Chapter 13

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After some minutes I see a green car honking at me, i recognize Pedri's car and hop in the passenger seat, «good to see you again!» Pedri exclaimed smiling at me «hey, it been a long day I'm so tired» i answered while closing my eyes and resting my head, «hungry?» he asked «not really» i claimed looking at him this time, «okey then we'll get dinner at home!» he announced «fine by me!» i responded, and with that he starts the car and drives to his house.

We finally arrived after some minutes, we left the car and approach the front door, he opens it then hear Martina yelling at someone on the phone, Pedri frowns and runs inside the house leaving the front door wide open, i close it and follow him and find him hugging his mom in the kitchen, i don't say any word i just smile and left to get to my room and change my clothes, do my night routine and put my pyjama on.

The pyjama:

(Remember that you can change it! <3)

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(Remember that you can change it! <3)

Then i turn my tv on get into my bed and just watch a movie until someone knocks at my door, «Yes?» «can i get in?» i heard Pedri's voice «sure!» he enter my room and stay stand on the door frame «something wrong?» i asked i little confused «you're not hungry?» he interrogated back looking at me, «no it's okey!» «you sure?» «yeah don't worry I'm just tired and want to sleep right now» «i can bought you something to eat if you want!» «Pedri i said it okey!» «okey fine then I'm in my room if you need anything» he claimed «okey, good night!» i answered, and with that he left my room and close the door behind him.

Some minutes later my phone rings, i take a look at it and find a ton of messages from Nour.




And a lot of other texts like that.

Me: Yes what going on?


Me: No I muted because of the negative messages why?

Nour💕: just go take a look!!

I stopped texting Nour to check at my instagram but before doing it i heard a knock on my window "what the hell?!" I've told myself freaking out, what if it one of the psycho fan who wants to kill me, i get up from my bed and take a look, i don't see anyone so i decided to open it, i take a look at the left still nothing then the right and see Pablo standing there, i jump a little bit surprised by his presence «what the hell are you doing here and why now!?» i exclaimed «calm down i just want to apologize!» he announced «apologizing in the middle of the night what an idea!» i answered him, shrug and try to close the window but he grabs it before i do «Wait i just want to talk to you!» «stop Pedri is going to hear you!» «okey then come outside» «what! No.» i affirmed «just a sec please!» he begged «and why would i trust you?» «because you should we've known each other since forever!» «yeah and i always hated you, wait i still do!» «fine okey do what ever you want, i just want you to know that if you'll ever be famous it because of me!» he responded and left before i could say a word.

I close the window while seeing him getting further and further away until he disappears in the darkness, i get back to bed trying to figure out what happened to me this whole day, I submerge in my thoughts until I fall asleep.

The next day, i wake up to the sound of my alarm, i turn it off and get out of my bed, take a shower and get dressed.

The outfit:

(Don't forget that you can change it! <3)

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(Don't forget that you can change it! <3)

When i finish i open my room's door and went down stairs to take my breakfast and find Pedri and his mom sitting together eating and discussing «good morning!» i claimed «good morning Sara take a seat!» Martina said and i smile back, before i take my cereals Pedri stops me and announces «I've bought you your favorite food!» «what?» i asked confused, he then grabs a bag and pulls out a cinnamon roll «OMG!» i exclaimed «know it!» he said smiling, i take a look at his mom and find her laughing, «but how did you know?!» i asked «it a secret» he then winks at me and go back to his seat «but i-» he cut me and answers laughing «are you gonna eat it or stay standing like that?» i glared at him then just laugh and sit to eat.

We're in the middle of our food when Martina exclaimed «okey i need to tell you something kiddos» «what wrong mom?» Pedri asked with his mouth full «well I'm going to leave you alone for a moment and I'm afraid that i won't see you here when i come back Sara» she announced «WHAT?!» He answered coughing «I'm sorry ms Martina but what do you mean about that?» i asked «i mean that i need to leave spain for a moment, i need to do some really important things» she explained «why didn't you tell us before!?» he exclaimed «i wasn't ready, and i just want to ask you Sara if it's okey to stay with Pedri by yourself?» she asked, i take a look at Pedri and find him already looking at me waiting for an answer, i mean it really sweet to ask for my opinion «it completely fine ms Martina!» i answered smiling «thank you so much I'm so glad to have both of you» she claimed then hugs us, i could feel that she trust us.

We finish our breakfast and doing the dishes until we hear the door bell rings, «can you open it please?» Pedri ordered «sure!» i stoped what i was doing and go to open the door, i open it and find Pablo standing there, «what do you want?» I asked «well it not your house» he rolls his eyes shoves me and get into the house, i close the door behind him and follow him.

Hope you enjoyed this <3
Well we're definitely enemies.
Good reading <33

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