Chapter 24

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People start coming and the players are warming up, when the game starts players come and people start clapping and cheering for them, me and mikky do the same for some reason i couldn't take my eyes of Pablo I'm wondering why, i take a look at frenkie and find him waving to his girlfriend which makes mikky waves back and i could see in her eyes that she's really glad to have him, the referee whistles in the whistle and the game starts.

Thirty minutes passed and still no goal against intercity until half time plus one minute lewandowski passes the ball to Pedri and he finally score, he does his celebration and all the people are cheering, i could feeling that his looking for me, when he finally found me he smiles and winks, some fans noticed it and start screaming my name, me and Pedri turn all red and i just sit back and take a look at pablo and find him over some players trying to hide his jealousy but i could feel it anyway.

It Halftime break now players are inside when mikky turn to me and say «that was cute!» «what!?» i take a look at her and turn all red «stop you're all red you look like a tomato!» «i don't know what are you talking about!?» «come on, we all know!» she smirks and winks to me i break the eyes contact and claim «i-i need to go to the toilet» «okey I'm waiting for you!», i get up from my seat and go to find a long queue to get in the women's toilet «omg..» i whispered to myself «Sara!!» «OMG IT REALLY HER!!» «can i take a pic please!?» «can you sign me here?!» «are you Gavi's girlfriend?» «are the rumors real?!» «omg you're prettier in real life» «ew no i don't get how did she pull Gavi» «pathetic» «how did you and Pedri met?» «i don't like you but can you say my name» i heard voices from everywhere i just smile, take some pictures and go back without peeing «HEY YOU DIDNT ANSWER OUR QUESTIONS!» i heard one of the girls saying behind me and some of them are still following me until security come and they let go.

I go back to my seat and don't find mikky "where is she?" I asked myself i sit there waiting for here until i receive a message i take a look and find Nour.

Nour💕: I've seen that wink🤭

Me: stop playing around Nour.

Nour💕: come on it was cute let not lie!

Me: it's not funny

Nour💕: you're not happy or what? I'm pretty sure you're in love with someone else i know you!

Me: whatever you want Nour but i need to tell you something later

Nour💕: about?

Me: Liam

Nour💕: omg💀

Me: and No I'm not in love with anyone

Nour💕: it was so cool to see the people screaming my bestie's name🤭

Me: bestie💀 stop with those disgusting names

Nour💕: yeah and when Pedri will call you Love you won't say any shit

Me: shut up.

Nour💕: all right i was just joking calm down😭

Me: let me watch the game now the player start coming

Nour💕: yeah me too see ya!

Me: 😘

And with that i turn my phone off and see the players getting on the field i take a look at Pablo and find him drinking while looking at me, i smile he puts the bottle down and smiles back some people follow his gaze and start saying «ooooo» «omg not again..» i whispered to myself «yep again!» i break the eyes contact and turn around to find mikky approaching her seat «omg! finally where were you?» «inside we're vip you know!» «we can get in?!» «you didn't know?» «let say that is my first time being vip» «well now you know!» «can we get inside later?» i asked «we can get in the field if you want!» she announced «really? sounds good!» she smiles back then we turn to continue the game.

Ten minutes passed when intercity scored and equalize i see the team jumping and take a look at pablo witg his angry issues screaming for some reason «that totally the type of gavi» mikky declared «an angry bird» we laugh about it and see that the referee gives him a yellow card which eliminate him from the next game «you got to be kidding me» i whispered to myself and i hear some people screaming «HE DIDNT DO ANYTHING».

Time is almost over when Raphinha passes the ball to koundé he was going to score but misses it when Gavi comes behind him and finally scores, everyone is happy and pablo is doing his celebration while all the players are behind he jumps over them then makes a heart with his hands still smiling for some reason without looking at me but in some random direction «OMG THAT WASN'T FOR SARA!!» some fans scream, i follow Pablo's gaze and find him looking at a girl that is smiling back, i couldn't take my eyes of him while glaring, until he finally turn to me, his smile vanished the minute he put his eyes on me, he turn around quickly then the game continues for the last ten minutes.

The game is over barca win this one with two goals from Pedri and Gavi, people start leaving some of them happy and the other sad because there team lost and all the players are hugging each other, «wanna stay waiting?» mikky asked «yeah sure i have nothing else to do so!» we're waiting in our seats until pedri and frenkie beckoning us to come with their hand, mikky takes my hand to get down in the field, «come on it gonna be fun!» she exclaimed, i follow her and go talk to Pedri while avoiding Pablo.

Hope you enjoyed this!
A game day
Next chapter soon!
Good reading <3

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