Chapter 15

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I get back to the building still smiling about what just happened and find ruth standing in the entrance waiting for me i guess, her mouth was fully open and looked shocked by the situation, i laugh at her reaction and ask «what wrong?» «am i dreaming or did with a famous footballer brings your script to you!?» she exclaimed still looking at Pedri's black car that hasn't started yet «come on stop being dramatic I've already told you about them!» i answered smiling to her «well to be honest i didn't believe you at first until the call of earlier!» she announced «well now you do right!?» «yeah definitely..» she responded mesmerized then continues «why are they still parking?» «i don't know» i shrug and go outside to take a look.

I approach the car when the smoked window of Pablo's side get down, «what are you waiting for?» i interrogated «you» Pedri exclaimed while ignoring eyes contact with me, then Pablo looks at him with confused face and asks «didn't you tell me that it too soon to go?!» i look at them with a questionable face and ask «can someone explain to me what going on here?» they both look at me now and say «nothing!» in sync which makes them both turn red, «well I'm leaving!» i roll my eyes, huff and turn around to go back in, when i hear Pedri calling me «Sara wait!» i turn around and see Pedri looking at me and Pablo looking at him weirdly «You look beautiful!» Pedri shouted from his car i smile back then Pablo turn to me, roll his eyes and continues «good luck!» «thanks boys good luck too!» i responded smiling then go back inside.

I get back to the entrance where i find everyone standing there preparing their selves to go, i approache one of the girls there and ask «hey are we going to go already?» she turn around and look at me then i notice that it Chloë Grace Moretz «omg- hey i mean..» i continue she laugh at my attitude and answers «yes, the limousine is outside, they are waiting for us!» «a limousine!» i exclaimed shocked by the news, after that David calls everyone by their names «Ruth, Sara, Chloë, Lucia and Valerie your limousine is ready go ahead!» the five us head our car, we get in it was huge and has a lot of lights even a counter full with glasses, beside them was a little fridge with a lot of drinks and a lot of other items «a drink?» Lucia asked us everyone answered except me «how about you Sara?» Chloë claimed «no thanks i don't drink to be honest» i responded while laughing nervously «come on one glass won't do anything!» Valerie exclaimed «fine!» i declared «today is going to be a lot of fun!» Ruth continued then the limousine starts heading our destination.

We finally arrived where we are supposed to footage i take a look from the window and find a fancy palace «omg we're going to shoot here?!» Lucia exclaimed mesmerized by the place «yeah i guess so!» i answered my mouth fully open «it okey you'll get use to it girls!» Chloë declares while smiling to us, «let's just go I'm excited!!» Ruth claimed, i get down from the limousine and see the big palace i was shocked by it size it was huge, i was looking around until the director calls us to get in.

We get in and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, «OH. MY. GOD.» Ruth mumbled beside me i giggle about it cause we has the exact same reaction, we get to the biggest room there where it supposed to be the ballroom to find all the cameras and other stuff already settled up and everybody ready to footage, «okey everyone in place, we need to start now!» David announced, i take a look at everyone and see them stressing too, i get in place and sigh then ruth follows me, «andd goo!» he claps then we start acting.

After finishing we got a lunch break, we're all sitting in a big table of the palace when i received a message, i take my phone and see that it Pablo.

Gavi: hey is everything okey?

Me: hey, yes why?

Gavi: don't know just asking

Me: yeah it cool, but it just too exhausting you know

Gavi: don't worry you can do it i believe in you!!

Me: Nah i know I'll do it don't need your help

Gavi: i- 💀

Me: just kidding you dumbass and thanks about that!

Gavi: it okey, did you revise your script?

Me: Shit i forgot!

Gavi: just go ahead see you tonight!

Me: okey see ya!

"tonight!?" I asked myself wondering what he means about that, well after that i finished eating while reading my script then after some makeup touch-up we go back to act.

The Night begins to appear while we were still filming «I'm gonna die if we continue!» Ruth exclaimed i laugh at her comment and say «same but we need to do this!» «i know!» we shoot for a little more then finish, «okey guys this is all for today, we'll finish everything tomorrow, thank you and good night! David announced and everyone start clapping then packing their stuff when we just head our limousine, «it was a long day!» Valerie claimed while taking off all the clips on her hair «I'm so tired» chloë exclaimed while pulling off her eyelashes, «the only thing I'm waiting for is my dinner right now.» Lucia responded we laugh at her comment then just continue our road to the building.

We arrived to the building, get down of the limousine and get in, we change our clothes then everyone start leaving «See you tomorrow Sara!» Ruth shouted to me while waving a bye i wave back and smile, i leave the building my turn to find a Pedri standing on his car door waiting for me, i approach him and say «hey!» he finally looks at me and smile «Hey, get in!» he opens the door for me i smile back and get in the passenger seat.

Hope you enjoyed this!
A long day i guess!
Next chapter soon, thanks for reading! <33

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