Chapter 16

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I jump in the passenger seat and I fasten my seatbelt when i heard someone saying «Hey!» from behind, i jump a little then turn around to see Pablo sitting there laughing «don't be scared it just me!» i sigh of relief and answer «You should stop scaring me like that or I'll have a heart attack one day!» he giggles then Pedri gets in «Hey, so how was your day?» he asked me «Good, just tired and starving right now!» they snicker then Pablo exclaims «So! Where do you wanna eat?» «i don't know wherever you guys want!» i shrug while putting lipgloss in, «you guys trust me?» Pedri asked «No!?» me and Pablo responded in sync which makes us look at each other and laugh, and with that Pedri starts driving to take us somewhere.

In the middle of the road i look at Pedri and ask «how about your mom?» he looks at me for a second then turn around and sigh sadly «she left this morning right after us» he answered «he cried!» i heard Pablo saying from behind «Shut up Pablo!» Pedri exclaimed i giggle a little bit and respond «that sad i will miss her hope I'll have a last chance to meet her again before i leave» «wait you'll leave?!» Pablo interrogated while approaching me and frowning «yes I'm just staying her for nine months!» i answered then turn around to look at him when i noticed that we're too close to each other that we almost kiss, i get back a little then see Pedri looking at us with a weird face, i start turning red when Pablo exclaimed sadly «so you're not staying her for much» «no just for the footage» he then get back to his seat and the car goes quiet again just the calm song that was playing.

Pedri park his car in a quiet place in front of a park i take a look from the window and recognize it, it was the park we used to always play together, i recognize the two trees where i once pushed Pablo from there i giggle a little with my thought when Pedri exclaims «take a place guys I'm gonna come back!» «okey!» and with that me and Pablo leave the car and walk together, the park has a lot of lights it was pretty, thanks good it was empty or else, «follow me!» Pablo claimed i didn't get the opportunity to respond when he takes my hand and guides me somewhere, i follow him when i perceive some candles on from far, i take a look at him and see him smiling i frown and smile my turn, we approach that place when i see a white and red blanket, three plates and glasses and a big cake in the middle under one of the trees there.

«oh my god Gavi this is so cute you guys didn't have to!» i exclaimed mesmerized while having my two hands on my mouths, «it okey we knew that you'll have a difficult and long day so we decided to give you a little surprise!» he announced «thank you so much!» i hug him he hugs me back while both of us are smiling, after that we take a seat next to each other and keep talking about the least of memories that we got while waiting for Pedri, «do you remember when you broke my arm?» he asked «What? i did?» i answered while frowning «yep, we were climbing that tree together when you pushed me on purpose!» he said while pointing the tree, i giggled while he glared at me «That!» i responded still laughing «well that hurt!» «You tried to catch my leg so i did what i had to do!» i claimed and shrug while we both laugh about it.

After some silence Pablo declares sadly while ignoring eyes contact with me «you left right after the accident that why you don't remember that you broke my arm» «i had to, well i didn't have to much choice anyways» i shrug while playing with the grass «why?» he asked «My dad.» then i continue «well i don't really remember him to be honest i just know that he's a really bad guy» i shrug a second time then turn around to look at Pablo to see him already looking at me, «sorry about that..» he exclaimed i could tell that he felt guilty about making me his enemy for years, «i didn't know you've been through all this» he smile calmly i smile back " his smile is so comforting, wait what no i can't be falling for him no." I thought when Pedri finally comes his hands full with bags of food.

«finally i thought we're going to die from hunger!» Pablo exclaimed we snicker then Pedri asked «ready?» «well I'm starving so what do you think!» i claimed «just put the food down and shut up!» Pablo Declared we laugh while Pedri unpack the food and put it in a big plate «Omg sushis!» i said with excitement «i remember you used to love them!» Pedri exclaimed «you even remember her favorite food?!» Pablo declared looking at him with a weird face «she was eating them the whole time how do you want me to forget that!?» he answered him kinda glaring at him «he has a point, i never stopped!» i responded while smiling and trying to open the sauce, «let me help!» Pedri offered and puts his hands over mine and opens it for me «and here we go» he said while his tongue is over his lips (no dirty shit you know what i mean when you try to do something you always do that tongue thing!) «thanks for that!» i take a look at Pablo and see him looking at my hand while clinching his jaw and frowning "the hell is wrong with them?" I shrug and just start eating while Pedri takes a seat in front of us.

We finish eating, now I'm showing them all the pictures that I've took today, «why won't you post them?» Pablo suggested «omg yes that a really good idea, Nour will love them!» i exclaimed «Nour?» Pablo asked «oh yeah she's my best friend she stayed at LA even Pedri talked to her last time!» «why won't she comes?» Pedri interrogated «well she's still trying to become a model i really hope she will» i make an eyes contact with Pablo to see him smiling at me i smile back then just go post the pictures.

The post:

Best day ever, thanks to everyone <3

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Best day ever, thanks to everyone <3

Then go back to discuss with them without taking another look at my phone.

Hope you enjoyed this!
A cute chapter this time!
Good reading <33

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