But I'm not worried about that right now-" Roxanne pinned Chica to the couch and proceeded to rest against her torso.

"I'm tryna' relax." She said. Chica sighed but layed back to get comfortable herself.

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