Chapter 5

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«Sara Lanzo» i freeze knowing that it my turn, i get up still trying to remember my script, he guides me into a large room full of light, and some cameras which makes me stress more until i see Nour behind one of the cameras, i relaxed a little bit, «okey whenever you're ready Sara.» a man said which i think it the director of the movie, i take a deep breath and start, i try to think about Alex first, how i behaved yesterday with him, i felt wrong which makes me sad, then my dad, the tears starts forming into my eyes, "imagine if something bad is happening to my mom" i told to myself, i start to stress, i can fell the director's eyes on me impressed by my acting, but it still doesn't mean i can win against all the other girls, i tried my best not to forgot my script, just when the tears drop i started with the first line of my script.

«My mom? No this is impossible» i fell to the ground for more drama, «how is that even possible?» I'm looking at the ceiling while my tears cross my cheeks, «ho- how.. how it hap-» i haven't finish my line when the director starts applauding and everyone follows, i can tell that Nour is proud of me just with looking into her eyes, «that was something!» one of the man there said «i agree with that» the director claimed still looking at me with a large smile on his face, «thank you for your performance Sara» he continued, «no problem I'm here for this mr» i answered him then just leave.

We reach the outside of the large room full of cameras and Nour jumps over me and hugs me «OMG YOU'RE DEFINITELY GOING TO SPAIN THIS IS FOR SURE!!!» « calm down Nour you really think that i have chance with all the girls inside» i roll my eyes knowing that I'm not going to be chosen, «WE NEED TO MAKE YOUR SUITCASE, OMG TAKE FANCY CLOTHES YOU'RE GOING TO BE FAMOUS!» she declared, i look at her with a tired face and yawn, «are you serious right now!?» «BE HAPPY FOR ONCE THE DIRECTOR WAS IMPRESSED WITH YOUR TALENTS!!!» she assumed while jumping and shaking me everywhere, «i don't want to leave Nourrr» i whined, «plus i have nowhere left to stay there» i continued, she stops jumping and looks at me for a moment thinking about a solution «you're right, but it okey you're gonna make new friends!» she claims «and what about a house or do you want me to be the famous and homeless actress huh?» «humm that sound good» she shrugs, i push her for fun, we start laughing then we head home since I'm staying alone for a week.

We reach my house, we're sitting in the living room swiping on our phones, «hey look the final of fc Barcelona and real madrid is tonight» Nour announced, «really? Barcelona better win!» «agree, talking about tonight how are you going to break up with this asshole?» Nour asked «i don't really know, i haven't talked to him since that day, it doesn't fell like i have a boyfriend at all.» «text him and see if he's coming over or not» Nour suggested, «you're right» i take my phone and decide to text him and tell him to come over to mine tonight hoping he didn't see me that night.


Me: hey

Liam❤️: What do you want?

Me: you're still my boyfriend remember?

Liam❤️: just say whatever you want i don't have much time right now.

Me: okey calm down the hell is wrong with you, i just want to pass some time with you it been a long time, I'm home alone tonight if you want to come over!

Liam❤️: yea i will see.

Me: k see ya.


I huff of disgust and in that moment i realized that i don't have any feelings for him anymore it just the feeling of being betrayed, «what did he say?» Nour asked, «he's not sure but even if he is not coming i will dump his ass anyway.» i answered, Nour laughs at my comment and says «that my best friend!» you smile in return and suggest «wanna watch a movie?» «nah I'm hungry let's make lunch instead» she gets up and leave to the kitchen, «WHAT DO YOU WANT TO EAT?» she yelled from the kitchen, «DON'T KNOW WHATEVER YOU WANT» i responded, she comes back from the kitchen «you know what, let's just order pizza and watch a movie» you laugh at her laziness and order pizzas and just watch movies with your best friend until the night came.

It night Nour leaves my house «call me tomorrow we need to go see if you're the chosen one!» Nour declared before leaving «k see ya!» i hug her then she leaves, i come back to the living room and i see 2 missed calls from liam i decide to call him back, he answers after some seconds «hey I'm coming over in some minutes.» he claimed «okey I'm waiting for you!» he hangs up the phone and i go to the kitchen to make some dinner.

Some minutes passed and I'm still cooking the dinner until i heard the doorbell rings, i open the door and find liam standing there, «hi I've missed you» he opens his arms to hug me but i ignore him and go back to the kitchen, he gets in, closes the door behind him and follows me «what is wrong with you?» Liam asked, «what do you mean? I'm okey!» i responded, «you're definitely acting weird.» «yea whatever you want» i shrug still avoiding eyes contact with him and just keep cooking, «wanna watch the game?» «fcBarcelona/ real madrid?» «yep» «fine by me» he leaves the kitchen while cheering for madrid, well tbh I'm with Barcelona since i was a kid, he arrives to the living room and turns on the tv.

I finish cooking and take our dishes to the living room to eat while watching the game, when i decided to tell him about ashely, «Liam?» i asked «what do you want?» he answered with his mouth full of food, i take a deep breath and say «where were you Monday night?» talking about the day when he was at the restaurant with her «none of your business» claimed and looks at me with a disgust face, «just say it!» «with some friends why are you asking anyway?» «because i know that your laying.» he freezes, «what are you talking about?» at this moment a player named Gavi scored a goal i was happy for Barcelona but it just made Liam more furious, «JUST TALK?!» he said yelling «I SAW YOU WITH ASHELY THAT NIGHT!» i answered him trying to hold my tears of anger, «were you spying on me?» «the hell? no i was just eating there!» «no you weren't, cause trust me that restaurant is too expensive for your poor face.» i couldn't take this anymore i slap him right on the face «get out of my house NOW.» i exclaimed tears getting down my face, «that what i wanted to do the second i got here.» he get up throwing the food all over the floor, takes his jacket, opens the front door and just gets out without even closing it, leaving me standing there watching him starting his car and drives far away, well i guess this is the last time that i will ever see him.

i close the door and go back to the living room and see a second goal from Lewandowski i clap my hands sadly, wipe my tears away from my face and i clean up all the food, the time i finished cleaning a third goal from a player named pedri was scored, i turn off the tv not in the mood and go upstairs just to stay in my room.

I'm looking at the ceiling from my bed thinking about everything, letting the tears go down my cheeks, until my phone rings and it Alex, i pick up «hey something wrong?» i answered «nope just asking if you're okey and sorry for leaving just like, that I'm coming back tomorrow not the next week cause of mom» he claimed «thanks I'm okey but why what wrong with mom?» i asked «nothing we're going to explain you everything tomorrow!» «k good night» «night sis» and with that i hang up and knock out.

Hope you enjoyed this!
Next chapter will be a little bit better good reading<3

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