Something different

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Science pov: Another day another test. "Fell are you ready? Today we are going to try something different." I then did something that I knew he would back away for I pulled out a syringe and filled it up with bone marrow growth support. "Woah do we really have to do this?" "Im sorry fell but you just lost to much bone marrow in your arm." *Whimper* f...f..ine." I slowly walked towards him while I sat myself in a chair I rolled up his sleeve figuring out where to inject it. I decided to inject it in his elbow I mean sure it would hurt but I feel like it would work more effectively there "Fell are you sure your ready for this? You can hold my hand if you want." "S...s.ure" He gently held my hand while I slowly injected it halfway thru I could feel his grip getting tighter and sweat was trickling down his skull. "Im sorry" "your just doing your job now hurry up will ya?" "Right" and with one finale press the injection was over. "It should support building up stronger bones to make them as normal as possible." "Thank you...." "Just doing my job" and with that I left knowing he would get better soon.

Fell pov: Dang it that was painful as fuck! I really need to rest but the pain is killing me! I can't wait to get out of this stupid hospital I can go see my brother again and maybe classic as well...No I doubt he would want someone as broken as me *sob* I miss him all of a sudden ugh what's wrong with me I guess this is the reason boss told me not to fall in love ever. I seriously need to stay awake longer I've never slept this much but at the same time I barely sleep at home.....Oh well I better cherish this moment be I have a feeling I won't be sleeping for a long long time....

Word count:350

Last chapter of the day see y'all tomorrow  afternoon

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