' Chapter 13 '

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Roxanne felt somewhat awkward, but went along with it anyway if it meant Chica was happy.

Being surrounded by the four original and closest animatronics made her feel a bit...unwelcomed. Although she was good friends with all of them but Foxy, she still felt that she was intruding on something.

The four of them would speak in inside jokes and teasing, as well as talking about stories from older locations, something Roxanne unfortunately could not relate to.

"And so I sai- Bonnie! Yer' not even paying attention!" Foxy complained. The bunny appeared to be admiring his reflection from a reflective tray by the ice cream bar above the main lanes, where all of them were speaking. Bonnie turned to him and groaned.

"I look way different now, give me a break!" He complained, looking back to himself. He grinned smugly.

"And I still look great." He declared. Foxy rolled his eyes.

"I think yer' ego has gotten too high." He said. Bonnie scoffed at that. Roxanne was abruptly taken out of her daze as Foxy elbowed her, trying to engage her in the conversation.

"Ever since they gave 'im eyebrows, he's been all over himself." The fox joked. Bonnie spun around at the comment, appearing very flustered. That must have struck a sensitive spot in Bonnie.

"Hey-!" He complained. Chica could barely contain herself and bursted into a fit of laughter. Her laughter was so contagious, Roxanne couldn't help but join in, despite not really understanding the joke. Freddy had cracked up at the jab as well, though he tried hiding his own giggling. Bonnie turned to Freddy and pouted.

"Who's side are you on??" He questioned. Freddy just chuckled and approached the bunny calmly. He wrapped his arms around him gently and rested his chin on his head.

"It is all in good fun, silly bunny..." He reassured. Bonnie only huffed and turned away cheekily, though he lacked any real malice or anger.

"I don't really like the 'fun', Fredrick." Bonnie remarked. Freddy had merely laughed and hugged the bunny tighter, nuzzling his forehead affectionately. The others also got a laugh out of that comment, including Roxanne. The wolf cut her laughing short as she caught movement behind the wall of the entrance from the locker rooms. It was a smaller more feminine figure, almost like Vanessa. That would mean she was eavesdropping. What could interest her in random bantering from the animatronics?

Roxanne turned back to the group only to jump slightly in surprise as she saw Foxy eyeing the exact same spot. Did he also have that ability? She made eye contact with the fox who silently communicated to her confirming the shape. They did not know if they should announce the figure, go to identify it, or ignore it.

Roxanne then noticed Bonnie suddenly turned his head towards the direction of the figure, though he was not looking in the exact spot since he could not see through walls. Roxanne and Foxy payed close attention to the bunny acting suspiciously.

Surprisingly, the bunny tensed up. He was trembling slightly and held a mortified expression towards that direction. Foxy noticed this at the same time and quickly stood up.

"Bonnie, are ye' ok, lad? Yer' trembling!" He said. Freddy turned to the fox in confusion before directing his gaze down to the bunny. Bonnie quickly snapped out of his daze and turned to Foxy.

"Nothing! Nothing is wrong...really-" he claimed.

"But...I think you guys should get going." He said. Chica and Freddy deflated at that answer while Roxanne furrowed her brows in concern.

"Why do we need to leave?" She questioned. Bonnie turned to her, he tried keeping an even expression yet he was visibly frightened.

"I-I'm gonna' forget to charge, it's also late-" he reasoned. Foxy shook his head, much to the confusion of the others.

"Since when do ya' forget to do essential things like that? You've always had an amazing memory, lad." He said. Now, the bunny was growing frustrated. Tears started building up in his eyes. At this point, Freddy and Chica had also realized that Bonnie's usual excuse was not adding up.

"This is my alley, and I'm telling all of you, you can't stay here!" He cried. Freddy jumped slightly at his outburst. The bear responded by holding Bonnie tighter.

"Bonnie, you are overheating again, please-! Calm down!" Freddy tried to keep his voice steady. Bonnie sobbed as more frustrated tears ran down his face. He was having a hard time containing his own fear and despair. He pushed away from Freddy's arms.

"Please...you h-have to leave-!" He cried. Freddy was extremely worried now. The bunny suddenly winced and gripped his ears, forcing them on his head.

"Shut up, shUt up, SHUT UP-!" He cried gripping his head. He began wobbling and feeling dizzy as his body grew hot to the touch. Freddy gently embraced him and placed an arm over his pinned ears, hoping to block out whatever noise or pain was agitating the bunny. Roxanne turned towards the feminine shape again, only to make out she was fleeing. Foxy snarled from behind Roxanne and sprinted after the figure, moving in surprisingly fast speed.

Chica, on the other hand, joined Freddy in trying to calm Bonnie down. Bonnie began gasping frantically and trembling. Freddy gently but firmly removed Bonnie's hands from his face and forced them both to the side, staring the bunny in the eyes.

"Bonnie, you are overheating again! Please, you need to stay with me!" He said. Bonnie stumbled but was caught by Freddy.

"I do not want you blacking out again, please-!" Freddy begged.

"Argh! There be no one here!" Foxy stormed back in, visibly frustrated. Bonnie stopped and looked up at that.


"There 'be no one here anymore, Bonnie." Foxy reassured. The bunny gradually began cooling off. Freddy turned to Foxy.

"What do you mean there is no one here-?" He asked. Foxy turned to Roxanne who sighed.

"We identified someone behind the walls towards the entrance, but they left now..." She said.

"Is that what you were afraid of, Bonnie? It must've just been Vanessa." Chica reassured. The bunny just sighed.

"I-it's fine...y-yeah..." He wiped his eyes. Freddy tried reading him, but the bunny avoided eye contact.

"I think I will stay with you for longer tonight." Freddy said. Bonnie turned to him.

"Nono, don't stay up for me, I'm ok!" He reassured. The bear only shook his head.

"I want to make sure you are at ease, Bon." He insisted. The bunny finally sighed, giving up.

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