' Chapter 22 '

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"...B-Bonnie...?" The bear whispered in disbelief. The bunny's eyes lit up a deep violet color before he lunged towards the bear.

Freddy stumbled out of the way, hardly recovering from his shock.

"What're you doing, Freddy?! Fight back!" Gregory scolded.

Freddy ducked again as the bunny attempted to hit him with his guitar. The bear shook his head, sprinting towards the other end of the lobby.

"I-I can't! I can't hurt him, Gregory!" The bear cried. Gregory cursed as the bunny began approaching at alarming speed again.

"THEN YOU NEED TO RUN!" Gregory yelled. Freddy snapped out of his daze and chose a direction to jog in, glancing in horror as Bonnie followed him.


Moon was beginning to grow more frantic. They wished the Parts and Service was not so far from their destination.

It also was not easy staying in the dark, and Moon and Sun had to repeatedly switch places and communicate.

Finally, Moon made it. With new found adrenaline, they sprinted across the dance floor towards the DJ Station. When they made it they quickly whistled to get the DJ's attention.

By the time Vanny made it to the center of the dance floor, the ground shook as a large white hand slammed onto ground by her feet.

The DJ awoke from their rest and glanced down at the bunny with an unreadable expression. The bunny backed away in horror and Moon quickly hid with the remote. When the DJ started forward, they began their persuit of Vanny. Unfortunately, the bunny could not make it very far, as the DJ covered more ground quickly. The spider-animatronic knocked Vanny to a nearby wall with one of it's powerful hands. The bunny flew to the side and took a hard hit, collapsing on the ground by the now dented wall.

While she was down the DJ hurried towards her, raising a powerful hand. Moon jumped and quickly blocked their gaze at the sound of a metal hand crashing onto her.

When Moon peaked out again, the bunny was no longer moving. The DJ stood unmoving over her.

"DJ!" Moon called. The robot turned to them, gesturing in concern. Moon caught on and smiled.

"Worry not, my friend, I'm ok! Thank you." They said. The DJ nodded and crawled back to their station to rest. Moon glanced down at the remote again.

"What is this for anyway...?" They asked.

"I am not sure, but you must hurry to the others! They need help!" Sun called to them. Moon nodded and sprinted back towards Rockstar Row.


Monty and Foxy finally stumbled to a halt at the hall, staring in horror at the bot hoard now cornering Roxanne. Monty sprinted into action first, sprinting in front of the wolf and throwing the nearby bots off her, roaring in frustration. Foxy jumped in next, quickly lunging from the S.T.A.F.F. bots and taking them out with his hook, moving with great speed due to his small and thin frame.

Before Roxanne could act she heard the backdoor of the greenroom open. She turned behind her and saw Chica rushing in, quickly backing away when she was met by a group of the S.T.A.F.F. bots in the room advancing on her.

"NO!" Roxanne called out in terror, sprinting towards the broken down door to her defense. One by one, Roxanne grabbed the S.T.A.F.F. bots and threw them down. However, they kept getting up again, striking and ripping at her plating. Chica thought fast and rushed towards Freddy's coffee table. She lifted it, causing the objects on it to slip off.

With the now clear table, she lifted in front of her like a sheild with the legs sticking out. She then charged forward and managed to capture a large group of the bots under the table. She then proceeded to slam it against the wall, crushing the group until they were limp. Roxanne quickly took out the remaining S.T.A.F.F. bots and turned to Chica in surprise. The bird sighed and dropped the table tiredly.

When Roxanne recovered from her shock she sprinted towards Chica to check her over. Seeing she had no injuries the wolf cried out in relief and hugged her close. Oil was already beginning to run down her eyes.

"You scared me to death, angel-!" She laughed in relief. Chica giggled back and hugged just as tight. Their reunion came to and end at the sound of a S.T.A.F.F. bot being thrown at the clear wall.

Foxy and Montgomery were still outside fighting off bots. Unfortunately, more kept coming in hoards. The two girls hurried out to help them, but they were still severely outnumbered.

"What're we gonna' do, Monty?!" Roxanne asked. The gator shook his head quickly.

"I don't know! They keep comin'!" He yelled back. Foxy turned to the entrance and gasped.

"Guys, look! The Sun guy is back!" He called. The others turned to Sun who was now rushing forward with a remote. Chica slid through the bots and jogged over to them.

"What is that??" She asked. Sun shrugged.

"I don't know, but I thought we might need it!" They said. Chica snatched it from their hands and looked it over.

"Did the bunny girl have it-?" She asked. Sun nodded frantically.

Chica glanced up towards the bot hoard and hesitantly pressed the button. Almost instantly, the bots froze and reverted back to normal. The others spared confused looks at the bots before joining Chica and Sun.

"Aye, did that remote control them??" Foxy asked. Chica nodded.

"It looks like it." She said.

"No wonder she needed it so bad..." Sun thought out loud. Chica turned to them quickly.

"Is she still chasing us??" She asked in alarm. Sun shook their head.

"Nope, DJ took care of her." They reassured. The others sighed in relief.

"Well, all of us are here, but where is Freddy??" Roxanne asked.

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