Chapter 20

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After that Pedri is choosing which photo to post on his story while me and Pablo are trying to touch one of the flamingos there «we can't reach it like that, i think i need to lift you it too far!» Pablo exclaimed «how are yo-» he cuts me in the middle of my sentence by lifting me with his arms «OH MY GOD!» i screamed in surprise which attracted Pedri's attention «what are you guys doing?» he asked «just trying to touch that flamingo!» Pablo claimed «having fun without me i see» Pedri declared while getting closer to us with a smirk in his face «NO PEDRI DON'T.» i scolded him «what is he trying to do?» Pablo interrogated «are you stupid or what? He's trying to throw us into the water!» «WHA-?!» he didn't gets the time to finish his sentence when he lets go of me and finds himself in the water and me on the floor, «my butt hurt now!» i exclaimed i turn to see Pedri laughing his ass out and Pablo glaring at him all wet, i giggle about it when Pedri suggests «need help?» «yeah i guess so» i said he approaches me and helps me to get up then helps Pablo out of the water «We start training in like 10 minutes how am i supposed to go now?» he claimed «wet!» me and Pedri exclaimed together in sync which makes us look at each other and laughing and Pablo glaring at us.

We're sitting in the car in the same position as earlier, me and Pedri are still laughing about what happened but Pablo doesn't think it that funny so he sulks «come on it not that bad dude!» Pedri exclaimed, he refused to answer so i continue «you're sulking like a child you know that!» «well I'm the one how's supposed to sit in the passenger seat but I'm all wet now!» he finally responded «just keep your ass on that blanket i don't want my car to be soak» Pedri claimed Pablo rolls his eyes and continues «just be great full i saved your butt from the water!» «well it's still hurt to be honest» i declared, we snicker about it but we can see that Pablo is trying to hold his laugh, then we just put music and vibe all together.

«we're late for our training» Pedri exclaimed «yeah and because of who» Pablo continued «shut up it wasn't my idea to go to a lake!» i scolded him «yes but it was your idea to go for a turn» Pedri responded while laughing with Pablo «well fine i won't hang out with you anymore, is it better now!?» i claimed «come on we're just joking, I'm all wet just for a joke and I'm laughing right now!» Pablo declared «he's got a point» Pedri answered while pointing him «it's not like you sulked for half an hour!» i exclaimed «well you're not totally wrong either» Pedri continued «yes i did but i was right to do it!» Pablo answered i sigh and declare «just drop me off at home» «why won't you come with us to the training!» Pedri announced «i start in less then an hour how am i supposed to come with you?!» i assumed «come on it's gonna be fun and plus your work place is near to the stadium!» Pablo claimed «fine I'll see the two of you running like shit» i exclaimed while giggling «you'll see!» Pablo Said and Pedri snickers.

We Finally arrive to the stadium, we get in running cause they're late and finally met all the team like the in the restaurant and for the first time i meet Xavi «we have a guest i see!» he exclaimed while smiling to me «sorry for the delay, well this is Sara she's my housemate she's staying with us today!» Pedri announced «good to know that, welcome Sara take a seat» Xavi declared «she's staying here just for an hour» i heard Pablo saying when i start to walk away, i shrug and sit on the closest seat a little bit far from the others.

After some minutes of training i saw Pablo approaching me with a bottle of water on his hand «wanna drink?» He asked «nah I'm good thanks» i responded «okey whatever you want» «you run like shit» «excuse you!» «just kidding you're doing good, hope you'll win tonight» i answered while smiling to him he smiles back and exclaimed before leaving «only if you come!» he winks at me then go, I'm sitting there looking at them when I've made an eyes contact with Ansu Fati he smiles and waves to me as an hi then approaches me «Hey Sara it's been a long time since!» he declared «Hey Ansu, how are you?» i asked «yeah I'm fine thanks, you should ask that to Gavi» he claimed laughing «Gavi why?» i interrogated confused «and Pedri as well cause since you guys met they're not focusing» He announced «yeah that weird but i don't think this is about me!» «i let you think about it i need to go now!» he smiles to me i smile back then he leaves.

10Am it's time, i get up from my seat and wave to Pedri and Pablo to come, they approach me and Pedri asks «you're going already?» «yeah it time and I'm literally late right now» i announced while looking at my watch «can't you stay a little bit more?» Pablo asked «nope I'm already coming to the game tonight sooo» «You're coming!?» Pablo exclaimed all excited while smiling like a child well i can assume that it was a little cute «yeah you dumbass I've talked with her this morning and she's coming» Pedri claimed while pointing me «well it still not official!» «oh come on!» Pablo respond disappointed while raising his hand up «how are you going to your work?» Pedri interrogated «walking, it just out there in like five minutes of walk» i declared while shrugging «okey then take care of yourself and be careful outside!» Pablo advised me «i count on you to come!» Pedri continued «trust me on that!» i smile to them they smile back then i leave and see them waving to me.

I left the stadium, I'm on my way to my work place when i heard a honk behind me i take a look and find ruth with her boyfriend in a car driving, «Hey Sara get in!» ruth said from the car's window «no it's okey i can walk» i assumed «come on just a ride i can present you my boyfriend too it's gonna be fun!» she exclaimed while pointing her boyfriend he smiles to me and waves i do the same then continue «No really some walk won't hurt me and plus it's good for my health!» i argued «okey whatever you want, just call me if you need anything, see you later!» «thanks, see ya!» then they left and i keep walking by my own on the empty road.

Hope you enjoyed this!
Will Sara makes it tonight?
Next chapter soon!
Good reading <3

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