Chapter 12

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«Hey!» someone said behind me which makes me jump a little bit, i turn around and find Ruth smiling at me «Oh hey Ruth!» i answered «sorry i didn't mean to scare you» «it's okey, you're ready?» i asked «excited! You? » «stressed a little you know» «it gonna be okey» we were talking until a woman and a man called us «next Sara and ruth» the women said, we follow them, they guide us to the second floor then sit on the seats where our names are written on, the man starts styling my hair while i was trying to remember my script, this time it's supposed to be a happy scene cause it's the first episode where ruth is my sister and an old woman is our grandmother, well it's supposed to be easy for now.

He finished my hair now two people are doing my makeup, after finishing ruth comes to me «you look gorgeous!» she said «thanks you too sis!» i answered and wink at her, she laughs at my comment, after that they guide us to the third floor where are we suppose to shoot, we arrive there to find a lot of cameramen and some other people doing there job and obviously the director «Hello everyone, well for the first episode we won't move, everything will happen here in the green background, other items will come soon.» everyone start clapping and go to place, i follow ruth cause we have our first scene together in a restaurant, we're sitting around a table, still trying to remember my script i heard a clap and everyone start to act and ruth start talking.

After our performance and long hours we finally take a break so i decided to call Nour to ask about her, i pick up my phone and call her, she answers some seconds later, «WHY!?» She exclaimed through the phone, «omg Nour calm down!» i claimed «WHY DID YOU DELETE ALL YOUR POSTS!?» she scolded me, «i don't know, to be honest i just don't really feel comfortable talking about this on social media» i answered calmly «fine, i understand but you can post something else instead!» «like what i mean gavi's fans probably hate me now» «you're an actress you're going to be famous anyway, just post some behind the scenes by now then We will see the rest later!» «sounds good, I'll do that!» i said excited «k then I'll wait for it!» «okey see ya!» and we that i hang up the phone.

Some minutes later i was still swiping through my phone when i received a text from Pedri

Pedri: Lunch?

Me: I'm starving rn

Pedri: come outside we're waiting for you!

Me: what do you mean We're ?

Pedri: just hurry up, you're starving remember!

Me: i hate you

Pedri: COME ON!

And with that i leave the building to go get lunch with Pedri and Pablo and get back to work, i reached the front door to find the black car of Pedri, i hop in the back seat and say «hey Pedri!» «hey Sara!» he answered, i take a look at Pablo from The rear view mirror and see him disappointed so i decided to salute him either «hey Gavi!» i exclaimed smiling «Hey Sara, How was your day!» he responded excited and smiling too «complicated for a first time, i hope it'll get easier» i claimed «it's always like that you'll get use to it don't worry!» Pedri announced «so what do you guys wanna eat?» Pablo asked «don't know, I'm just starving right now, so everything is fine by me!» i exclaimed «same!» Pablo continue then we both look at Pedri who looks at us confused, «what?» i take a look at Pablo who's already looking at me then we both bust out laughing leaving Pedri still glancing at us in confusion.

We're sitting in a table far from people so they won't bother us but some of them saw us and approach us anyway «omgg heyyy can i take a pic with you guys!!» a girl around our age said «yea sure!» Pedri answered while catching Pablo looking at me all red "does he like that girl? wait why would i care anyway" i said to my self, after she took the pictures another asks me «so you're Sara gavi's girlfriend right?» while rolling her eyes chewing her gum and playing with a strand of hair around her fingers «what no!» Me and Pablo exclaimed in sync which makes the girls looking at us weirdly, «well no we're not together, we're just friends nothing more» i continue smiling to them they just roll there eyes at me wave to Pablo and Pedri and left.

«those fan girls have a serious problem!» i claimed «well you tagged me!» Pablo exclaimed «if i knew it will be like that i won't even talk to you.» i answered «you used me fo-» Pedri cuts Pablo's sentence and says «stop arguing all the time guys!» «well okey let's just make things right, Pedri i know that Gavi is your best friend but that doesn't mean he has to be mine either, so don't. Talk. To. Me. Anymore. Gavi. Get that?» i declared «fine by me! At least i don't have to argue with you every time and having people glued at my ass with their stupid questions!» Pablo answered «well it not my faul-» Pedri cuts me and says «enough both of you are acting like kids! What is wrong with you!?» i roll my eyes and finish my lunch ignoring Pablo and talking only with Pedri.

After finishing they dropped me off at my workplace and find ruth waiting for me «omg Sara it not to be dramatic or something but i think i saw two footballers of Fc Barcelona!!!» she exclaimed all excited, i laugh at her comment and continue «they're my friends i mean Pedri is, but you know- no wait he's my housemate actually!» «OMG WHAT!!- Sorry! What!!» «don't be that shocked I'll present them to you later!» i declared still smiling at her «me? Wait me!?» «yes you stupid!» «oh. My. God.» we both laugh and head to the 3rd floor to continue working on our scenes.

I'm waiting for Pedri to come pick me up it night and I'm alone outside, while I'm waiting i decided to post some behind the scenes like Nour told me to do hoping that the fan girls won't leave bad comment or more drama around me and Pablo since we're not talking to each other anymore.

The posts:

Description: behind the scenes! @ruthpollonzo

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Description: behind the scenes! @ruthpollonzo

Then just turn off my phone and keep waiting for Pedri.

Hope you enjoyed this!
Working day and a hard decision to take.
Good reading!

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