Chapter 4

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In the morning someone is shaking me to wake up, i open my eyes and see that it Nour, «wake up dumbass or you're gonna be late for your appointment» Nour said still shaking me, i groan and say «Nour stop I'm awake now» «well you're not completely up» she throws me off of the bed, «OMG NOUR» «sorry your brother let me in» she shrugs and laugh and helps me to get up, «how do you even know about the appointment?» i asked throwing my hair off my face «Isabelle called me this morning and told me That you were sick yesterday and want me to make sure if you still okey to go» «yea im ok-» she cuts me in the middle of my sentence and says «it wasn't a question you. Are. Going. To. Go.» she declared «okey sorry mom» i roll my eyes, sigh and go dress up, «NOUR I NEED HELP WITH MY OUTFIT!?» i yelled «omg you yell so much push yourself away let me see what we have here» and with that she chooses my outfit.

Your outfit:

(You can change it ofc <3)

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(You can change it ofc <3)

«You're hot, you deserve to be the chosen one!» assumed Nour, «yea well i still don't want to go to Spain» « SPAIN?!» Nour asked surprised «you didn't know? Well if I'm gonna be the chosen one i will have to leave to Spain to shoot the movie yk» i responded while putting lipgloss, «omg i didn't know that, well you should try your chance I'm pretty sure you're going to get this one!» i huff «i don't really know, I'm still not ready» «is it because you don't want to leave you little baby liam huh» she said teasing me and laughing, «yea..» which makes me more sad and she notices it and immediately stop laughing and frown,
«The hell is wrong with you?» she asked, «nothing just forget it» i get up and go to the mirror to put my earrings which i couldn't put cuz I'm shaking, Nour stops me, «let me help you to put them» she smiles to me and at that moment i couldn't take it and just cry.

I cried on her shoulder while she was hugging me, she kissed my head and told me «it gonna be okey i promise... » it remembers me my brother that day and it just makes me cry more while realizing that I've never had a chance to meet my dad, well my only memories of him were horrible, the way he treated us was unfair, he always hits us even for the little dumb things, i lived with him for 9 years and until now I've never had the opportunity to see him again and i really don't want to.

«you destroyed your makeup for an asshole even tho i still don't know what he had done» Nour assumed, she wipes away my tears and tries to save my makeup while i was telling her what happened yesterday in the restaurant, «yea i was right, he's definitely an asshole you should leave him» Nour replied «i know this is what I'm going to do, tonight.»

We were ready to go, i went down stairs to talk to Alex but he was nowhere to be found, i tried to call him and still nothing, until i saw a little piece of paper stick on the fridge it says

I don't know if mom is going to get home tonight but i won't pass the night there for a week.

And he left just like that, no have a good day or anything, I'm still wondering where mom could be, i didn't want to call her i will probably bother her or something, «okey you ready now cause we definitely gonna be late» announced Nour looking at her watch «ugh fine but did you see Alex this morning» i asked «yea he's the one that opened me the door what are you talking about?» «nothing let just go» «I'm gonna kill myself because of you, JUST IMAGINE IF SHE'S GOING TO DELETE THE APPOINTMENT?!» i glance at her and huff «just shut up and walk» and with that we headed to her car and she starts driving to the big building.

We are sitting in Isabelle's office waiting for her until the young man of the last time approaches us, «follow me ladies», we get up and follow him while frowning to each other, he guides us into a big room full of mirrors, brushes, hair straighteners and a lot of makeup, Isabelle appears behind me what makes me jump a little bit, we turn around to talk to her and she announces «well Sara, I'm gonna give you this script you have to learn it and the acting is all yours» «omg now i- i mean i not rea-» Nour cuts me and says «yea totally maam no problem I'm gonna help her with that» she smiles and take and script and give it to me leaving me speechless «well Nour i will have to talk to you in private please, for you Sara James is going to take care of you for your casting, you're starting in 3 hours you better learn your script!»  she leaves taking Nour with her while she winks at me and i smile back, «hello Sara» i turn and see a boy around my age wearing makeup talking to me «um hello I'm sorry who are you?» «oh sorry I'm James your makeup artist and hairdresser» James declares, «okey nice too meet you», and with that he guides me to a seat and i let him do my hair and makeup again while i was reading the script.

My scene was a pretty sad one, talking about a girl named nina whose mother died in a car accident, which makes it more easier for me because of what i am living right now, all what i have to do is thinking about liam and my dad and that it I'm crying, «okey Sara we're done here everything is perfect» «thank you James» «you can go wait for your turn right there», you go and take a seat with others girls your age they were really pretty either in a big lounge, i was stressing trying to remember my script again and again while every girl in the room where called, I was waiting for my turn anxiously, until «Sara Lanzo» A man called my name.

Hope you enjoyed this, watching the fcb/rma game rn let's go fcb!!
Good reading btw<33

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