Chapter 23

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I climb the wooden ladder when i miss a step and fall «OMG-» but don't feel anything so i open my eyes and find myself in Pablo's arm «you're okey?» he asked while looking at me with his beautiful brown eyes "wow.." i thought «Sara?» he continued «y-yeah so-sorry thanks I'm okey-» «you're sure?» he lets go of me «ho-how did you- you know» «reflex!» he exclaimed and shrugs «yeah reflex» i laugh uncomfortably «okey whatever now wanna go up?» he declared «all right come on!».

I go up and find a lot of pillows on the floor, snacks and a balcony which has a magnificent view while i was looking at the pink and orange sky i could see Pablo looking at me and smiling i turn around and make an eyes contact with him, he starts turning red for some reason, the silence is present while we're just looking at each other until he interrupt it «you like the surprise?» «i love it I've never had this before!» i responded while smiling back to him, he sits on one of pillows there and makes me a sign to come sit beside him, i approach him, sit and he pulls out a little box from a bakery «here» he claimed «what that?» «open it and find our by yourself» i open the box and find cinnamon rolls «OMG!» «i knew that you'll love it» «thanks you didn't have to you're so sweet!» i give him a little hug and watch him turning all red while scratching the back of his neck, then we just starts eating the snacks while chatting and looking at the mesmerizing view.

We're sitting in the balcony watching the sunset, our legs in the emptiness, our hair flies with the air and the warmth of the sun touching our skins, «how don't you remember everything we had here?» he asked «probably because of the traumatizing things that I've been through» i answered while shrugging «yeah i know» «how do you know?» «Sara we were neighbors, we used to hear everything» he announced while avoiding eyes contact «What-» i turn red of embarrassment or maybe anger or sadness «i can't believe you knew everything» i continued «I'm sorry, when you come back i tried to be nice with you but i couldn't i thought you were just like your dad I'm so sorry Sara» i didn't answer that and try to hold my tears, after some minutes i interrupt the silence and say «that why you hated me so much» «somehow, i mean that what i was thinking cause of my bad friends but not feeling» «what do you mean?» «well it didn't change very much in the feeling side» «i don't get it Gavi?!» «can you call me Pablo?» «why?» «only the "fans" call me Gavi and i hate that» «what if I'm a fan either?» i exclaimed while smiling to him and he finally look at me and smile back «that won't cause any problem» «knew it!» i get up and get inside to take pillow, he looking at me confused until i hit him with it «OM-» I'm laughing my ass out when he brings another pillow and hit me back and it ends in a battle of pillows.

We're chatting when Pablo receive a message when he answers it he turn to me and say «i think it time to go» «now? It not even night!» «well when the night shows we will already be in the stadium, get your ass up now», he gets up first then stretches his hand to help me, i look at it then at him and take it, we get down the treehouse then jump the fence and find Pedri's car waiting for us «Wait!» i exclaimed «something wrong?» Pablo asked «I'm sitting in the passenger seat!» «okey whatever you want spoiled princess!» «shut up and get in» we get in and find Pedri with a smirk on his face «so, how was it?» he interrogated «good, why?» i responded «nothing happened?» he asked while looking at me and Pablo «No nothing happened stop it now it getting awkward!» Pablo answered «why because something is supposed to happen?» i asked while they're both looking at me «whatever forget i asked» Pedri continued then just starts the car and drives to the stadium.

We arrived there and got in, all the players are in the lockers room and I'm sitting in the vip side where is every close member to the players, I'm a little bit lost cause it my first time being here, I'm looking for a seat until a blonde girl approaches me while smiling and tells me «Hey, you must be Sara right?» «oh hey yeah it's me!» i responded while smiling back «I'm mikky Frenkie's girlfriend» «nice to meet you mikky, well you already know me i guess» «nice to meet you too Sara I've heard a lot about you!» «how?» «frenkie told me when you were with them in the restaurant and that you live in Pedri's house for a moment!» «oh yeah that day, it was really good your boyfriend is really nice» «thanks and you have chance you live with a boy like Pedri» «let say that i live with two dumb boys!» i announced she giggled about it and responded «yeah Gavi it his best friend more like a brother to him they somehow live together» «i understand now cause since I'm here I've always seen him there» «when they're together they always act like children it funny» we laugh at her comment and i exclaim «and I'm always the mom!» we snicker then sit together in the front waiting for the game to start.

Hope you enjoyed this!
Romantic or sad?
Next chapter soon!
Good reading <3

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