Chapter 11

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I wake up the morning from the buzzing coming through my phone, at first i thought it was the alarm but i see 5 missed calls from Nour, I'm not really up so i rub my eyes and take a closer look then decide to call her back, after some seconds she answers.

«why were you calling me at 6 of the morning!?» i exclaimed «okey first good morning, i called you for two god damn reasons!» she answered «the hell is wrong with you?» i asked «okey first it's so you won't be late» «Nour really !? You called me for that!?» «calm down let me finish, take a deep breath and check your media!» she declared«what going on?» «just don't stress or sum BUT YOU'RE GOING VIRAL!!!» she announced «haha really funny Nour let me sleep now» «okey fine go check by yourself I'll call you later!» and with that she hangs up the phone.

I go check my instagram and find a LOT of notifications and comments like:

@fanofgavirapablo: wait who is she?

@thomas_paulo: she's really pretty tho

@bleuunicorn: i ship!!🥰🥰

@gaviswife: why did he took a pic of her?

My post has one million likes, I'm still wondering why when i noticed that the whole team started following me, i follow them back then saw a lot of rumors turning around me, i turn my phone off and just get up to get ready.

The outfit:

(Feel free to change it <3)

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(Feel free to change it <3)

The director who turned out to be David told us not to style our hair or do our make up cause they're gonna do it right for us right before the footage.

It's already 7:15Am and my appointment is at 8am, i get out of my room and go down stairs, i enter the kitchen and find Pablo sitting there, «what are you doing here?» i asked «well it's my best friend's house too» he shrugs «don't care» i roll my eyes while grabbing my cereals and milk and start eating, i was eating in silence with Pablo until Pedri came in and said «good morning guys!» «hey Pedri» me and Pablo said in sync which makes us look at each other weirdly, Pedri laughs at our behavior and says «you guys are acting like kids» «yea well she used me just for attention and likes!» Pablo exclaimed «I'm sorry what?» i answered «have you seen all the rumors about us now!?» «yes i did, and do you think I'm happy about it?!» i scolded him «i don't care about your opinion!» he declares «not cool dude» Pedri claimed, i get up from the counter without having finished my cereals and leave the kitchen.

I enter my room to get my bag, before leaving i decide to delete all the pictures that I've already posted on my account then open my door to hear Pedri and Pablo talking to each other in Spanish, i mean even if i don't get any Spanish i can understand when they're talking about me cause those dumbasses are using my name, «cálmate amigo» Pedri declared (calm down dude) «no mentí es verdad Sara me usó para los likes» Pablo answered (I didn't lie, it's true, Sara used me for the likes) «hablemos de esto luego» Pedri claimed (let's talk about this later).

After that I went down stairs to find Pedri alone waiting for me «ready?» he asked «yeah, where's your friend?» i asked back «waiting for us in the car!» he announced «i rather walk then» i roll my eyes, before i could start walking to the front door Pedri grabs my waist and said «not too fast you're coming with us» i huff and say «fine! let me go now» we both laugh before leaving the house and get in the car.

We're in Pedri's car I'm sitting behind Pedri and Pablo in silence until Pedri break it and say «so where are we going to drop you off?» «in *your filming location*» i answered avoiding eyes contact with both of them and look out the window, «really it's really close to Camp Nou!» Pedri announced «what Camp Nou?» i asked «the stadium where we always train!» he declared «cool» i claimed, then everything becomes silent again until i make an eye contact with pablo through the rear viewfinder, i turn my eyes as fast as i can and just ignore him again.

We finally arrived to my destination «well we're here!» Pedri announced, i get out of the car without saying any word and close the door behind me.

Pablo's pov:

I look at her leaving the car without saying anything, to be honest i feel guilty about this morning, she deleted all her posts because of me, there is a lot of rumors turning and saying that she's dating an Fc Barcelona player and others saying that it's me, i don't want to see her fame going wrong because of me so i decided to take this road and just stay enemies like we used to be, but first i need to apologize about what i said.

«wait for me a sec I'm coming back!» i declared to Pedri «wha-?» he couldn't finish his sentence when i left the car to follow her but it was too late she has already entered, i come back to the car and Pedri asks me «¿qué te pasa?» (what's wrong?) «nada solo vamos» (nothing let's just go) «¿Qué hay de esta mañana?» (What about this morning?) «no sé qué me pasó» (I don't know what happened to me) «sí, quiero decir que ustedes siempre fueron enemigos sin ninguna razón» he said while shrugging (yeah, i mean you guys were always enemies for no reason) i sigh then he just continues driving to our destination.

Sara's pov:

I enter the big building it's has 3 floors the first one with a lot of people the second it has a lot of tables, seats, hair dryers brushes straighteners makeup and lots of other stuff, the third one are cameras, microphone and other stuff for the footage, and a large room with a green background.

Hope you enjoyed this!
Next chapter soon!
Good reading <33

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