Chapter 19

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I turn around and look at him we're still really close so we almost kiss but I'm still frowning «what was that?!» he looks back at me with a questionable face «what was what?» «stop acting like you don't know you were laterally flirting with my best friend!» i exclaimed «What No i wasn't! What are you talking about?!» «you know what you guys will make a great couple so why not!» i said sarcastically «stop saying that, i was just trying to be nice.» he responded coldly «okey cool keep being nice then.» i get up from the couch to go but he grabs my hand just in time.

«Wait!» he declared «what do you want again?» «who's Liam?» He asked «none of your business let me go now!» he let go of my hand then i just leave the living room, when i meet Pedri on my way in the hallway «Something wrong?» he asked «I'm the one who's supposed to ask you that, you left the kitchen all upset something happened?» i responded «nothing let just forget about that» «well okey, and about tonight i don't think i will be able t-» Pedri cuts me in the middle of my sentence and says while smiling to me «you're not saying anything or not having any excuse you'll come to the game.» i smile back and answer «just let me finish Pedri!» he laughs at my comment and exclaims «fine continue» «i was Saying that i don't think that i can snuck out just like that, i don't want to loose my job plus i can talk to the director i might do something about it!» i announced, Pedri looks all happy about my news «okey i trust you on that» he winks at me then finish his way to the living room.

I'm sitting in my room bored so i decided to call my mom since it been a long time, after some rings she picks up «hello Sara i'm miss you so much my love!» i heard her saying «hi mom i miss you too!» «how is the life there?» she asked «good you know just a little complicated then i thought» «it's okey, i heard that Martina left so your alone with Pedri now, right?» «um yeah- i mean it's okey he's really cool we kinda have the same energy» i heard her giggle behind «my daughter is growing up now!» «come on mom it not what i meant!» we snicker about it «just let me know if you want anything okey!» «sure mom!» «okey darling I'll call you!» and with that she hangs up the phone.

I was swiping through my phone when i heard a knock on the door «yes?» i asked, nothing but after some seconds they decided to talk «can i get in?» «Gavi?» «yes..» «what do you want?» «to talk» «get in» he gets in but i didn't look at him and keep looking at my phone, he closes the door and sits next to me on my bed, «Pedri told me that you're coming tonight» He said «maybe.» i responded coldly «i guess you're still mad at me» i roll my eyes and answer while looking at him this time «yeah no shit Gavi!» «sooo you're mad because i was flirting with Nour?» «Not because of you dumbass, i just don't want you do get closer to my best friend!» i get up from the bed so im standing in front of him «yeah me either» he exclaimed «you what?» i asked with a weird face «i don't want you to get close to my best friend too!» «well i don't think you have choice, we live together he's my housemate!» «i know and i don't want anything to happen between you two» «Why not?!» «cause if you do I'll do the same.» he gets up his turn and comes closer «just don't.» he continued «oh so you're threatening me now! what is wrong with you?» «nothing! Don't take that as a threat i just don't want him to hurt you!» «he won't i know Pedri since i was young he can't do this to me!» «you trust me?» «no?!» he gets really closer this time and whispers in my ear «he's a player.» and with that he left my room leaving me standing there all confused.

"Did i just lie and told him that he'll hurt my best friend? Oh god yes, yes i did." I thought, i get down after that and find Pedri and Pablo sitting in the living room talking to each other something in Spanish well like usual i still don't get any crap «wanna go for a turn?» i asked smiling to them, they smile back when Pedri answers «sure let's go!» they get up when Pablo takes my hand and guides me to the front door, while Pedri go gets his key car, we're outside waiting for him to come «so did you think about?» he exclaimed «think about what?» i asked «come on stop joking around!» «can you please stop being stupid! I can't like Pedri he's like a big brother to me!» i claimed «but he can makes you feel in love with him don't forget that!» «so are you!» i declared while raising my eyebrows of evidence «what? No! I'm not i do love someone else anyway I'm- im just trying to protect you!» he announced i was disappointed «well protect yourself first.» i responded then Pedri shows up "does he really love someone else, well why do i care anyway"

We're sitting in the car I'm sitting in the passenger seat while Pablo is behind us and Pedri driving he looks a little bit off, «music?» i asked i take a look at Pablo he smiles at me as a yes while Pedri didn't move and keeps his eyes on the way, i put some music we're vibing to the rhythm of the music until he parked somewhere, i take a look from the window and find a big lake full with flamingos, geese, ducks and a lot of other animals like that, «it's gorgeous here!» i keep looking silently shocked by the view I've never seen something amazing like that before, nobody answered me so i take a look around me and find the car empty they must left before me, i leave the car my turn and find Pablo giving food to a duck it was cute to see him playing with animals and Pedri taking photos so i snick in and took some pictures with him while Pablo doing some weird positions behind us with all the extraordinary animals.

Hope you enjoyed this!
A Threat?
Good reading <3

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