Chapter 17

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«do you remember when we were playing here?» Pedri asked me smiling «not really to be honest» i responded smiling back a little «it's was fun!» Pablo continued while laying down over the tree «i wish i could remember» i shrug while looking at Pablo that was touching his hair and resting his head back «it okey, you're here now it the most important!» Pedri exclaimed i smile back and lay myself at my turn on the tree beside Pablo, some seconds later Pedri joine us and we just sit there looking at the stars and discussing.

My eyes were closing on their own when Pablo gets up and he stretches out his hand to wake me up, i take it and thanks him then i take a look at Pedri who's already asleep snoring a little, i look at Pablo and make an eyes contact we giggle, then i get down on my knees and shake Pedri gently to wake him up «hey Pedri wake your ass up!» i claimed, he groans, turns around and continues «leave me alone!» Pablo laughs about it and approaches us «come on buddy we need to go home you can't sleep here like a homeless!» he declared, after that Pedri opens his eyes and takes a look around and find himself still in the park «what the hell?!» He exclaimed we snicker about it then explain everything to him, when he get his thoughts back we picke up all our trash and threw them away then head the car.

We're walking to the car, Pedri is before us so I'm walking with Pablo by my own «I'm sitting in the passenger seat!» He declared «What No!» i responded «well you don't have much choice anyway» he shrugs and laughs «and what makes you say that?» «you'll see» he giggles while looking at me «No?!» «oh come on please I've let you sit there earlier!» he begged while jumping and whining a little like a child, «oh my goood fine you can have it!» i said while laughing at his behavior and throwing my hands up, «thanks, see i got it!» i glare at him, huff, roll my eyes and answer «child.» i cross my arms and keep walking «come on don't act like a kid!» he approaches me and puts his hand around my shoulders while laughing, i push him gently and exclaim «You're the kid!?» we laugh about it and finish our way to the car.

We headed the car we get in and when Pedri starts the car i was trying not to fall asleep but put my head on the window and close my eyes which makes them think I'm asleep, «ustedes no son enemigos como solían ser» you guys are not enemies like you used to be Pedri exclaimed, «bueno, estamos un poco cerca el uno del otro, nunca he estado tan cerca de ella» well we are kinda close to each other i've never been close to her like that Pablo answered, «solo para hacerte saber que ella sabe que todas las chicas están contigo él no es tan tonto para salir contigo» just to make you know that she knows that all the girls are on you she's not that dumb to date you, «quien dijo que quiero salir con ella solo somos amigos nada mas.» who said that i want to date her we are just friends nothing more, «simplemente no salgas con ella, sé que la romperás» just don't date her i know that you will break her, «no lo haré» i won't, «¿No saldrás con ella ni la romperás?» you won't date her or break her?, «¿los dos?» both?, Pablo shrugs and looks at Pedri sadly which makes Pedri sights and rubs his eyes, after that the car becomes silent again and we're just waiting to head home.

«Hey Sara come on wake up» i heard Pablo saying i open my eyes and act like I've just wake up, «we have already arrived?!» i asked while rubbing my eyes, i take a look around and don't find Pedri in the car i frown and Pablo notices it «he's inside he said that couldn't hold his pee» He announced while giggling «you're disgusting both of you!» i exclaimed while pushing his face playfully and laughing, we left the car and get inside to find Pedri already sleeping on the couch in the living room «such a lazybones!» i claimed «totally agree!» Pablo responded we snicker about it «well see you tomorrow i guess!» i continued «are you going to sleep?» «yes i guess, i mean today was a really long day sooo» «i understand see you tomorrow then» he said smiling to me «good night!» i answered while going up the stairs «night!» he responded while waving, "why does he look so pretty even in the middle of the night? Wait what stop thinking like that nah I'm just tired rn." i said to myself then just head my room and close the door behind me.

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