Discharge gone wrong?

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A few days later

Fell pov: I started to walk again and today was the day I would be released I'm so excited I get to leave this place! I just have to wait a few more hours until science comes back with my final results for the last test I did but for now I'm gonna go explore this hospital. (Fells walks out of his room feeling dizzy but he just kept walking) This place is huge! There's even a kids section for the young ones how lovely... I must continue I want to see every inch of this place. Back in underfell we didn't have healing supplies nor med kits if someone was injured they would just be told to *suck it up* or *walk it off* tch I just had to be born in a messed up world....Oh well each au needs a sans I suppose I then heard the speakers it was science! "Can fell please come to the waiting room?" I wonder why he wants me to go in the waiting room only one way to find out..I teleported to the waiting room to see classic ant the bad sanses? "What are you guys doing here?" "Fell it has come to my realization that your au is not safe so I'm sending you to go live with nightmare and his gang." My heart sank at those words I won't see my brother again "Go pack your bags we will be waiting!" I ran to room 01 silently crying I opened the door sat on the floor and started packing while hot tears were rolling down. I couldn't hold back anymore I cried violently after what seemed like forever I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked to see who it was it was classic must've heard me.. "Fell? What's wrong?" I didn't respond I tugged onto his sweater sobbing into it he didn't mind he just waited until I calmed down after a few minutes he picked up my stuff I followed him. When we go there error had a portal opened we all went inside I put my hood up and hands in pocket thinking about how I would never see my brother again it must've been hours until I finally felt a tap it was once again Classic "You ok fell? You seem to be deep in thought." "M fine can we just keep going?" "If you say so."

1 hour later

(Fell was surprised when they ended up in underfell they started walking until fell saw a familiar figure


Fell papyrus-fell?!

Word count:439


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