What's dust doing?

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Dust pov: I decided to take a break from the group and go back to my au. I waited in my bed that was full of dust for another reset then I remembered that I officially killed frisk and locked away her determination. "Great just great now I can never get my brother back *sob*" "Oh gee- I'm crying again as if things can't get any worse..." (Dust puts his hand on his eye sockets trying to hold back tears.) *hic* I better start packing my memory is getting worse and I need to bring a few things with me.... I decided to take a family photo ,some of my brothers action figures, my bed sheets, Dads glasses...., *hic* Pull it together dust your the one who killed them after all. I don't deserve to be upset over something I did I'm honestly pathetic I don't deserve to be loved by anyone I'm a monster..,no I shouldn't think such, I need to get outta here somewhere I can't open portals. I'll just wait outside for someone or any portal to open up.

Word count:195

I forgot about dust so here's a chapter about him.

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