' Chapter 19 '

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"So we're just...not gonna' bring up the kid in here??" Montgomery finally asked. The others turned to Gregory who cowerded under their gaze.

"Guys, it's fine! Freddy told me about him, he's cool!" Chica stepped in front to deescalate. Montgomery squinted for a moment before rolling his eyes.

"I'll never understand that bear..." He mumbled, shaking his head. Roxanne scoffed and slid over to Chica to wrap a gentle arm around her waist.

"I kinda' wish things would just go back to normal..." Chica sighed. Roxanne nodded.

"Where did it all go wrong??" Monty asked.

"You know why it all went to crap? It:s because of you!" Roxanne teased, rushing forward to wrap an arm around the gator's neck. She playfully ruffled his mohawk as he groaned and tried pulling himself away. Chica just laughed and watched their rough housing in amusement while Gregory couldn't help but chuckle a bit as well. He might have been wrong about these animatronics...there is more to them then what he initially saw before.

Does this mean Freddy really cares about him? And it's not just smart AI? Gregory wasn't sure but he did not want to get his hopes up.


Sun grumbled to themself as they labored over cleaning the toys off the ground. They detested there was no S.T.A.F.F. bots in the Daycare to help them, or at the very least a human could come in. Why were they always stuck with cleaning duty??

They dropped what they were holding as they heard a loud bang outside the area. Their head spun around to the side to take a look. The other S.T.A.F.F. bots in the area proceeded their work without thought. Sun could hear heavy footsteps and stumbling approaching the Daycare.

They assumed it must be one of the glamrocks, but their systems were warning them of a threat. Sun quickly sped behind one of the half walls to hide but peek out. They lowered their rays and tried to remain as silent as possible.

Suddenly a large animatronic figure fell out of the entrance outside the Daycare. It looked like Bonnie!

But when he stood up, Sun had to stop themself from screaming in horror.

'Bonnie' forced himself up again and stumbled backwards. His entire body was fumbling and shaking. The bunny gripped his now loosely screwed on head but no sound came out, his mouth wouldn't even move. A loud groan came out of him that sounded more human than robot.

"No. More. Games, you stupid machine! You've got no springs anymore!" The brash voice yelled, forcing Bonnie's body up again. It was then Sun could see through the bunny's limp open mouth. A man was inside of him!

The bunny's eyes were empty void and his body was dented and cracked. Despite how frail and shaky the bunny was, whoever was inside forced him to stumble forward. Sun finally couldn't contain their sound and gasped, quickly realizing their mistake as 'Bonnie' turned to them.

When the zombie-like animatronic began approaching, Sun panicked and quickly slid behind the nearest play structure. The man did not look like he was going to give up that easily though. Sun had to hurry and think of a plan. That's when they had an idea. It was risky, but it looked like it was their only chance as the figure paced the daycare, getting closer to the entrance.

Sun sprinted over to the security desk and searched for what they were looking for. They finally found it, the switch! Just as they heard the entrance open, they pushed it down and suddenly the lights of the Daycare went out.

"What the-?!" The voice spoke, glancing around confusedly.

In the cover of darkness, while he was distracted, Moon latched onto the wall of the Daycare. They quickly and silently scaled the net-walls similar to a spider towards the entrance and leapt down as quietly as possible when they were out.

Moon wasted no time sprinting towards the vents and ripping it open. Before the figure could identify where the noise came from, Moon folded in on themself and crept into the vents to escape.


"Any news??" Monty asked as Freddy and Foxy stumbled back into the greenroom. Foxy shook his head frantically as Freddy stumbled towards his vanity to collapse in his seat, burying his face in his hands stressfully.

"The lad wasn't in the bowling alley! We don't know where he went!" Foxy exclaimed. Chica gasped and covered her beak, feeling herself begin to heat up. Roxanne noticed and quickly brushed away her own fear of the news to check on her. Foxy also stepped forward to comfort the bird in a tight hug.

"Is she gonna' be ok-?" Roxanne muttered desperately to Foxy. The fox nodded.

"Aye, lass. Ye' just have to relax. We'll find him." Foxy comforted, gently bringing Chica down before she could collapse. Chica nodded, though her trembling remained. When Foxy got up Roxanne quickly knelt down to comfort her more, nodding a 'thanks' to the fox. Foxy turned to Freddy who was still visibly panicking while Monty tried speaking to him and uncovering his face. The boy also approached and attempted to calm the bear down.

Foxy felt like he was going to be sick. He felt dizzy and weak. His family was falling apart in front of him and he did not know what to do. And now, his best friend...no, his brother is missing! While he was deep in thought he heard quiet but frantic knocking on the clear wall of the greenroom. He used his vision to see through the curtains. It was Sun!

"Guys! The sun boy is here!" Foxy yelled, rushing over to open the curtains.

Sun looked around frantically.

"Guys, you have to let me in! Fast!! It's dangerous outside, I need help!" They cried. Freddy quickly jogged to the door to unlock it for Sun. Once he saw the humanoid sprint to the door the fox quickly closed the curtains again.

When Sun finally got in they collapsed onto the ground in a sitting position, burying their face in their hands.

"What's wrong, bro?!" Monty asked quickly, kneeling down to their level.

"It's Bonnie!" Sun cried.

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