Another day...

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Fell pov: It's just another day of this pitiful life of mine I get abused by my brother I go to work get made fun of and it repeats every single day maybe till I die it will continue here in underfell everything is hell... If only I could get that stupid Machine to work I could travel to another au an au where everyone is safe. "SANS GET DOWN HERE BEFORE I GET YOU MYSELF!" Shit I'm late I have to get downstairs before boss punishes me again. "WHY ARE YOU SO LATE *slap*" "S..s..orry b..boss" "Shut up and just eat before I throw away your plate." I wanted to eat today so I ran and sat in a chair across from my brother and started eating the food like there was no tomorrow. "Why do you eat so fast eat slower peasant" "tch sorry..." "That's enough food now leave AND DONT FALL ASLEEP YOU LITTLE SHIT!" I nodded vigorously before heading out just another day in Snowdin. I should probably take a short cut so I can get to my post before trouble happens. (Fell is currently at his post on his phone he looks at other aus and sees how happy they are it makes him insecure) "Heh...underswap looks so peaceful I wish I could go there oh wait there's another au! Outertale looks so amazing." I feel so insecure about myself when I look at these sanses or course I never respond because I don't know what to say aus always ask questions about others. (Fell feels pain in his chest) Ow..what the hell?! Why does my chest hurt so much *Whimper* Wait..DID I JUST WHIMPER?! Oh geez I'm glad boss isn't here he would've killed me.....This chest pain won't go away I lifted up my shirt to see the scar that has always been there *sigh* Ever since the human stopped coming this scar has been aching more that usual...could something be happening (Fell passes out decreasing his hp to 0.3)

Word count:371

First chapter of book 4! Make sure to check out the other books first so you understand what's going on they're not that long.

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