' Chapter 16 '

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Roxanne checked over her cart at her raceway. She had noticed during the day it was running slower than usual and there was minor turbulence when she rode it. She bent down to pull the hood up from the front to check inside.

"ROXANNE!" She heard a familiar voice yell. The second she turned around she was nearly tackled to the ground in a tight hug. Chica had her arms gripped around the wolf and buried her head into her chest. Roxanne laughed it off at first and was going to question her when she noticed Chica was actually trembling.

She gently pushed Chica forward to see her face. The poor bird looked petrified.

"Angel, is everything alright?! Did someone hurt you??" The wolf fretted, checking her body over for injury.

"N-no, I-...Roxanne, you have to believe me, I know it sounds crazy, but you have to!" Chica cried. Roxanne nodded for her to speak, her worry for the bird only growing.

"It's the S.T.A.F.F. bots...all day as I've walked past them they've been staring at me! I brushed it off at first but they would just stop working and stare at me silently! It was creeping me out and it wouldn't stop, they're still doing it!" Chica claimed. Roxanne raised both her eyebrows.

"The S.T.A.F.F. bots are watching you...?" She asked. Chica groaned.

"I know you don't believe me, but it's true! Come see-" Chica grabbed her wrist and yanked her out of the raceway. The wolf didn't like being taken from her work, but Chica's safety was obviously more important.

Chica pulled her into the lobby and gestured for her to look around. Sure enough, the every bot was staring their direction. Roxanne's eyes narrowed in alarm. She protectively pulled Chica closer to her.

"Y-yeah, what the hell is this?!" She asked, audibly concerned.

"I don't know!" Chica cried. Both of them jumped at the sound of metal footsteps rushing their direction. They both turned to see Foxy frantically sprinting towards them.

"Foxy, what's wrong?!" Chica asked. The fox stopped abruptly, scanning the room frantically.

"Aye, I was bein' chased, lass! I barely escaped with me skin!" He claimed.

"Chased by what?!" Roxanne asked.

"I-I don't know! I really don't know-! Some lass in a bunny suit!"

Roxy blinked incredulously. "A bunny suit??" She asked. Foxy nodded frantically.

"Ok, ok, everyone calm down! We should go to Freddy and Monty! We have to stick together here!" She said. The others nodded in agreement.


Gregory continued with his notes. He was allowed to use paper and colored pencil to "draw" in Freddy's room. In actuality, he was busy taking notes. His brother was last seen with Bonnie, so the bunny would have the most information, the problem is, Freddy not catching on. Speak of the devil, Freddy finally walked into his greenroom.

He looked exhausted as he stumbled in. His gaze turned to the boy and he smiled tiredly.

"Hello, Gregory. How was your day?" He asked, heading over to sit by him on the floor. Gregory scooted away from Freddy to hide his writing. The bear seemed slightly hurt by this but chose not to bring it up. Gregory shrugged.

"It was fine...spent most of my time at the daycare." He said. Freddy nodded, his gaze traveling to the paper.

"And what are you drawing, Gregory? I would love to see it." Freddy wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pulled him close to see the paper. The boy was unfortunately much weaker and was easily pulled in by the bear. When the bear saw the paper his smile dropped.

Freddy took the paper from his hands completely and looked it over.

"Your...brother...?" Freddy turned to him confusedly. Gregory sighed, there was no getting out of this.

"Y-yeah...my brother went missing here when I was really young...I want to find out what happened to him to put my mom at ease. That's why I came here in the first place... and why I came back." He said honestly. Freddy's ears lowered and his frown deepened.

"...so, you did not come just to see me again...?" Freddy asked quietly. Gregory quickly turned to him and shook his head.

"N-no! I wanted to see you again too, but I also needed to solve this, I just thought you wouldn't let me...now that Bonnie's back I just need to ask him about this!" Gregory tried justifying himself. The bear looked over the paper again before he shook his head.

"No, Gregory. You will not talk to Bonnie about this." The bear got up with the paper in his hands and headed towards his vanity. Gregory stood up quickly and followed.

"What?! No, Freddy, I need that paper! I have to do this!" Gregory tried. The bear shook his head again.

"No. Bonnie is going through enough right now...I will not have you interrogating and harassing him." The bear said sternly.

"I have to do this! My mom is waiting for me to come home with answers!" Gregory pleaded. Freddy sighed.

"I understand that, but I cannot have you stirring up unrest here. It has been a very long time since your brother has been here, you cannot just go around interrogating us." He said. Gregory began tearing up in frustration. All the work and trouble he went through, just for the bear who was supposed to be supporting him to stop his plan. The boy yanked the paper from Freddy's hands, the plastic on them having bad grip made it easy to pull the paper away without ripping it.

"This is why I didn't bring it up to you...you're just some dumb robot. You don't know what it's like to have a family..." He blurted out. Freddy's heart dropped again hearing that. Although Gregory regretted how he worded it, he was not one to back down easily. He was very surprised that Freddy was so silent, just staring at Gregory in disbelief. Gregory bee-lined back to the sofa to sit on it and continue his notes, avoiding eye contact with the bear by the vanity. Freddy sighed turned back to his reflection.

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