' Chapter 7 '

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Gregory sat silently on a bench in the lobby. Freddy had given him a Fazwatch so as to not alert security. He had also given Gregory a shirt from the merchandize and told him to lay low from employees during the day, especially Vanessa. At night he could stay with Freddy in his greenroom where it was easier to hide.

The boy knew of Foxy but hasn't met him. As for the reason he returned, he still did not know where to start looking for his brother. Although, he felt the mysterious feminine rabbit he had seen skipping around had something to do with it. He had no proof though, so nothing he could take home with him. He felt bad for deceiving Freddy when he told him he had returned because he missed him. It was not a lie, of course the boy missed him, but if Freddy knew he was here trying to solve mysteries again, he would forbid him from doing it out of safety.

He would return to Freddy's greenroom in a bit...right now he just needed time to think.


Chica was brighter now, to say the least. She still was not the same perky chicken she was before but the entire day she was noticeably happier, as was Freddy.

Roxanne only felt relief Chica was healing...she had worried for wellbeing for a while now. Especially now that they were no longer just friends.

Roxanne had new found energy and positivity after that. She had someone other than Monty to visit after hours, someone to relax and be vulnerable to. Now that Monty was not scrapped or downgraded she was especially happy. Overall, it was a pretty good time.

Although Bonnie was still not around, things were looking up again. Maybe now they could finally heal and move on from him.


Foxy carefully crept past the piles of garbage, keeping his eyes peeled. The place was full of broken down mechanic parts and old molding food, making it harder for Foxy to track him. He didn't lose hope though.

Foxy loved his friends, but...they give up too easily. When the going gets tough they just accept it and hope for the best. Foxy on the other hand, never liked feeling helpless. He never liked relying on management or anyone to fix anything. But most importantly, he refused to give up on his family. He'd search 'til his last days for Bonnie or any of the others if this happened. No crewmate left behind.

Even if Bonnie was gone, unsalvageable, he deserved better than to rot in some dark garbage heap alone. He deserved peace.

Foxy shook his head, choosing not to let those thoughts make him weak. He had to pull through. Bonnie was around here somewhere. Finally, the color bright blue in the dark caught his eye. It was rusted and cracked and filthy...but bright blue. Foxy sprinted towards the piece of metal. It was buried under a smaller pile of filth. As much as it made Foxy cringe, he dug through it. Foxy hated feeling dirty.

Thank god he did, he recognized a blue and white torso with a faded star on it. To confirm his suspicion he reached up and brushed trash away from the top of the torso. It was Bonnie! He could recognize that blue bunny from anywhere. He cleaned the remaining scraps of trash from his mouth and eyes and cleaned him off the best he could.

The poor lad looked like he went through hell and back. Foxy could feel his eyes tearing up but he had to stay strong a bit longer. His body was salvagable! It had to be, at least. Foxy knelt down, trying to think of what he should do. He wasn't strong enough to carry Bonnie, even while he was missing limbs, it would help if Bonnie was awake. But, he was told the new models needed to charge, so he must be out of battery. Thankfully, Foxy was trained in case of an emergency that animatronics can help recharge each other. Giving some of their energy to another. If he could just get Bonnie awake long enough to escape and call someone, that would be more than enough. He dreaded possibly having to drag his friend through this.

He inhaled, nervous he could mess this up, but he opened Bonnie's chest plate. He found the charging hole he was looking for and the cord. He opened up his own chest plate to take his cord out, like he was instructed. He hesitantly plugged it into Bonnie.

He felt relief wash over him as a red light flickered by the hole. That meant it was charging. He felt himself growing weaker as he used his energy for Bonnie, but it didn't matter. His friend needed it more. After about a minute he was beginning to worry about all the power he was giving.

Finally, he unplugged it. Bonnie wasn't completely charged but hopefully charged just enough. He gently shook Bonnie in hopes of waking him.

"Bonnie...? Bonnie! Wake up, lad!" He whispered. He felt the room visibly lighten as Bonnie winced. The bunny weakly opened his sockets, one of his eyes missing and the eyelid drooping.

When Bonnie's vision adjusted he squinted up in disbelief, he must think he is dreaming.

"F...F-F-Fox-ox-y...?" He stuttered. His voice box was definitely broken, which Foxy took note of.

"Aye lad, it's me! Really!" The fox couldn't keep it in anymore, oily tears of joy were falling as he watched Bonnie's face register what he said and change from confusion to joy.

"F-F-Fox-Fox-Foxy-!" He sobbed estatically, trying to force himself up with his good arm. Foxy quickly stopped him and bent down to trap him in his own tight hug.

"Aye, pretty boy, it's me!" He laughed. Bonnie hugged back with his good arm and wept weakly into Foxy's shoulder. Foxy was quick to hold him close and provide him with as much comfort as he could. Many believed Foxy was not the affectionate type. In all honesty, although he could be blunt and prideful, the fox hardly cared for a hug or cuddle from his family. He could be very soft when he had to be.

"Oh, Bonnie...what happened to ye' lad?!" He asked. Bonnie sobbed, trying to stutter out the story. Foxy heard him struggling and remembered his broken voice so he quickly shushed him again. The bunny could always explain it later.

"Bonnie...I know ye' tired and rusty...but you gotta' help me." He said. Bonnie's ear perked up as he wiped his eye, meaning he was listening.

"I'm gonna' get ya' out of here, lad, but I can't carry ye'. I can help ye' walk though!" He offered. His heart dropped as Bonnie's eyes turned fearful.

"N-n-no! No-no-no! S-s-she'll c-c-come- hurt-hurt me-m-m-me! H-h-hu-rt y-y-you-!" He cried. Foxy could feel anger boiling in his gut. Someone had made his brother afraid. He would need to have a talk with this person.

But for now, Foxy shook his head. "I won't let nothin' happen to ye' lad! Neither will the others, we'll protect ye'." He promised. Bonnie hesitated for a moment before finally nodding. Foxy moved to his left where his only good arm was and draped it over his shoulder, assisting the bunny as he shakily let himself up on one leg.

Foxy let him lean most of his weight onto him as he trudged forward to find an exit. His night vision really worked out for him. He was interrupted by a loud coughing sound as Bonnie coughed up old pieces of food before glancing down at Foxy.

"Y-y-yer' more s--shor-short! As e-ev-er-er..." He teased. Foxy had to contain his laugh of relief at Bonnie's teasing. Instead he opted to huff and act upset.

"At least I got all me limbs, pretty boy." He teased back. Bonnie chuckled and continued letting Foxy guide him.

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