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2 days later

Nightmare pov: We finally arrived to the au but the minute the portal closed error passed out killer whispered a quiet thank you before catching him. I looked around the au it was so red... it was kinda like classic's but more...edgy I suppose you could put it that way but still I could feel negativity more than I could ever imagine just how unhappy are these monsters? Classic jumped out of my arms and was searching the place inch by inch and science was observing error. I used one of my tentacles to carry error while the other 3 were following classic I didn't want him getting lost the first 10 minutes we were in here that skeleton can get so lost I remember once in high school we were on a trip and he ran away from us I guess he was scared. We've bonded quite well tho I've just been super cautious on where he goes I fear one day we will all wake up and find him gone. The mood in this place is unpleasant we were walking thru the forest it seemed longer than usual classic was still ahead and running I almost lost him but I managed to grip on his waist just so I could make sure he's ok hopefully we find this sans soon because 0.3 hp is close to dusting. Speaking of dust where is he? Oh right he went back to his au for a bit guess he wants to change a reset or something. It took us 30 minutes to finally reach a post there was nothing in the post or so we thought....I heard classic scream when he went inside. We saw an unconscious skeleton whimpering for help....Science brought a machine and hooked him to it while examining him he had broken ribs a twisted finger and a fractured skull. I had never seen classic so worried about a skeleton that he just met. Science demanded we go to his au so I woke up error and he opened a portal it didn't take long for us to reach his au. Science took the patient to room 01 heh....Memories.

Word count:388

Here y'all go another chapter made by your truly....,Az (Call me Az I like the name)

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