Chapter 7

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«OH MY GOD SARA WAKE UP!!» someone shouts in my room to wake me up while shaking me, i fell to the ground, «WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?» i open my eyes and see Nour above me looking panicked, i rub my eyes and yawn, «what going on?» i said stretching myself over the floor, «we forgot to do your suitcase yesterday and it 1pm!!» exclaimed Nour «okey and so what?» «we need to leave for the airport in like 2 hours!» « OMG WHAT!?» i answered and jump off the floor and grab my suitcase, «take just the necessary things» i heard my mom saying from the door, «I'm going to stay for 9 months you know that mom?» i responded «yes i know, I will send you all your other stuff don't worry about that» My mom announced, «well i still have time then» i assumed and shrug «no no you're not going back to sleep, go prepare yourself we're going to get lunch» Nour scolded me, i huff, roll my eyes and go prepare myself.

The outfit:

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(Feel free to change it <3)

We're on our way to find some restaurant «what do you wanna eat?» Nour asked me, «don't know, I'm not really hungry to be honest» «why what wrong?» «stress, social anxiety and the fact that I'm going to leave all of you» «i understand but if you want to be an actress you need to leave all those issues behind you!» i take a deep breath and finish «i know, i know..» , after some walk we didn't find anything interesting to eat and an idea came to Nour's head «You know what!» «what?» «let's just buy some spaghetti and cook at home together like the good old days!» «like the good old days?» i said smirking knowing what she meant and that it going to turn into a big food fight, «Yes!!» she answered «sounds good» we both laugh and go to the closest market to buy all the items we need and go back home.

We are in the kitchen boiling the water «should i break them in two pieces?» Nour exclaimed, «NO DON'T!» i scolded her, «too late», she breaks the spaghetti in two pieces and laughs «OMG NOUR NO!!» i throw a tomato at her and laugh Cause it's all smashed on her face and the juice all over her clothes, «you bitch!» she breaks an egg over my head and laughs at her turn «I HAVE A FLIGHT IN AN HOUR OMG HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO TAKE A SHOWER NOW?!» i yelled at her what makes her laughing more, after calming down a little we continue cooking with an egg on my hair and tomato over her face, we finish cooking then eat the spaghetti cut in two pieces which were really good.

«I'm going to take a shower, if mom or Alex come just open them the door» i declared to Nour and go take a shower, prepare myself, style my hair, put my makeup up, outfit jewelry and go down stairs to call Nour to help me with my suitcase.

The outfit:

I went down stairs to find everyone in the living room«you're looking for a new boyfriend?» Nour asked «what No ew why?» «cause you're hot, oups i

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I went down stairs to find everyone in the living room
«you're looking for a new boyfriend?» Nour asked «what No ew why?» «cause you're hot, oups i.. i- mean pretty yea you look gorgeous» she smiles uncomfortably and cleans her throat because of my mom, i laugh at her comment and behavior when mom asks «well i guess you're ready?» «umm i- i haven't packed my suitcase yet» i answered «WHAT WE'RE LEAVING IN 30 MINUTES!» Nour exclaimed surprised «that why I'm here, i need your help» «fine!» she rolls her eyes and get up to help me «are you dumb or something?» she muttered «ohh shut up and come on» i whispered back and hit the back of her head for fun and she starts chasing me.

We finish making my suitcase, i sigh and Nour says «finally!» «well i guess it time..» «i guess too..» i take a last look to my room «I'm going to miss this» i assumed then just close my bedroom's door, we went down stairs to find my mom and Alex waiting for me, i take a look to mom and find her eyes all red ready to start crying, i cuddle her as hard as possible, she starts crying a little bit but try to hide it «call me everyday honey and text me when you arrive!» My mom said, «don't worry mom i will!» i responded, then turn to Alex to see him smiling ready to hug me «i will miss you lil sis» «it gonna be okey i promise..» and with that me and Nour leave the house, get into her car, and she starts driving far away from home.

Arriving to the airport i find Isabelle, the director and some other persons «well Hello Sara, Hi Nour, i guess it time for me to leave you with director!» Isabelle announced «right now?» Nour asked «yes they need to leave right now» Nour looks at me with a sad smile, approaches me and hug me with all her strength «i will miss you» she assumed «me too Nour me too..» i answered «just promise me two things» «whatever you want» «don't forget me and realize your damn dream and be famous for me okey!» i look a her with tears in my eyes and hug her back «i promise you!» and with that Isabelle and Nour quit the airport leaving me with some actors and obviously the director.

We're finally in the plane after long hours in the airport, i haven't really made any friendship right now but in the plane i was beside a young girl around my age, before the plane takes off she says «hi I'm ruth!» i smile back and answer «hi ruth I'm Sara nice to meet you!» and this is how it's start I've made a friend, we talked a bit after the plane takes off and then just sleep for the rest nine hours of the flight.

«hey Sara wake up!» i heard someone saying while shaking me gently, i rub and open my eyes to see ruth smiling at me «we arrived to Barcelona!!» she announced «already!?» i answered surprised cause I've slept all the flight, «come on let's get out of here»
We get up from our sits and get off the plane tiredly, we enter the airport and pass, «well everyone, i guess we're going to separate here see you tomorrow!» the director announced and everyone start to leave «where are you going to stay?» I asked Ruth «i have a Hispanic boyfriend that lives here!» she assumed «a Hispanic boyfriend sounds like a dream» she laughs at my comment and responds «i know right!» «well i think you need to go see you tomorrow!» i declared not bothering her much «k see ya» she smiles back and leaves.

It not the morning yet it around 5am but i decided to call my mom even if she's still sleeping, to tell her that i arrived and tell her to send me a picture of her friend, i call her she didn't answer at the first call, i call her a second time and she answers «Hi Sara is everything okey nothing wrong what happened?» i laugh cause she's still worried and act like I'm still a baby «momm I'm okey i arrived some minutes ago!» i announced «good to know that! Have you found Martina?» mom asked «well i still don't know how she looks like you know» i shrug waiting for an answer «well I'm going to send you a picture of her and text me when you find her!» «okey mom I'm waiting» and with that she hangs up the phone and sends me a pic of a women with brown straight and short hair.

I'm still looking for that mysterious women but nothing, until a random boy approaches me from behind which it makes me jump a little bit, i turn around to take a look at this boy and find Pedri from the Fc Barcelona team "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING RIGHT KNOW?" I tell to myself «hey Sara sorry for scaring you» he smiles and scratches the back of his neck, his smile is cuter in real life, «hey I'm sorry but you are?» i smile back «i guess you haven't recognize me yet?» he said still smiling, «i definitely do» i laugh a little bit by seeing him happy that i recognized him «but the question is why the Fc barcelona player talking to me?» i continued, he laughs at my comment and answers «I'm Martina's son!».

Kind of a sad and happy chapter hope you enjoyed it,
more of pedri in the next chapter!
(It a gavi x Sara btw)
Good reading xoxo

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