' Chapter 4 '

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The three friends were having a civil chat at the East Arcade. Chica dozed off, her mind clouded in worry. She had thought Freddy would've moved forward by now, at the very least, leave his room once in a while. But no, he's still isolating himself.

Chica wants to help him. He's her best friend after all...but how do you help someone who doesn't want help?

She was interrupted from her thoughts by Roxanne waving a hand in her face.

"Chica, you there-? 'Lost you for a second-" she laughed awkwardly. Chica finally snapped out of her gaze and sighed.

"Yeah...I'm just worried about Freddy I guess..." She muttered. Roxy nodded in silent agreement. Monty brushed it off.

"He'll be fine...some people just need space." He said. Roxanne turned back and shot him a knowing glare. "You can say that, but you're just as worried as all of us." She accused. Monty stubbornly turned his head away, scoffing.

Chica crossed her arms. "But I'm his friend, I should be there for him! He doesn't like being alone, Monty. He's never liked being alone, he hates it! He always has..." She complained. Roxy turned back to her.

"Well...you usually comforted him when he got like this? How does he normally handle it?" She asked. Chica looked down somberly.

"...no...Freddy could get very unpredictable when he was emotional...Bonnie was the only one who could calm him down..." She said. Roxanne face palmed.

"Well...that ain't exactly gonna' work right now-" Monty claimed. Roxanne gestured for him to be quiet.

"You're not helping, moron." She scolded. Monty held up his hands in defense. "What?? I was tellin' the truth!" He defended. Chica stepped in.

She placed a hand on Roxanne's shoulder to get her attention. "I appreciate it dear, but Monty is right..." She said. Roxanne sighed but nodded to her. Chica looked down again.

"My positive attitude is never enough...it only ever cheers up small children nowadays...I'm trying so hard to stay positive but I'm so scared for him!" She sobbed. Roxanne quickly ushered her into a tight hug, rubbing her back comfortingly and whispering reassurances.

Although for some reason he refused to show it, Monty was very concerned for Chica. Her emotions were just getting worse and worse...she wasn't anything like the Chica he met before, back when he was new. She's at her breaking point, whether she wants to admit it or not.

Monty likes to act like an idiot. He may not make the best decisions at times but it has always been easier to look dumb. Through his old star glasses, no one had anyway of knowing who or where he was looking, or who he was judging and analyzing. In actuality, he is very observant and he thinks a lot.

He knows Chica and Freddy are getting worse, yet he doesn't know how to fix it. A small part of him begins wondering if he was the main reason. Not only did his dumb prank take Bonnie's animatronic life, but he was essentially Bonnie's replacement. At first the idea excited him, he had always wanted to be in the band. But every time he stepped on stage, he was not Bonnie. He could not be Bonnie. He was half the animatronic Bonnie was. And after the shows, when the team would talk together and express their thoughts on their performance, it seemed he was usually cut out.

He walked further behind the others, he did not get nearly as many fans as Bonnie, so why did he take his place? Chica, Freddy, and Roxy would be so much happier without him. If Bonnie had lived instead of him. None of them would've cared anyway. He felt guilt, he felt lost,

But worst of all, he was pissed.

This isn't fair at all! He's constantly tormented by his mistakes. He cannot complete a day of work without somehow being reminded of what he did. Of why he was on stage in Bonnie's place. It was as if he was living in his own personal hell.

Had they found Bonnie's body, Monty wouldn't have even been considered a replacement. But the bunny's body went missing after he left. Chica and Roxy must have fled the scene and someone took it...

But none of that mattered now, what's done is done. Now Monty had to be there for his friend. The only problem being, he does not know how to help her.


When the others had gotten the news from Freddy that Foxy was returning everyone was thrilled. Monty and Roxy had heard so much about him, it was exciting getting to meet another original animatronic.

Monty also felt threatened, however. He had metaphorical blood on his hands to get this position in the band. Foxy is a natural, he must be a veteran. How will he even coompete with the fox?!

But, seeing Chica and Freddy look so happy again warmed the gator's heart, so hopefully, he could set aside his own concerns for now.

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