' Chapter 10 '

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"Do I...get the others?" Foxy interrupted. Freddy's ears lowered at that. He was sitting on the sofa letting Bonnie rest against him for support. Bonnie stirred slightly.

"Th-the o-o-others, the-they betrayed-trayed me-!" Bonnie whimpered. Foxy glanced to Bonnie concerned while Freddy comforted him further.

"What do ya' mean, lad?!" Foxy asked. Freddy butted in.

"Do not worry, you two. It was settled. It was all just an accident caused by a prank," Freddy continued.

"But it is your decision to forgive them, Bon." He said. Bonnie thought for a moment before wincing.

"S-s-sorry...cen-sors...n-n-not work-working-" Bonnie mumbled. Freddy turned to Foxy.

"Get the others and dim the lights as you leave, please." Freddy ordered. Foxy nodded obediently and left to do so.

When Foxy left, Freddy sighed and leaned further into the sofa. Bonnie's good eye scanned over the now dimmed room.

"I...have not been cleaning it well for a while, sorry." Freddy apologized sheepishly.

"B-but...y-y-you ha-hate m-mess-mess-messes..." Bonnie stuttered. Freddy leaned down to nuzzle his forehead affectionately.

"After I lost you...I no longer cared for it..." He said. Bonnie huddled closer to him.

"W-well...you sh-sh-should get to-to clean-cleaning-" Bonnie teased. Freddy chuckled at that.

"You have not changed a bit..." Freddy mumbled fondly. He leaned to gently kiss the bunny's forehead.

Although Gregory felt awkward and frightened, he did not dare alert anyone he was in the stomach hatch. The boy was caught off guard at Bonnie's new appearance, but, perhaps the bunny could provide him answers if he was patient.

The door flew open as Chica rushed in with Roxy on her tail. Chica's head scanned the room frantically before landing on the bunny.

"B-Bonnie?!" She sobbed. Bonne chuckled and leaned up slightly to face her.

"...a-aye', lil' chi-chi-ck..." He smiled. Chica covered her mouth as she processed this was real. When she finally came to terms she sped forward and caught the bunny in the best hug she could manage.

"Oh, Bonnie-! We missed you so much!" She cried into him. Bonnie weakly lifted his good arm to rub comforting circles on her back.

"You're back?!" Roxanne knelt down as well to get a better look at him. Bonnie nodded. "I'm r-real..." He stuttered. Roxanne looked to Freddy for approval before he nodded.

"Keep him on the couch and be gentle." He warned. Roxanne nodded. She lifted the bunny from Freddy and made sure he was secured and comfortable by the couch. When he was available both girls trapped him in a tight and relieved hug. Bonnie could feel whatever resentment he had lighten at the sight of how genuine they seemed.

Freddy's face fell again as he turned to Foxy who was waiting by him with crossed arms and looking towards the hug.

"Where is Montgomery?" Freddy asked. Foxy sighed.

"He didn't want to come, cap'n." Foxy's gaze lowered. Freddy huffed.

"There's somethin' off about that gator, I'm tellin' you!" Foxy complained quietly. Thankfully, none of the others could hear them over their own talking and crying.

Freddy nodded. "He has...always been an odd one. I will talk to him when I have the time." Freddy shook his head, turning to the group again.

"For now, I have better things to worry about..." He involuntarily smiled at Bonnie as he watched them. Foxy nodded.

Their reunion ended with the backdoor of Freddy's greenroom opening.

Vanessa stood at the door in awe.

"F-Freddy?? Where did you find this?!" She rushed in and gestured towards the bunny. Foxy spoke up.

"I-I found 'im lass, he was in the trash chute."

"The trash chute?!" Freddy's voice rose in anger. Vanessa shook her head and sighed.

"Freddy, move the others. We need to bring Bonnie to repairs." She ordered. Freddy rose up and stood in front of the bunny protectively. The other two animatronics held him tighter as well.

"You're not taking him there." Freddy said bluntly. Vanessa scoffed.

"Yes I am, we're just gonna' fix him!" She reasoned. Freddy growled.

"I do not believe you!" He snarled. Vanessa sighed, stepping forward. "I don't have time for this!" She groaned, approaching the bunny. She was caught off guard as Freddy caught the collar of her shirt in his claws and shoved her backwards. Vanessa lost her balance and fell to the floor.

"You are not taking him!" Freddy warned again. Vanessa knew how dangerous Freddy could be to security, so she finally backed down and power-walked out. When she was gone Freddy relaxed again.

He turned back to Bonnie who was trembling in fear while the others held him. Freddy finally softened and knelt down to him. He lifted a hand to run it against Bonnie's cheek comfortingly.

"I will not let them take you, do not worry." He promised. Bonnie nodded shakily at that. Freddy's gaze went to the two girls.

"Bonnie needs more rest, can you two come back later?" He asked. Chica nodded quickly and turned to Roxanne who begrudgingly agreed. She patted Bonnie's back before lifting him up and handing him back to bear who held him comfortably.

"Bye, Bon. We'll see you tomorrow!" Chica wiped her eyes and grabbed Roxanne's hand. The wolf nodded.

"Let us know if you need anything." The wolf said before jogging out. Foxy nodded to them before leaving to his own cove. When they were alone again, he placed Bonnie against the couch. The bunny was already falling into rest mode and could barely keep his eye open. Freddy chuckled and knelt down to stroke his ear affectionately, to which Bonnie hummed in appreciation.

"Bonnie...there is something you should know." He said. The bunny's eye opened tiredly to him. Freddy opened his stomach hatch and finally revealed Gregory.

Bonnie squinted, having a hard time making out the image of him.

"I am hiding a child with me. He does not have a home. You cannot tell anyone about him, ok?" He asked. Bonnie hesitated for a second before nodding slowly, his mind completely out of it. Freddy finally placed a light kiss on his forehead

"Rest now, Starshine. I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled. Bonnie mumbled in response before falling asleep. Freddy then turned to Gregory.

"You may rest with the blanket on the other side of the couch." Freddy told him. Gregory crawled over to his spot and turned to Freddy.

"So this is Bonnie?! You two are-??"

Freddy shushed him quickly and gestured to the sleeping bunny. Gregory quickly lowered his voice.

Freddy sighed. "Yes...I will find out what to do with him after he's rested..." he said.

The bear's posture visibly hardened.

"The fact of all places, he was left in the trash-?! It angers me." The bear growled. Gregory stared down and nodded. He gripped the blanket closer to him and tried going to sleep himself.

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