' Chapter 14 '

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"What's your problem??" Roxanne asked, leaning against the wall of her greenroom with her arms crossed. Chica stood by her as they spoke to Monty.

The gator sighed.

"I don't know...I ain't in a rush to see 'em-" Monty brushed it off.

"What are you so afraid of?!" Roxanne finally asked.

"I'm not scared of nothin'!" Monty snapped. The wolf stared knowingly, causing the gator to cringe and avoid eye contact. Chica stepped forward and gestured for Roxanne to let her handle it before the wolf could speak out again. Roxanne sighed but nodded to her.

Chica approached Monty and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Bonnie doesn't hold grudges, Monty...just be honest and genuine with him. I'm sure he wants to see you just as much as you want to see him." She said. Monty tensed so she continued.

"I know it's hard for you to come to terms with it...but you did care about him. You trusted and looked up to him, you still take so much inspiration from him!" She insisted.

"You thought he looked down on you and that's why you convinced yourself you were enemies. But he always saw you as an equal! He sees every animatronic as equals...that's why he gave you a chance before...any of us did..." She trailed off. Monty sighed. As much as he denied it, she was right. He had never even realized how much of an impact the bunny left on him.

He was putting off seeing the bunny since he returned, only catching a vague glimpse of him as they were taking him to repairs. Seeing him look so injured and weak struck a nerve in the gator.

But he missed Bonnie, he really did. He wanted to see Bonnie again...but he ruined the poor bunny's life. How could he possibly forgive Monty? Monty hardly knew if he wanted to be forgiven.

He felt Chica hug him gently from behind.

"You should go to him now...I think he's at the Daycare to see Sun...Freddy and Foxy are with him." She said. Monty hesitated.

"I don't know-" he tried. Roxanne shook her head.

"You should, Monty. You owe him an apology, regardless." She said. The gator groaned. He despised when Roxanne was right.

He gave Chica a quick side-hug back and started his stroll towards the Daycare.


"You're so tiny now ohmygoodness!!" Sun exclaimed as they hugged the bunny tightly. Bonnie chuckled.

"C'mon, I'm not that much smaller!" He claimed. Sun separated from the hug and looked him over.

"You're just adorable now!" They smiled, gently tapping the bunny's nose with their finger.

Foxy and Freddy got a good laugh out of that, though Freddy was more on edge. Not only was he worried about the bunny's episode from earlier...but what Foxy had said sat with him. Had he really never questioned Bonnie's excuses? As he played them all in his head he was beginning to realize how obvious they all were. He also began feeling a sense of guilt.

He was so wrapped up in his own pity party, he never considered Bonnie's feelings. He watched the bunny joke with Sun and Foxy...and laugh, just like he used to. Freddy had missed that laugh more than he realized...he had always loved the bunny, and if anything, he thought his love would fade after the bunny disappeared.

But instead, it grew. Everything he liked about Bonnie, he loved so much more now... after it was taken away from him. Those beautiful eyes and that smile that could light up a room, he had never truly appreciated those until now. Even knowing Bonnie had apparently been lying to him for a while, he could not even be angry. If anything, he blamed himself for making his lover feel the need to hide things from him. He promised himself he would have a serious sit down with Bonnie about this, help regain communication and trust, but he chose to wait. After the breakdown tonight and just coming back from repairs, Bonnie was incredibly overwhelmed already.

All of them turned at the sound of the Daycare door opening. The gator stood in the doorway appearing hesitant.

"Oh, Monty! Come on in!" Sun beamed. Bonnie stared at the gator in awe as he approached.

Was this really the same Monty? He knew he had replaced him, and that he had changed to a glamrock, yet the change still shocked him. Montgomery stopped in front of him as the bunny stared up at him. Freddy instinctively moved between Bonnie and Montgomery as the gator's face appeared unreadable. Although Monty wasn't very dangerous, the bear didn't want to take any chances.

Bonnie cleared his throat, filling the silence.

"W-wow...I never thought I'd have to look up at you-" he chuckled nervously. The gator shifted uncomfortably. He lifted a shaky hand to his face and removed his glasses, kneeling down to be closer the bunny's height. His eyes were visibly watering.

"Bonnie, I-" he started nervously, his voice shaking. He knew this would be hard but being face to face with the bunny again was making his entire body hot wire with emotion.

The bunny gave him a sympathetic look and let his arms out for a hug. Monty hesitated to accept it so the bunny sighed.

"It's ok, Monty, I know...I forgive you." He said. Monty trembled, unable to repress the boiling guilt, despair, and self-hatred he felt. He didn't want to accept any forgiveness from Bonnie, he did not deserve it. But he could not bring himself to deny it. The bunny just had a way with others...he always made everyone feel so comfortable and welcome. Finally, Monty couldn't resist anymore. He dropped the glasses and dove into Bonnie's arms, sobbing into his shoulder. The bunny returned the gesture by wrapping him in a tight hug, whispering reassurances at him.

Finally the two separated. Monty had a hard time getting to his feet so Foxy jogged over and gave him a boost. He yelped in surprise as the fox lifted him.

"Aye, lad! You're thinner than a bean pole!" He claimed. Monty got to his feet. The gator awkwardly thanked him and turned back to the bunny. Bonnie was now hugging Freddy's middle from the side and resting his head on his chest while the bear had an arm wrapped around where his waist would be.

The bunny seemed more relaxed and gave Monty a warm smile.

"You look like a real superstar now...I told you you'd find yourself." He said. Monty smiled and glanced down at his feet timidly.

"It's hard always being right all the time-" the bunny said cheekily. Foxy audibly rolled his eyes while Freddy chuckled at the bunny's comment. Sun giggled as well and turned back to Monty. They stepped forward and gently held the gator's hands in their's like they did when Monty was first introduced.

"I'm glad you followed your dream, Monty...but now you're too cool to talk to me-!" They teased. Monty laughed and gave sun a strong side hug.

"Sorry, sorry! I'll try to visit more often-" he said.

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