Chapter 3

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I reached home and found it empty, so i decided to text my boyfriend.


Me: hey babee

Liam❤️: hey what going on

Me: I've missed you!

Liam❤️: yeah same

Me: why are you so dry?

Liam❤️: nothing, are you free tonight?

Me: nope I've got plans.

Liam❤️: well k see ya.

Me: yea whatever.


I'm wondering why is he so dry with me, i haven't seen him in a week now, i really miss him tbh, he is dry sometimes i know that but there is always a reason, i don't really think about and just get up to prepare my self so i won't be late, i take a shower, style my hair, do my makeup, and get dressed.

Your outfit:

( you obv can change it if you don't like it! <3)

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( you obv can change it if you don't like it! <3)

I get down stairs and find alex taking off his shoes «oh wow-» alex exclaims, you laugh at his comment «what wrong?» «you look gorgeous, do you have a date? » «huh NO i mean no i- it just something you know» «why are you nervous?» he laugh at my nervousness, «oh come on just stop i need to go» i push him for fun and we laugh «okey have a good time!» «thankss» and with that i left the house and take my way to the building. I reach the big building and in front of it there is a fancy car and Isabelle waiting for me, «get in Sara» declares Isabelle, i get in the car and the driver starts driving somewhere.

We went to a big fancy restaurant, me and isabelle sit in a table waiting for a waiter, «tell me more about yourself Sara» asks Isabelle, «well as you know I'm Sara Lanzo, I've got skills on acting and i already passed some castings, I've got accepted some times put there is always unforeseen things» i respond, «okey Sara I've got a casting for you which suit you perfectly» «yea sure whatever you want maam it really sweet from you i can do it whenever you need» i said exited because i didn't know that i will be chosen to pass the casting, «but there is a disadvantage» in that moment a waiter approaches us and take our requests then go, «what wrong maam?» i questioned «well if you're the chosen one you need to go to Spain for the footages» claims Isabelle, SPAIN ME WHAT I CAN'T LEAVE NEW YORK. «i- i mean i will probably see, it a little bit complicated to leave everything behind» i said shocked by the situation, «i understand, take your time, and meet me tomorrow at my office!» and with that our dishes arrive and we start eating.

I was eating until a couple enters the restaurant, i take a look at them they're dressing fancy but when i take a closer look i found out that the girl is ashley the girl from this morning, i take a look to the man that she's holding into and i see liam, liam my boyfriend.

I stop eating immediately Isabelle notices it and asks «something wrong with the food Sara?» «um- no- no nothing wrong sorry» i choke a little bit and excuse myself to the bathroom, i stayed there looking at my reflection in the mirror trying to hold my tears, i mean they're probably just friends you know a dinner between friends and nothing more, i just need to stop being dramatic and acting weird especially around Isabelle, oh my god i need to be presentable, I take a deep breath and get out of the toilet.

«are you sure you are okey Sara? We can change our appointment if you want» Isabelle asks concerned, «no no worries I'm okey just felt a little sick but it okey now», you try to finish your food but you just can't take off your eyes off them, they were laughing and were close, i mean like really close, ngl i felt jealous he's my boyfriend after all, we finish eating and i just get out of this restaurant as fast as i could, he probably saw me but it doesn't matter now cuz i have took my decision I'm breaking up with him, it going to get the things much easier, i need to focus on my career, no more boys. «well we are here Sara» Isabelle declares while the driver parks the car in front of my house, «oh already, well see you tomorrow ms Isabelle» «don't be late tomorrow!» and with that i left the car and get into the house.

I was taking off my makeup still trying to hold my tears until i heard someone knocking on my door, «WHAT?» «wow calm down, can i get in?» my brother says behind the door «yes.» «what wrong?» «nothing, what do you want?» «well stop being rude and say please» alex claims teasing you for your behavior, «just talk or get tf out of my room.» he looks just looks at you with disgust and surprised of your answer, «mom is not getting home tonight.» he says and just left your room slamming the door behind him, i sigh and just go to sleep to prepare my self for the long day that is waiting for me tomorrow.

Hope you guys enjoyed it, not much of Gavi rn but really soon!
Good reading <3

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