Chapter 14

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We are sitting in the living room when i decided to get up, «where are you going?» Pedri asked «work» i responded with a confused face, «i mean you don't want me to be late right?» i continued «we start training at 9 today!» Pedri announced «you don't have to wait for us you know» Pablo exclaimed while rolling his eyes ignoring eyes contact with me and keep swiping through his phone, «come on Pablo you don't have to be that rude!» Pedri claimed «whatever» he answered and get up from the couch and goes to the bathroom, «what wrong with your best friend?» i asked «i don't know, he's acting weird these days I've never seen him like that» he responded looking at the locked bathroom door and fronting his eyebrows, «i don't care, i need to go now.» i declared coldly and head for the front door.

«Wait!» i heard Pedri saying, i turn around and say «what?» «how are you going to your work?» he asked «bus» i shrug and turn around to continue my way «we can drop you there if you want» «no worries I'll be fine!» «okey whatever you want!» he answered when Pablo get out of the bathroom «are you going by your self?» Pablo asked «I'm not waiting there until 9 and why do you care anyway?» i responded «don't care just  be careful out side!» Pablo continue, i look at him with a confused face then take a look at Pedri and see that he's looking at him either with the same facial expression confusion mixed with something, jealousy maybe? «umm- thanks i guess..» he smiles at me and with that i left the house and close the door behind me.

I'm sitting in the bus waiting for it to start until a girl around my age approaches me «hey» she said «hey?» i answered confused «sooo it's youuu! Gavi's girlfriend right!» she exclaimed screaming a little which makes everyone looking at me, «I'm sorry, you may be mistaken» i responded with an uncomfortable smile «No it's you Sara!! Can i take a picture with you?» she announced «umm yeah, i mean sure.» and with that she took a photo and started jumping from excitement «That going to get a lot of likes omgg!!» she then left the bus without thanking me, "so she's not even going to take the bus, all of that just for a pic, those fans.." I've told myself then sigh and with that the bus starts heading my workplace.

I arrived there enter the building then find ruth reading her script, «hi ruth!» i saluted her «oh hey Sara you're here, we have a lot of work today!» she announced «yeah i know, I've already read my script a thousand times!» «samee!! We need to do our best tonight is going to be a lot of fun!» she exclaimed while i was looking for my script in my bag, «what wrong?» ruth asked «i can't find my script!!» i announced «Omgg whatt!» «i don't know i probably forget at home!» i said stressing my head out, «it okey just look for it slowly» she claimed, when i remembered that Pedri and Pablo are still at home for this reason they can bring it to me so i decided to call Pedri.

I pick up my phone to call him but after 3 calls he doesn't answer, minutes after still nothing so i decided to call Pablo, some seconds later he answers «yes?»
«where's Pedri?» i asked «i don't know I'm on his car waiting for him, what do you want?» he announced «never mind just forget i-» he cuts me and continues «just say it!» i huff and say «i forgot my script in my room, and i want you to bring it to me if you can please?» i declared «and why would do that?» he claimed «cause i don't want to lose my job?!» «what would i get in return?» «stop joking around Gavi!» i exclaimed «omg you're talking with the footballer Gavi omggg i can't believe that!!!» i heard ruth saying with excitement which makes me giggle, «Okey then bye» he responded «OKEY FINE! Just don't hang up!» «sooo what would i get in return?» he asked again i could feel that he's smirking through the phone, i sigh and announce «i won't ignore you again, are you okey with that?!» «fine by me!» «okey then just hurry up!» «okey see ya!» and with that i hang up the phone.

Some minutes later I'm still waiting for my script until William calls me (my hairdresser and makeup artist) today we have go to a fancy place to footage and act there so we need to move which means Pedri and Pablo need to be quick, I'm sitting on my seat while William is styling my hair and some other employers are doing my makeup while i was trying to remember some of my script, «well here you're all ready you just need to get dressed!» William exclaimed «thanks William!» i responded while getting up and going to the changing room to find ruth getting dressed by some women «hey you look gorgeous!» she claimed smiling to me while her hands are up and trying to fit into the white dress that they're trying to get her to wear, «thanks you too!» i smile back and go to get dressed my turn.

The dress:

(You can change it if you want!<3)

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(You can change it if you want!<3)

I finished getting dressed and now I'm sitting in a chair, all the others are reading there script while i was waiting for mine, until i receive a message from Pedri

Pedri: We're outside

Me: coming!

I get up and leave the building to find Pablo standing there with my script in his hand he looks mesmerized by my look «hey- yo- you look gor- » he clears his throat and continues «amazing yeah amazing» he smiles to me «thanks!» i approach him to take my script but he pulls his hand back «give it to me!» i exclaimed «nope not until you promise that you won't ignore me again!» he said with assurance i huff and roll my eyes «just give it to me Gavi I'm late!» «you're so boring just say it!» he rolls his eyes in turn «fine i promise!» i declared «i trust you» he gives me my script, winks at me and go back to Pedri's car «Wait!» i shouted to him then he turns around «something wrong?» «Nothing just thanks for bringing it to me!» i announced he smiles to me and answered «no worries» he then go back to his way while both of us are still smiling.

Hope you enjoyed this <3
Still enemies?
Next chapter soon, good reading!
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