Chapter 25

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I go down with mikky, she goes to frenkie and i go to find Pedri already looking at me while smiling «congratulations you did good!» i exclaimed, he scratches the back of his neck while getting redder then his natural blush «thanks, it's actually rare that me and Pablo score in the same game!» he announced «well I'm glad that my first time being here was really good» «good to hear that i hope you'll always be here for the next games» he smiles i smile back when Pablo approaches us and says «Hey!» «hi!» me and Pedri answered in sync «something wrong?» Pedri asked «No just taking a look» pablo claimed «well i guess i need to go now» i declared «why? stay with us before we get in» pablo exclaimed «i got things to do see you later» i said while going away «see you at home!» Pedri announced i smile as an answer then go.

I'm waiting for them outside, thirty minutes passed when Pablo shows up «come on let's get in the car», he exclaimed while avoiding eyes contact with me and just walk to Pedri's car and get in the passenger seat, i get in and sit there in silence and i noticed that he smells really good he probably took a shower inside ten minutes passed when i decided to ask him «Where is Pedri?» «inside.» he answered coldly «why are you ignoring me?» i interrogated «I'm not.» «you're totally are» i get closer to him and look at him he Finally turn around and make an eyes contact with his light brown eyes, we're so close to each other that I thought we were going to kiss, i get back a bit and he turns around «well you're acting like that i saw how you were looking at him!» he scolded me «what? Who? What are you talking about?!» i asked more confused «PEDRI!» he announced «pedri?! Really!» «you're totally in love come on stop i can see it in your eyes!» «you got to be kidding me!» i lay my head back and hold my forehead from stupidity «well you seem like you have eyes for a girl» i continued «what! how do you know?!» «i saw you» «i-» Pedri cuts Pablo with getting in the car.

«Congratulations for the yellow card» Pedri said to Pablo «shut up i didn't do it on purpose» «we all saw you, you pushed him pablo» i exclaimed «whatever» pablo claimed while rolling his eyes «for who was the heart?» Pedri asked «what heart?» Pablo interrogated «come on stop acting confused, who was that girl?» Pedri asked again «why do you care?» «just talk we're friends right!?» i declared «fine she's my girlfriend i kept it a secret cause i didn't want problems!» Pablo announced «WHAT?!» me and Pedri exclaimed in sync while looking at each other «something wrong?» pablo asked «you have a girlfriend and didn't tell us?» Pedri scolded him he didn't answer him so he just starts the car and drives home.

We arrived home, i go up to my room and change into my pyjamas.

The pyjamas:

(You can change it of course <3)

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(You can change it of course <3)

I'm sitting in my room while swiping through tiktok, most of the videos are about me, i quite tiktok and go take a shower when i finish i find a lot of missed calls from Nour so i decided to call her back, «where the hell where you?!» Nour asked «showering» i responded «whatever so how it was» «what was what?» «the game dumbass!» «oh yeah that» «something wrong?» «no nothing Everything's alright» «i know you come on talk!» «fine! Gavi has a girlfriend, he made a heart to her when he scored!» i announced «and why do you care? Omg wait! You like him?!» «NO!? Well i don't really know!» «yeah you really do!» «fine! Yes, yes i do but i don't know sometimes he's really nice and the other day he's an whole other person!» «Pedri is better i don't care» «no I'm not hearing you out Pablo's better» «fine whatever you want!» «well I'm going to sleep i guess see you tomorrow!» «see ya!» and with that i hung up the phone and go downstairs to get a glass of water.

I go downstairs and find Pablo and Pedri eating «why are you guys eating at this time?» i asked «hungry» Pedri responded with his mouth full with food «we don't talk with the mouth full!» i exclaimed while smiling and going to grab a glass «it disgusting» Pablo declared with his mouth full either «look who's talking!» Pedri claimed i laugh at his comment, they both looking at me when i assume while putting water in the glass «both of you are disgusting!» «says you!» Pablo exclaimed «good night assholes!» i claimed while leaving the kitchen and turn off the light «HEY THE LIGHTS» «SARA!» i go running to my room and close the door i drink my water, get in my bed and just sleep.

Hope you enjoyed this!
A girlfriend?
Next chapter soon!
Good reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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