Chapter 2

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We wake up in our little room me and my brother Alex because of the screams coming from the kitchen, Mom and dad are fighting like every morning but this time it was worse. "I CAN'T LIVE WITH A MONSTER LIKE YOU ANYMORE." i heard my mom yelling at dad, it a little house after all what make me hear every single detail, my brother hugs me and put his hand around my ears while i was just terrified, "it gonna be okey Sara it gonna be okey i promise..." the only thing i remember that day is my mom pulling me off of my brother's hand crying, she put me in the car and just drive far away from our little home and my lovely brother...


I was swiping through my phone until my mom called me, i went down stairs and saw a man standing in the living room looking at me smiling, i cant believe that I've met my brother again, one of the most magic moments i have ever lived, he hugged me and whispered in my ear "i promised you.."


well now i'm still working on my carrer of being a famous actress and live my life with my mom, brother and best friend Nour.


I'm sitting in the living room until i got a text from Nour.


Me: I'm watching a movie not now nour.

Nour💕: come on stop being a dick head go dress and meet me at the park in 30min

Me: Nah I'm good

Nour💕: im not going to say it twice.


And with that i get up and go dress up.
My outfit:

(You can change it if you don't like it btw <3)

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(You can change it if you don't like it btw <3)

I'm at the park waiting for my friend, well I'm a little bit early i guess or maybe she's always late, it been 10min and still nothing until a girl approaches me, "well you're still waiting to be an actress?" she laughs at her sentence, you just look at her in the eyes, "well ig you still haven't recognized me yet" "umm no?" "im ashely you're boyfriend's best friend nice to meet you" she gives you her hand to shake it but you just make a disgust face and look at her and her hand, "sorry for the delay Sara i.." you turn around and see Nour, you sigh of relief "okey but who is she" Nour asks, "um ashley ig" "exactly, well im gonne leave now guys see ya" ashley says smiling and just leave, «that was weird» Nour Declares, «if you will ever be late again i would never go out with you anymore and pull your eyes out!» i scolds her, «ohh come on it been just 10min stop being dramatic» «yeah yeah whatever» «okey fine i have a good news for you» «yeah better be a good thing cuz i had to stop my movie for you» «trust me on this» she claims smiling and takes my hand to follow her.


She guides me into a big building with a lot of announcements for modeling, acting... «Nour you really thought we're going to have a chance for this» «well it worth noting to try you know» she shrugs and get in the building, we waited there for what seemed like an eternity, finally it was our turn a young man guide us to an office he get in and let us behind the door, after some minutes he comes out the office and a women around the 40 welcomes us, «hello girls, why are you here specifically?» the women turn out that her name is isabelle declares, «well i have some experiences with modeling and my friend Sara need some castings to show the world her skills» Nour claims, «i- um yea.. i mean i already passed a lot of casting but never get into it» i answered, «okey well girls i will send you some special help for that, and i need to talk to you Sara later in private please» isabelle responded, «yeah sure no problem» and with that i left my phone number to isabelle and left the building with Nour.


«What do you think she wants to tell me» i asked Nour around our lunch table, «stop stressing it probably your opportunity to be famous!» Nour answered, «and what she meant by special help?» «I'm starting to lose my appetite because of your questions» «ugh i hate this» «are you sure about being famous?» «tbh i don't really know at this point» «oh come on just shut up and eat.», we finish eating lunch and say goodbye to each other, i was heading home until my phone starts ringing, it an unknown number, i pick up and it a voice of a women, «hello Sara it Isabelle» OMG SHE'S CALLING ME «i- h- hi ms Isabelle» «i want you to dress fancy to night I've got a little surprise for you» «okey sure» «meet me in front of the building tonight at 7» and with that she hangs up the phone and left me shocked about what just happened.

Hope you guys enjoyed this next chapitre really soon good reading <33

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