Why didn't you just ask?

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Error pov: Shit why would classic use the machine he could've just asked us poor thing....I better bring him upstairs and nightmare can probably heal him if not the least make him wake up. Oh god...the side effects will nightmare even be able to save him? I should get him to nightmare as fast as possible. I picked him up with my strings and rushed up the the stairs horror looked at us in fear and screamed for nightmare I layed classic on the couch while I heard nightmare screaming at everyone for supplies a few seconds after science sans appeared and I don't know how but he was just there with a whole bunch of medical stuff. (Lol imagine this scene in your head see how chaotic it would be) "EVERYONE MOVE ASIDE I NEED TO SEE IF HES BREATHING!" Horror was having a full on panic attack in the corner and killer was comforting him while me nightmare and dust were all staring at classic with worried eyes. "Alright everyone he's breathing he just needs some rest also the reason he was down there was because a sans from a far away au is at 0.3 hp I don't know how long they have left but once he wakes up I suggest asking him what au is it I will come along I won't let any sans suffer every again." "Thanks science we're glad to have you on board." We all were sitting in our chairs in the kitchen killer still comforting horror while we talked about what we would do and how far the au was turns out it's one of the top 10 to exist and it would be a long journey but as long as this sans stayed alive we could save him. It's been a few hours and he still hasn't woken up nightmare is starting to get worried and science has to make sure he's breathing every now and then just how hurt is this au? We all suddenly heard someone whimpering and when we went to the living room classic was awake he was just in lots of pain nightmare is gonna try and talk to him and hopefully we can more info.

Nightmare pov: "classic you could've just asked error to open you a portal" "I w..w..anted t..to help on my own" "That's risky you could've died sans!" I was angry angry that he would put his life short for another au he is the one we all need to live. Not some other au but if he wants to help this au then we will support him all the way thru. He told us a little more about the au and  what supply we needed and how far it would be. Turns out it's taking 4 days to reach this au all we can do is pray and hope that the sans will hold on a little longer.

Word count:505

Idk what I just wrote but it's something alright.

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