Chapter 8

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«I'm Martina's son!» Pedri announced «wait what? I mean really!?» i answered shocked by the news but try to hide it, «well how I'm supposed to know your name then?» he exclaimed smiling «i don't know to be honest, i still don't believe you, i- i mean I'm going to live with a famous footballer!?» «you should believe me, I'm not going to kidnap you trust me» he laughs and continues «and I'm going to live with a future famous actress» he shrugs «fine okey that enough, you actually know too much about me i believe you!» i roll my eyes for fun and we both laugh, After he takes some selfies with people all of them asked if we're dating, we just ignore the questions and leave the airport the fastest we can.

I'm sitting in the passenger seat, he's driving silently until he says « do you remember when we were young?» «well not really, i mean you're older then me you probably do!» i answered «yea i do, really bad memories» he declared laughing, «what do you mean bad memories?» i laugh at my turn while asking him, «well you hated me for an unknown reason!» he shrugs smiling, «What! i did?!» «and my last memory with you is that you puked all over me, i was traumatized to be honest i cried for a whole week!» he declared while i was dying of laughter, we laugh and discussed the whole road until we arrive our eyes all wet from laughing, and you discovered that he's not bad as he used to be.

«well we're here!» Pedri said, i get out of the car and ask him from the open window «you're not coming?» «not now I'm going to hung out with my friends a little, just knock at the door and my mom will open the door for you!» He announced «okey see ya then» i smile and he winks back and starts driving.

I walk to the front door, i knock and wait for some seconds until a woman opens it, «hello Saraa you grow up so much» Martina exclaimed with a big smile while hugging me, «hello ms Martina it a pleasure to meet you» i hug her back then let go, «come inside let me show you around» i get into the house and notice that it's huge, i mean her son is a footballer what did i expect, Martina showed me around and i was kind of lost, she showed me my room and it was twice the size of my old room, «hope you like it Sara!» Declared Martina behind «i love it ms Martina thank you so much for letting me stay with you!» «It's nothing compared to what your mother did to me» she announced with a smile and with that she left me there mesmerized by the house and thinking about what she just said.

I changed myself into something more comfortable and went down stairs to find Pedri sitting in the living room scrolling through his phone, «hey i was waiting for you!» i declared «oh hey i didn't want to bother you» he answered with a smile, he's always smiling when he talks it always gave him something extra, «no worries, I'm just a little lost here» i exclaimed and he laughs at my comment «you'll get use to it don't worry, Pablo was like that too!» he announced «well i hope so but who's Pablo?» i asked «you don't remember him either don't you?!» «should I ?» he laughs more and says «you were always fighting together!» «that doesn't look promising» «nah trust me he grows up now, he changed!» «thanks god i don't remember him» i roll my eyes and turn the tv on «well you will meet him anyways» he shrugs, i turn around to look at him then he burst out laughing «IT NOT FUNNY!» i throw a pillow at him, «okey okey!» he puts his hands in defense and coughs trying to hold his laugh, i turn my head to look at him again and we both burst out laughing.

I was watching a movie with Pedri until i received a text from Nour, it around 11Am so i supposed that she up now, i pick my phone and answer her.

Nour💕: hey how is everything there!?



Me: Martina's son!!

Nour💕: is he hot?😏

Me: What no i mean kinda but guess who it is!!

Nour💕: dunno wait is he famous?!




She didn't answer me for a second then i receive a call from her i pick up and hear a loud scream «OH MY FUCKING GOD SARA I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!!» Nour yelled through the phone «Omg Nour calm down» i laugh at her comment «i need proofs!» she claimed «fine turn your camera on» i said, Pedri looks at me with a questioning face, she turns her camera on and see her still on her bed, i turn the camera to face Pedri, he waves his hand in a salute «OMG WHATTT!!?» Nour yelled again, i turn the camera to me and say «believe me now?» i smirk, she doesn't answer i take a look at her and find her mouth open and shocked «tell him to follow my instagram!» Nour exclaimed «oh come on Nour!» i answered, Pedri heard her and laughs «k then I'm gonna leave you with your little love bird» she huffs rolls her eyes and hangs up the phone, i laugh at her jealousy and look at Pedri to see him laughing either.

Hope you enjoyed this
Some of Gavi in the next chapter!
Good reading <3

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