Chapter 22

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I pick up my phone and see that it's Pablo

Gavi: hey

Me: hey!

Gavi: how it's going?

Me: yeah good everything's right, i have some good news too

Gavi: really like what you're officially coming tonight?!

Me: i haven't talked about this to my boss but i got something more exciting!!

Gavi: can you just talk for once?

Me: okey so have you watched obx already?

Gavi: yeah why?

Me: well drew starkey is filming with us!

Gavi: Cool

Me: what you're not happy for me now?

Gavi: no nothing it's just not that exciting you know

Me: come on stop being dramatic and he's really nice actually

Gavi: i need to go back to training see you tonight

Me: I'll see.

«what the hell is wrong with him?!» i asked myself then go back inside to continue the shooting, after some hours we finish working then david exclaims «okey that it for this morning see you tonight!» my heart pounds when i heard that then decided to talk to him alone in his office, i wait a little then go, i knock at the door and get in to find david sitting in his office and drew in front of him talking, «hello sorry for bothering i just need to talk to you mr David» i claimed then drew smiles to me, get out and closes the door behind him, «something's wrong Sara?» David asked «I'm sorry sir but i don't think i can make it tonight» i announced «why is there a problem?» «No actually it not something really important bu-» he cuts me and continues «can you just tell me what going on cause you know that we can't shoot without you!» «i know mr but I'm really sorry my mum is sick and i need to stay with her tonight!» «it's okey i understand you can stay with her tonight but try not to be really absent» «okey i promise thank you so much mr David!» i responded then leave all excited "i can't believe I've lied about that, my mom is not even here!?"

I finally get out of the building after changing to my initial clothes and find Pedri's car parked there i get in the back sit and sigh of relief and drink some water «so how was your "perfect day" today?» Pablo asked while frowning i choke and cough «What?» i responded confused «what are you guys talking about?» Pedri interrogated «well your little housemate had a perfect date at work today!» Pablo continued «a date at work?» Pedri answered confused «okey so first of all it wasn't a date and I'm sorry if he's famous and which all the girls are over!» i scolded him he frown more and refuses to talk to me until Pedri exclaims «so you guys are serious about it isn't?!» we ignore him the he continues «all right whatever» after some couple minutes i noticed that's not the way home «where are we going?» i asked «No it where are you two going» Pedri announced «excuse me?!» Me and Pablo claimed in sync he looks at us and laughs «i guess you are not that different than each other» he declared «come on shut up and keep driving» Pablo scolded him while slapping the back of his neck playfully, we laugh about it and keep our mysterious way.

Pedri finally parked in front of a forest with a sign where it written that the entry is prohibited, «and here we are» Pedri announced «what we can't even get in here» i responded «No we're not going in there Pedri» Pablo exclaimed «come on Pablo she's one of us now» Pedri declared «what are you guys talking about?» i asked «you don't have to know that» pablo answered «just fet the hell out of my car both of you come on» Pedri exclaimed while opening Pablo's door «wait! And where are you going?» Pablo interrogated «i have to do something but don't forget it your turn now but mine next time» Pedri responded while winking to him «get the fuck out now» he continued then just starts his car and go leaving me and pablo in the entrance of a forest.

«what are we supposed to do here?» i asked «just shut up and follow me» i roll my eyes and see that his jumping over the fence «come on!» he stretches out his hand to help me «what no I'm not getting in here!?» «come on you won't regret» «are you dumb you haven't read the sign?!» «trust me?» «NO-» i couldn't finish my sentence when he get back and lifts me like a potato sack «STOP-» «oh shut up you talk and yell so much!» «I-» he puts me down the minute we pass the fence «you have legs» he exclaimed, i roll my eyes and follow him until we arrive in front of a big treehouse «Wow» i claimed «we used to play here when we were younger» he announced while looking at me, I'm still looking at the big treehouse when i asked «how is it still here it didn't even move?!» «I maintain it, it my secret place somehow i love sitting here especially when I'm not okey» «sounds cool» «cool?» he said while giggling and tickling his head i take a look at him to find him all red and scratching the back of his neck «What?» i interrogated «n-nothing um- wa-wanna go up?» «yeah sure come on» «ladies first» «yeah whatever» then i get in and find a surprise there.

Hope you enjoyed this!
A date?
Next chapter soon!
Ramadan mubarak to all the muslims❤️
Good reading <3

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