' Chapter 6 '

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After a few hours of learning about his new features and limitations, Foxy was ready to start his first day. Although he was excited to take on his old job again...he did not feel very peppy right now. He did not take the news of Bonnie well, to say the least.

He had grown used to bottling things up. His friends think he took it well, but as soon as he was back in his cove, he could feel it weighing down on him.

As he was walking back to his play area he was interrupted by a bright flashlight behind him.

"Foxy, what are you doing outside of your cove??" A feminine voice called out to him. He turned and covered his eyes to avoid the flashing light. Thankfully the security guard took note of this and lowered her flashlight for his comfort.

Foxy was caught off guard. Night guards never asked or talked to him before. They just checked on him occasionally. "...are you talkin' to me, lass-?" He asked confusedly.

"Yeah?? What other Foxy is there?!" She asked sarcastically. Foxy merely blinked incredulously.

"I was just...visiting me friends-?" He responded. He was trying to keep his voice steady but he felt a breakdown coming and needed privacy.

"Well stick to your cove at night. You guys aren't supposed to be wandering." She ordered before marching off.

'She's awfully strict...' He thought. But he shrugged it off and headed back to his area.

When he was alone he felt oil building up in his eyes but was once again interrupted by a new voice.


Foxy hid a groan if annoyance but turned anyway. To his surprise it was Monty, the newest band member.

"Hey, uh...about today-" he began. Foxy didn't even want to have this talk. He admitted, he may have acted cold or even rude to the animatronic when he first heard the news.

"Look, lad. I'm sure yer' a great bass player and band member, don't worry about it." He said. Montgomery fidgeted uncomfortably at that but spoke up again.

"Yeah...good you mention it because I just don't want any animosity or nothin' between us...no competition either." He claimed. Foxy raised a brow at that.

"And why would I be any competition to ye? I ain't even in the band, gator." He crossed his arms, wanting nothing more than to be alone right now. Monty sighed.

"Because there was some...competition with me and the band for a bit...I don't want it happenin' again." He requested. Foxy rolled his eyes.

"Honestly? I don't care about what happens in the band. Never have. I have me' cove, they have the stage. The only thing I care about is me' family. If it comes down t' you or Freddy and Chica, I'm with them. I could care less about competin' with ya' lad. As long as you ain't doing nothin' shady." He stated bluntly. Monty opened his mouth to speak again, but quickly shut it, finding no counter argument. He simply nodded and left the cove.

Foxy watched him leave suspiciously and only waited for him to be out of sight to uncross his arms and relax his posture.

There was something weird about that gator.


Even with Foxy reassuring him there was no competition, Montgomery found it hard to ignore how easy it was for Foxy to be adjusted. When Monty was first introduced, he barely made it past the first week getting any kids to care about him or his golf. But Foxy was natural. A veteran. In a matter of minutes he was already engaging a swarm of excited children, guiding them like a shepard to his sheep. He could really interact with little ones, much better than Monty ever could. The gator also chose to ignore the heating and jealousy building up in his system and chose to avoid the fox.

Foxy on the other hand, was not concerned about the children nor the gator. All he could think about was Bonnie. Chica had explained the story to him and it still confused him.

He couldn't walk, and even if he could Bonnie wouldn't have just limped away to hide...but then who would steal a giant broken animatronic?? How was there no security camera footage of it?

Something didn't add up to the fox. According to Chica they had checked every inch of the Pizza Plex for him and found nothing, no trail or evidence.

After closing, Foxy managed to get access to a map of the pizza plex from the security office. He doubted the bunny would be anywhere on the main floors or lobby, he would've been easily found if that was the case. That only left the tunnels and storage rooms. But no doubt security would have looked there too.

Foxy groaned but decided to check the tunnels anyway. He did not know his way around and was not good with directions, but he did have a good memory. He could remember the basic map instructions and the signs to follow around the place. So, he began his search.

He searched every storage room he could find, every corner and box. No sign of the bunny. Even with his impressive vision and tracking he found no leads.

There was no way the bunny left the Pizza Plex. He has to be around here. There has to be some sort of secret pathway, some vent, anything. It seemed ridiculous but he was out of other options. He opted to feeling around the walls. He knocked and ran his hand around them as much as he could. He was cautious with cameras and tried to avoid being seen, something he was good at.

Finally he felt a spot on the wall that was cold. Colder than the rest of it. When he knocked on it there was clearly room on the other side. Foxy looked for a crack or boarder to grab onto. When he found one he peeled the plate off the wall, thanking his new technical strength. He was met with a chute. He looked up at the writing on the top. It was faded and barely readable, but it read out: "Trash"

Bonnie couldn't be in here, could he? It wasn't marked on the map...so it was his last place to look.

Thankfully the fox was always a very small and thin animatronic, he could fit in just enough to enter the chute. The tunnel lasted only a few feet before Foxy was caught off guard by a drop. Fortunately, it wasn't very high and he suffered no damage from it. He winced and forced himself up, brushing off the dirt and trash that got on his coat. The room was dark, but he could see well with his night vision. The lights were off completely and the temperature was very low, this place was seemingly neglected. He felt a bad energy in this place and decided to proceed cautiously.



Hey! So I forgot to post this in the last chapter but here is my design for Foxy.

I had a glamrock design for him featured in another story, but he is not a glamrock

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I had a glamrock design for him featured in another story, but he is not a glamrock. His glamrock prototype was a failure, so they fixed him by downgrading him to a secondary animatronic (making him smaller and less technologically advanced).

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