Chapter 18

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The morning i open my eyes to see that i forgot to close the shutters yesterday «oh my god not the light.» i groan and put the pillow over my face, after some minutes like that i finally get up, grab my phone and see that ruth tagged me on a publication that she posted i click on instagram and see it.

The post:

Luv you @SaraLanzo

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Luv you @SaraLanzo

@lazyunicorne: they're living their life fr

@pblogavirafan: Not her again.

@chloegmoretz: Hotties!
Liked by the creator

@idkhannah: Omg is that Gavi's girlfriend?!

@sam6720: Blessed my eyes once again.

@nirvanah678: i want to poop

@SaraLanzo: Love you more <3
Liked by the creator

I giggled about some comments then take a look at my publication that I've posted last night and see that Pablo, Pedri and some other guys from the team have liked it too, i get up from my bed wash my face and go down stairs to take my breakfast.

I went down stairs to find Pedri and Pablo sitting around the countertop, «good morning» i said while yawning and heading to the shelf to take the cereals, «hey» Pedri exclaimed and Pablo continues «good morning» i grab the Milk from the fridge and sit next to Pedri and in front of Pablo, «are you coming to our game tonight?» Pablo asked «you're going to play tonight!?» i exclaimed «you didn't know?» Pedri answered giggling «No what do you think dumbass» i answered we laugh about it then i ask «at what time you start?» «9 Pm» Pedri exclaimed «oh i don't really know if i can i have a shoot at night today!» i announced «but you can't miss this!» Pablo declared «I-» Pedri cuts me and says proudly while smiling «well you're gonna snuck out» «What N-» i tried to answer but Pablo cuts me this time «this is a really good idea!» he winks at me and i stayed there opening my mouth don't know what to say while they're laughing.

We finish eating and they're helping me with the dishes «i think you're late you haven't even prepare yourself!» Pablo exclaimed i snicker and answer «why are you so worried!?» he shrugs, smiles uncomfortably  and responds while touching the back of his neck «i don't really know» i take a look at Pedri and see him looking at us with a weird face «he's scared that his little girlfriend will be late!» he declared then roll his eyes and leaves the kitchen, «okey that was weird.» Pablo claimed while watching him going away i shrug and announce «well i start at 10 today!» «good to know that we start at 9Am the training we can spend some time together!» he exclaimed all happy and smiling down to me i smile back then we continue to do the dishes while discussing and laughing.

I leave the kitchen my turn and find Pedri and Pablo talking in Spanish or almost arguing maybe? i shrug and go up stairs then the bathroom, do my routine style my hair do my usual makeup and wear my clothes.

The outfit:

(You can change it if you feel like it<3)

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(You can change it if you feel like it<3)

I went down stairs to find Pablo sitting in living room by himself looking a little upset i approach him and he looks at me, his emotions changed the minute he posed his eyes on me, «come on sit here» he said smiling to me and push himself a little to let me some space «thanks, where is Pedri?» i asked he rolls his eyes a little while avoiding eyes contact with me and keep scrolling through his phone and answers «don't know probably in the toilet» i giggle and respond «why is he always in the toilet!?» «don't know you should probably ask him that!» he declared looking at me this time while laughing «yeah no shit bro!» i claimed until i heard my phone ringing.

I take a look and find Nour calling me on FaceTime i answer and find her eating her breakfast with her morning face, «Hey!» i said then Pablo approaches me until his head touches mine but enough so that Nour won't see him «Good morning, and about Aurora she's-» i cut her, laugh uncomfortably and respond «Yeahh about that, let save it for later would ya!» i turn the camera a little and show her Pablo sitting next to me, he waves to her then she turns her camera to her roof not wanting to show her face «OMG SARA I'VE JUST WOKE UP!» she scolded me «come on it's okey it not like he'll fall in love with you!» i exclaimed and laugh i look at Pablo to find him all red and scratching the back of his neck i frown then continue talking to Nour.

«how about your career?» i asked «well i should ask you the same since nothing is happening on my side!» she announced «oh I'm sorry just find another way or something and about me well it's exhausting to be honest but I'm gonna get use to it you know!» «i hope the best for both of us and your new friends too!» «yeah they're very kind i hope they'll stay like that and never change!» «Omg I've just remember!» she exclaimed «what wrong?» i answered while frowning «Liam!» she announced «omg not this bitch again please.» «just let me finish, He's leaving the country!» «to go where?» «i don't really know but the good thing is that you will never see him again!» «not like i care» i shrug and roll my eyes «so is she going to show her face or what?» Pablo exclaimed while smiling then i hear Nour giggling «Fine!» she turns the phone to her face while laughing «are you good now?!» she claimed «why were you hiding i mean you look g- good!» he exclaimed while raising his eyebrows, "what the hell is Gavi and my best friend flirting right know?! Wait why do i care some much? No. No. I don't like him, I'm not here for that" i said to myself and find myself frowning to the camera.

«you're okey Sara?» i heard Nour saying through the phone «yeah totally why i wouldn't be!» i answered while shaking my head and laughing uncomfortably then i see Pablo frowning Nour shrugs when she noticed that I'm uncomfortable and responds «well i need to leave now I've got some stuff to do I'll call you later» «okey then see ya!» i claimed «bye!» Pablo exclaimed «see you soon guys!» she declared while waving, and with that i hang up the phone then turn around to talk to Pablo.

Hope you enjoyed this!
My two best friends together?
Good reading <3

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